Department of Pharmacognosy and Herbal Medicines

ul. Borowska 211a, 50-556 Wrocław
see where we are - use the Google map

Integrated Education and Innovation Centre of the Faculty of Pharmacy 
 floor 3

Up-to-date information for students




Anna Hostyńska, MA
+48 71 78 40 220



Prof. Zbigniew Sroka, PhD
+48 71 78 40 221



Anna Hostyńska, MA
(independent administrator)
+48 71   78 40 220


Prof. Izabela Fecka, MD, PhD,
+48 71   78 40 681, 78 40 225

Prof. Zbigniew Sroka, MD, PhD,
+48 71   78 40 221

Assistant Professors

Michał Gleńsk, MD, PhD,
+48 71   78 40 223

Adam Kowalczyk, MD, PhD,
+48 71   78 40 222

Piotr Kuś, MD, PhD,
+48 71   78 40 211

Assistant Professors

Piotr Okińczyc, MD, PhD,
+48 71   78 40 216

Danuta Raj, MD, PhD,
+48 71   78 40 217

Maciej Włodarczyk, MD, PhD,
+48 71   78 40 223

PhD students

Aneta Starzec, MA
+48 71   78 40 216

Katarzyna Bednarska, MA, Pharmacy
+48 71   78 40 224

Maciej Spiegel, MA, Pharmacy
+48 71   78 40 216

Engineering and technical employees

Beata Żbikowska, MA
(specialist in the engineering and technical group)
+48 71   78 40 222

Kazimierz Piątek, MA
(specialist in the engineering and technical group)
+48 71   78 40 414

Marzena Ruszkiewicz
(independent technician)
+48 71   78 40 224

last update: 6 June 2023

Didactic activity

last update: 15 June 2023


for the Faculty of Pharmacy - Pharmacy

  • Pharmacy year III - Pharmacognosy - 9 ECTS credits
  • Pharmacy year IV - Medicines of Natural Origin - 2 ECTS credits
  • Pharmacy year V - PhD students - 20 ECTS credits
  • Elective courses
  • Ethnomedicine and Ethnopharmacy (year I - III of Pharmacy, co-lead) -  Adam Kowalczyk, PhD, Danuta Raj, PhD
  • Psychoactive Substances of Natural Origin (year IV - V of Pharmacy and Medical Analytics) - Adam Kowalczyk, PhD
  • Traditional Medicinal Systems (year II of Pharmacy) - Adam Kowalczyk, PhD, Danuta Raj, PhD
  • international students (ERASMUS, summer exchange programmes, diploma theses)
  • Student Scientific Club (III - V year of Pharmacy)

for the Faculty of Pharmacy - Dietetics

  • I year Dietetics 1° - Biologically Active Compounds in Food / Fundamentals of Pharmacognosy - 6 ECTS credits
  • II - III year of Dietetics 1° - BA students - 1 ECTS credits
  • II year of Dietetics 2° - Herbal Medicines / Phytotherapy - 3 ECTS credits
  • I - II year of Dietetics 2° - PhD students - 6 ECTS credits

for the Faculty of Medicine

  • elective course - Medicines of Natural Origin - Danuta Raj, PhD

for the Doctoral School

  • PhD students -  Izabela Fecka, PhD, Zbigniew Sroka, PhD


Scientific activity

last update: 3 October 2022

Research directions

  • isolation and identification of natural phenols and polyphenols, saponins, triterpenes, steroids, alkaloids, tannins, coumarins
  • search for natural scavengers of free radicals and antioxidants
  • honey testing: determination of the content and composition of volatile substances
  • essential oils testing: determination of the content and composition of volatile substances
  • standardisation of plant substances (raw materials) and plant-based medicines
  • for details see publications tab

Specialist equipment

  • Knauer HPLC system with UV/VIS detection, DAD (analytical chromatography)
  • two Knauer HPLC systems with UV detection, single-scope type (analytical and semi-preparative chromatography)
  • Büchi flash LC system
  • Desaga TLC densitometer with applicator
  • spectrophotometers by Hitachi, Cecil and Carl Zeiss
  • Christ lyophilisers and rotary vacuum concentrator
  • Baker SPE systems
  • Büchi vacuum evaporators


of the employees of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Herbal Medicines, Wroclaw Medical University

last update: 6 June 2023


Fecka Izabela, Bednarska Katarzyna, Kowalczyk Adam
In vitro antiglycation and methylglyoxal trapping effect of peppermint leaf (Mentha × piperita L.) and its polyphenols
Molecules 2023, 28(6): art.2865

