Alergia w rodzinach - Dotychczasowe wyniki

Dotychczasowe wyniki
Prezentacja wyników naukowych badania z 2003 i 2012 roku
Artykuły naukowe przedstawiające dotychczasowe wyniki badań

Atopy and asthma in rural Poland: a paradigm for the emergence of childhood respiratory allergies in Europe, Allergy, 2007, vol. 62, nr 4, s. 394-400

Consumption of unpasteurized milk and its effects on atopy and asthma in children and adult inhabitants in rural Poland, Allergy, 2013, vol. 68, nr 5, s. 644-650

Atopy and allergic respiratory disease in rural Poland before and after accession to the European Union, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2014, vol. 133, nr 5, s. 1347-1353

Atopy: a mirror of environmental changes? Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2014, vol. 133, nr 5, 1354-1355

Changes in atopy prevalence and sibship effect in rural population at all ages, Allergy, 2015, vol. 70, nr 6, s. 661-666

Changes in the prevalence of cigarette smoking and quitting smoking determinants in adult inhabitants of rural areas in Poland between 2003 and 2012, Public Health, 2016, vol. 141, s. 178-184

Atopia i choroby alergiczne u mieszkańców wsi, Lekarz Wojskowy, 2017, vol. 95, nr 1, s. 23-26