Pielorz Sonia, Fecka Izabela, Bernacka Karolina, Mazurek Sylwester
Quantitative determination of polyphenols and flavonoids in Cistus × incanus on the basis of IR, NIR and Raman spectra
Molecules 2023, 28(1): art.161

Raj Danuta, Węglorz Jakub
Pułapki i meandry. Trudności poznawcze i interpretacyjne towarzyszące badaniom przyczyn i przebiegu chorób w przeszłości (Traps and meanders. Cognitive and interpretative difficulties accompanying analyses of the causes and course of past diseases)
Quarterly Journal of the History of Science and Technology 2023, 68(1): pp. 49-62

Selahi Daniel, Spiegel Maciej, Hadzik Jakub, Pitułaj Artur, Michalak Filip, Kubasiewicz-Ross Paweł, Dominiak Marzena
The appliance of A-PRF and CGF in the treatment of impacted mandibular third molar extraction sockets - narrative review
Applied Sciences 2023, 13(1): art.165

Spiegel Maciej, Ciardullo Giada, Marino Tiziana, Russo Nino
Computational investigation on the antioxidant activities and on the Mpro SARS-CoV-2 non-covalent inhibition of isorhamnetin
Frontiers in Chemistry 2023, 11: art.1122880

Spiegel Maciej, Sroka Zbigniew
Quantum-mechanical characteristics of apigenin: Antiradical, metal chelation and inhibitory properties in physiologically relevant media
Fitoterapia 2023, 164: art.105352

Spiegel Maciej, Cel Katarzyna, Sroka Zbigniew
The mechanistic insights into the role of pH and solvent on antiradical and prooxidant properties of polyphenols - Nine compounds case study
Food Chemistry 2023, 407: art.134677

Spiegel Maciej, Adamo Carlo
Tuning the photophysical properties of Ru(II) photosensitizers for PDT by protonation and metallation: a DFT study
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2023, 127(16): pp. 3625–3635

Starzec Aneta, Włodarczyk Maciej, Kunachowicz Dominika, Dryś Andrzej, Kepinska Marta, Fecka Izabela
Polyphenol profile of Cistus × incanus L. and its relevance to antioxidant effect and α-glucosidase inhibition
Antioxidants 2023, 12(3): art.553

Widelski Jarosław, Okińczyc Piotr, Suśniak Katarzyna, Malm Anna, Bozhadze Anna, Jokhadze Malkhaz, Korona-Głowniak Izabela
Correlation between chemical profile of Georgian propolis extracts and their activity against Helicobacter pylori
Molecules 2023, 28(3): art.1374

Widelski Jarosław, Gaweł-Bęben Katarzyna, Czech Karolina, Paluch Emil, Bortkiewicz Olga, Kozachok Solomiia, Mroczek Tomasz, Okińczyc Piotr
Extracts from European propolises as potent tyrosinase inhibitors
Molecules 2023, 28(1): art.55

Widelski Jarosław, Okińczyc Piotr, Suśniak Katarzyna, Malm Anna, Paluch Emil, Sakipov Asanali, Zhumashova Gulsim, Ibadullayeva Galiya, Sakipova Zuriyadda, Korona-Głowniak Izabela
Phytochemical profile and antimicrobial potential of propolis samples from Kazakhstan
Molecules, 2023, 28(7): art.2984

Habilitation theses

prepared in the Department of Pharmacognosy and Herbal Medicines,
Wroclaw Medical University

last update: 3 October 2022


Kowalczyk Adam
Analiza fitochemiczna związków lotnych i polifenolowych w wybranych taksonach rodziny Asteraceae L. i Lamiaceae L.
 (Phytochemical analysis of volatile and polyphenolic compounds in selected taxa of the Asteraceae L. and Lamiaceae L. families), PhD thesis
Woclaw Medical University, Wrocław 2022

Gleńsk Michał
Izolacja i analiza związków pochodzenia naturalnego wywodzących się biogenetycznie od kwasu szikimowego oraz skwalenu z wybranych substancji roślinnych
 (Isolation and analysis of compounds of natural origin biogenetically derived from shikimic acid and squalene from selected plant substances), PhD thesis
Woclaw Medical University, Wrocław 2021

Kuś Piotr Marek
Badania fitochemiczne produktów pszczelich i substancji roślinnych przetwarzanych przez pszczoły: tożsamość, jakość i różnorodność
 (Phytochemical studies of bee products and plant substances processed by bees: identity, quality and diversity), PhD thesis
Woclaw Medical University, Wrocław 2019

Fecka Izabela
Związki wielofenolowe w wybranych farmakopealnych substancjach roślinnych z rodzin Lamiaceae i Rosaceae
 (Multi-phenolic compounds in selected pharmacopoeial plant substances from the Lamiaceae and Rosaceae families), PhD thesis
Woclaw Medical University, Wrocław 2010

Sroka Zbigniew
Aktywność przeciwutleniająca i przeciwwolnorodnikowa wyciągów roślinnych oraz związków fenolowych pochodzących z roślin
 (Antioxidant and anti-free radical activity of plant extracts and phenolic compounds derived from plants), PhD thesis
Woclaw Medical University, Wrocław 2007


Cisowski Wojciech
Badania fitochemiczne niektórych roślin leczniczych z rodziny Umbelliferae w zakresie pochodnych benzo-α- i -γ-pironu
 (Phytochemical studies of some medicinal plants from the Umbelliferae family in terms of benzo-α- and -γ-pyrone derivatives), PhD thesis
Woclaw Medical University, Wrocław 1986

Lamer-Zarawska Eliza
Badania chemiczne i taksonomiczne niektórych gatunków Juniperus
 (Chemical and taxonomic studies of some Juniperus species), PhD thesis
Woclaw Medical University, Wrocław 1980

Rządkowska-Bodalska Halina
Chemotaksonomiczne badania hodowanych w kraju gatunków rodzaju Celastrus
 (Chemotaxonomic study of domestically bred species of the Celastrus genus), PhD thesis
Woclaw Medical University, Wrocław 1971
short version published in 1973

Olechnowicz-Stepień Waleria
Badanie związków flawonoidowych w niektórych gatunkach rodzaju Evonymus
 (Study of flavonoid compounds in some species of the Evonymus genus), PhD thesis
Woclaw Medical University, Wrocław 1971
short version published in 1973

Doctoral theses

prepared in the Department of Pharmacognosy and Herbal Medicines,
Wroclaw Medical University

last update: 2 February 2023


Agnieszka Bodalska
Ocena zawartości i stabilności związków polifenolowych w produktach leczniczych zawierających przetwory z wybranych substancji roślinnych z rodziny Lamiaceae
 (Evaluation of the content and stability of polyphenolic compounds in medicinal products containing preparations from selected plant substances of the Lamiaceae family), PhD thesis (supervisor: Izabela Fecka, supporting supervisor: Adam Kowalczyk)
Wroclaw Medical University, Wrocław 2022

Piotr Okińczyc
Charakterystyka fitochemiczna oraz aktywność biologiczna różnych rodzajów propolisów oraz ich źródeł roślinnych
 (Phytochemical characteristics and biological activity of various types of propolis and their plant sources), PhD thesis (supervisor: Sroka Zbigniew)
Wroclaw Medical University, Wrocław 2018

Nowicka Agnieszka
Badania związków wielofenolowych oraz innych składników aktywnych owoców i liści wybranych odmian uprawnych Fragaria × ananassa Duch. (Analyses of polyphenolic compounds and other active ingredients of fruits and leaves of selected cultivars of Fragaria × ananassa Duch.),
PhD thesis (supervisor: Fecka Izabela)
Wroclaw Medical University, Wrocław 2017

Biskup Izabela
Badania kliniczno-kontrolne związku pomiędzy poziomem alkilorezorcynoli a rozwojem cukrzycy typu 2 oraz wstępna ocena cytotoksyczności in vitro alkilorezorcynoli izolowanych z otrąb zbożowych
 (Case-control studies of the correlation between the level of alkylresorcinols and the development of type 2 diabetes and the preliminary assessment of in vitro cytotoxicity of alkylresorcinols isolated from cereal bran), PhD thesis (supervisor: Fecka Izabela)
Wroclaw Medical University, Wrocław 2016

Kuś Piotr
Charakterystyka fitochemiczna i klasyfikacja wybranych polskich miodów oraz ocena ich aktywności biologicznej
 (Phytochemical characteristics and classification of selected Polish honeys and assessment of their biological activity), PhD thesis (supervisor: Sroka Zbigniew)
Wroclaw Medical University, Wrocław 2014

Raj Danuta
Badania biotechnologiczne nad akumulacją związków alkaloidowych w kulturach in vitro Securinega suffruticosa
 (Biotechnological studies on the accumulation of alkaloid compounds in in vitro cultures of Securinega suffruticosa), PhD thesis (supervisor: Łuczkiewicz Maria)
Wroclaw Medical University, Wrocław 2011

Włodarczyk Maciej
Badania fitochemiczne cedrzyńca kalifornijskiego (Calocedrus decurrens (Torr.) Florin), źródła związków naturalnych o potencjalnym znaczeniu dla lecznictwa
 (Phytochemical studies of California cedar (Calocedrus decurrens (Torr.) Florin), a source of natural compounds of potential importance for medicine), PhD thesis (supervisor: Cisowski Wojciech)
Wroclaw Medical University, Wrocław 2011


Turek Sebastian
Otrzymywanie związków naturalnych i ich syntetycznych pochodnych oraz badanie aktywności tych połączeń w oddziaływaniu z kinazą kazeinową 2
 (Preparation of natural compounds and their synthetic derivatives and analysis of the activity of those combinations in interaction with casein kinase 2), PhD thesis (supervisor: Cisowski Wojciech)
Wroclaw Medical University, Wrocław 2007

Fecka Izabela
Badanie frakcji polifenolowej wybranych gatunków rodzaju Erodium
 (Analysis of the polyphenolic fraction of selected species of the Erodium genus), PhD thesis (supervisor: Cisowski Wojciech, Rządkowska-Bodalska Halina)
Wroclaw Medical University, Wrocław 2000

Gleńsk Michał
Badanie frakcji saponinowej z korzeni lepnicy rozdętej (Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke)
 (Analysis of the saponin fraction from the roots of Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke)), PhD thesis (supervisor: Cisowski Wojciech)
Wroclaw Medical University, Wrocław 1999

Kowalczyk Adam
Badanie frakcji polifenolowej wybranych gatunków rodziny Dipsacaceae
 (Analysis of the polyphenol fraction of selected species from the Dipsacaceae family), PhD thesis (supervisor: Rządkowska-Bodalska Halina)
Wroclaw Medical University, Wrocław 1998

Kowalczyk Bożena
Badanie składników lipofilnych liści jesionu wyniosłego (Fraxinus excelsior L.)
 (Analysis of the lipophilic components of the leaves of the ash tree (Fraxinus excelsior L.)), PhD thesis (supervisor: Olechnowicz-Stępień Waleria)
Wroclaw Medical University, Wrocław 1990


Burzańska-Hermann Zdzisława
Badanie związków flawonoidowych w krajowych gatunkach rodzaju Mentha L.
 (Analysis of flavonoid compounds in domestic species of the Mentha L. genus), PhD thesis (supervisor: Olechnowicz-Stępień Waleria)
Wroclaw Medical University, Wrocław 1975

Cisowski Wojciech
Badanie związków flawonoidowych w niektórych gatunkach rodzaju Peucedanum L.
(Analysis of flavonoid compounds in some species of the Peucedanum L. genus), PhD thesis (supervisor: Bodalski Tadeusz, Rządkowska-Bodalska Halina)
Wroclaw Medical University, Wrocław 1973


Malcher Ewa (from the Laboratory of Toxicological and Forensic Chemistry at Wroclaw Medical University)
Wyodrębnienie i identyfikacja związków flawonoidowych ziela Lathyrus pratensis L.
 (Isolation and identification of flavonoid compounds of the Lathyrus pratensis L. herb), PhD thesis (supervisor: Bodalski Tadeusz)
Wroclaw Medical University, Wrocław 1968

Lamer Eliza
Związki flawonoidowe Thuja occidentalis L.
 (Flavonoid compounds of Thuja occidentalis L.), PhD thesis (supervisor: Bodalski Tadeusz)
Wroclaw Medical University, Wrocław 1967

Rządkowska-Bodalska Halina
Nowe glikozydy flawonolowe w kwiatach rezedy żółtej (Reseda lutea L.)
 (New flavonol glycosides in the flowers of Reseda lutea L.), PhD thesis (supervisor: Mądalski Józef)
Wroclaw Medical University, Wrocław 1964

Olechnowicz-Stępień Waleria
Otrzymywanie głównych składników krystalicznej frakcji olejku eterycznego korzenia omanu wielkiego (Inula helenium L.) oraz określenie ich działania fungistatycznego
 (Isolation of the main components of the crystalline fraction of the elecampane essential oil (Inula helenium L.) and determination of their fungistatic activity), PhD theis (supervisor: Bodalski Tadeusz)
Wroclaw Medical University, Wrocław 1962

Barańska Krystyna
Badanie niektórych zwiazków flawonoidowych występujacych w zielu Bidens tripartitus L.
 (Analysis of some flavonoid compounds found in the Bidens tripartitus L. herb), PhD thesis (supervisor: Bodalski Tadeusz)
Wroclaw Medical University, Wrocław 1961

Olszewski Zenon (from the Division of Applied Pharmacy at Wroclaw Medical University)
Folium Juglandis regiae jako surowiec garbnikowy i preparaty z niego otrzymywane
 (Folium Juglandis regiae as a tannin raw material and preparations obtained from it), PhD thesis (supervisor: Bodalski Tadeusz)
Wroclaw Medical University, Wrocław 1952

Patents and patent applications

of the employees of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Herbal Medicines,
Wroclaw Medical University

last update: 3 October 2022

Dymarska Monika, Kostrzewa-Susłow Edyta, Grzeszczuk Jakub, Pląskowska Elżbieta, Janeczko Tomasz, Fecka Izabela
Method of producing 7-O-β-D-4" -methoxyglucopyranosylflavanone
WUP 2020.03.31, PL 234610 (B1)
BUP 2017.01.16, PL 417789 (A1)
Application submitted on 30 June 2016

Włodarczyk Maciej, Gleńsk Michał
The use of Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz seeds as a mucilage agent
WUP 2019.07.31, PL 232676 (B1)
BUP 2016.12.05, PL 412531 (A1)
Application submitted on 29 May 2015

Okińczyc Piotr, Strojny Tomasz, Szumny Antoni, Sroka Zbigniew
Mite control preparation
WUP 2018.02.28, PL 228027 (B1)
BUP 2016.12.05, PL 412414 (A1)
Application submitted on 21 May 2015

Franiczek Roman, Gleńsk Michał, Krzyżanowska Barbara, Włodarczyk Maciej
Pharmaceutical composition containing nystatin and β-escin or their pharmaceutically acceptable salts and its use
WUP 2018.11.30, PL 230633 (B1)
BUP 2016.04.11, PL 409699 (A1)
Application submitted on 3 October 2014

Włodarczyk Maciej, Gleńsk Michał
Method for obtaining osajin and pomiferin
WUP 2016.05.31, PL 221710 (B1)
BUP 2014.04.14, PL 401066 (A1)
Application submitted on 5 October 2012

Włodarczyk Maciej, Rusok Grażyna, Szumny Antoni, Wińska Katarzyna
Use of the roots of Althaea officinalis L. and Alcea rosea L. (Althaea rosea (L.) Cav.) to produce natural flavours
WUP 2015.03.31, PL 219137 (B1)
BUP 2014.02.17, PL 400353 (A1)
Application submitted on 13 August 2012

Sroka Zbigniew, Kolasa Agnieszka, Koncicki Andrzej, Franiczek Roman, Słupski Marcin
Pharmaceuticals that increase resistance to infections and stress in birds
WUP 2014.02.28, PL 216035 (B1)
BUP 2007.10.29, PL 379577 (A1)
Application submitted on 28 April 2006

Sroka Zbigniew, Kolasa Agnieszka
Pharmaceuticals for the ancillary treatment of infectious diseases in birds
WUP 2011.04.29, PL 208366 (B1)
BUP 2007.03.05, PL 376876 (A1)
Application submitted on 2 September 2005

Sroka Zbigniew, Cisowski Wojciech
 Method of producing food fats resistant to oxidation
WUP 2005.10.31, PL 189944 (B1)
BUP 2001.06.04, PL 336731 (A1)
Application submitted on 24 November 1999

Sroka Zbigniew, Cisowski Wojciech
 Method of testing the effectiveness of antioxidants
WUP 2005.12.30, PL 190416 (B1)
BUP 2000.11.20, PL 333148 (A1)
Application submitted on 13 May 1999

Olechnowicz-Stępień Waleria, Banach Romuald, Cisowski Wojciech, Lamer-Zarawska Eliza
Method for determining the presence of scopolamine or its salt in the Boldo alkaloid mixture
WUP 1985.09.30, PL 134711 (B1)
BUP 1983.10.24, PL 241873 (A1)
Application submitted on 9 May 1983

Olechnowicz-Stępień Waleria, Lamer-Zarawska Eliza, Kędzia Bogdan
Method for producing an antibacterial agent
WUP 1983.06.30, PL 125893 (B2)
BUP 1981.11.13, PL 229142 (A1)
Application submitted on 1 August 1981

Olechnowicz-Stępień Waleria, Lamer-Zarawska Eliza, Kędzia Bogdan
Method for producing an antibacterial agent
WUP 1983.06.30, PL 125892 (B2)
BUP 1981.11.13, PL 229141 (A1)
Application submitted on 1 August 1981

Rządkowska-Bodalska Halina, Olechnowicz-Stępień Waleria, Lamer-Zarawska Eliza, Cisowski Wojciech, Borys Aleksander
Method of reactivation of tailings sites
WUP 1983.07.31, refusal
BUP 1979.04.23, PL 207806 (A1)
Application submitted on 20 June 1978

Tołpa Stanisław, Kukla Stanisław, Rządkowska-Bodalska Halina, Olechnowicz-Stępień Waleria, Czyżewski Wojciech, Adamek Witold, Dec Józef, Dudek Zygmunt, Wróbel-Pieciul Henryka
Method for obtaining an anticancer preparation from acidified alkaline hydrolysate from peat
WUP 1982.12.31, PL 124110 (B1)
BUP 1979.12.03, PL 201762 (A1)
Application submitted on 25 October 1977


implemented in the Department of Pharmacognosy and Herbal Medicines,
Wroclaw Medical University

last update: 3 October 2022

last update: 3 October 2022

Prof. Józef Mądalski, PhD (* 1902 - † 1995)

  • 1946-1949 Head of the Department of Botany and Pharmacognosy with the Botanical Garden of Medicinal Plants of Wroclaw Medical University and Technical University
  • 1949-1950 Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy of Wroclaw Medical Academy
  • students - PhD theses:
  • 1958 Tadeusz Kowal, PhD
  • 1958 Stanisław Marek, PhD
  • 1960 Eugeniusz Kuźniewski, PhD
  • 1961 Czesław Bańkowski, PhD
  • 1964 Halina Rządkowska-Bodalska, PhD
  • 1966 Jan Serwatka, PhD
  • 1968 Marian Ciaciura, PhD

Prof. Tadeusz Bodalski, PhD (* 1905 - † 1972)

  • 1968-1970 Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Botany of Wroclaw Medical Academy
  • 1970-1972 Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy at the Biological and Pharmaceutical Institute of Wroclaw Medical Academy
  • students - PhD theses:
  • 1952 Zenon Olszewski, PhD
  • 1961 Krystyna Barańska, PhD
  • 1962 Waleria Olechnowicz-Stępień, PhD
  • 1967 Eliza Lamer, PhD
  • 1968 Ewa Malcher, PhD

Prof. Halina Rządkowska-Bodalska, PhD (* 1927 - † 2020)

  • 1972-1979 Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy at the Biological and Pharmaceutical Institute of Wroclaw Medical Academy
  • 1979-1981 Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy at the Medicines Institute of Wroclaw Medical Academy
  • 1981-1997 Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy of Wroclaw Medical Academy
  • students - PhD theses:
  • 1973 Wojciech Cisowski, PhD
  • 1998 Adam Kowalczyk, PhD

Prof. Waleria Olechnowicz-Stępień, PhD (* 1927 - † 1993)

  • students - PhD theses
  • 1975 Zdzisława Burzańska-Herman, PhD
  • 1990 Bożena Kowalczyk, PhD

Prof. Wojciech Cisowski, PhD (* 1937)

  • 1997-2008 Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy of Wroclaw Medical Academy
  • students - PhD theses
  • 1993 Mirosława Krauze-Baranowska, PhD (from Medical University of Gdańsk)
  • 1997 Maria Łuczkiewicz (from Medical University of Gdańsk)
  • 1999 Atef Ahmed El-Hela, PhD (from Medical University of Gdańsk)
  • 1999 Michał Gleńsk, PhD
  • 2000 Izabela Fecka, PhD
  • 2002 Piotr Migas, PhD (from Medical University of Gdańsk)
  • 2007 Sebastian Turek, PhD
  • 2011 Maciej Włodarczyk, PhD

Prof. Zbigniew Sroka, PhD (* 1958)

  • 2008-2015 Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy of Wroclaw Medical University
  • 2022- ... Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Herbal Medicines of Wroclaw Medical University
  • students - PhD theses
  • 2014 Piotr Marek Kuś, PhD
  • 2018 Piotr Okińczyc, PhD

Prof. Izabela Fecka, PhD (* 1969)

  • 2015-2022 Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy at Woclaw Medical University and the Department of Pharmacognosy and Herbal Medicines at Woclaw Medical University later on.
  • students - PhD theses
  • 2016 Izabela Biskup, PhD
  • 2017 Agnieszka Nowicka, PhD