Department of General, Minimally Invasive and Endocrine Surgery

ul. Borowska 213, 50-556 Wrocław
tel.: 71/ 734-30-00
fax: 71/ 734-30-09

Clinical Department of General, Minimally Invasive and Endocrine Surgery includes:

1. Clinical Department of General, Minimally Invasive and Endocrine Surgery.

2. Division of Surgical Endoscopy.

On 24 May - 26 May 2023 and 31 May - 2 June 2023, the Clinical Department will be running a course on “INTERPROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION” for students. The person responsible for the course from the Clinical Department level,  Maciej Zdzisław Sroczyński, MD, PhD.

acting Head of the Clinical Department

Paweł Domosławski, MD, PhD
tel. 71/ 734-30-01                                                                                               Voivodship consultant in general surgery

Department Office

Joanna Żyjewska
tel. 71/ 734-30-00
fax: 71/ 734-30-09


Prof. Krzysztof Kaliszewski                                                                                                        Deputy Head of the Clinical Department                                                                                             tel.: 71/ 734-30-05

Beata Wojtczak, PhD, Wroclaw Medical University professor.
tel. 71/ 734-30-40


Assistant Professors

Maciej Sebastian, PhD
Assistant Professor for Didactics
tel.: 71/ 734-30-05

Jarosław Wierzbicki, MD, PhD
acting Head of the Division of Surgical Endoscopy
tel.: 71/ 734-30-20

Krzysztof Sutkowski, MD, PhD
Supervisor of 4th year students, Faculty of Medicine
tel.: 71/ 734-30-40



Monika Sępek, MD, PhD
tel.: 71/ 734-30-30

Maciej Zdzisław Sroczyński, MD, PhD
tel.: 71/ 734-30-25

Dr. Paweł Piekarz
tel.: 71/ 734-30-25

Dr. Mateusz Szmit
tel.: 71/ 734-30-25

Dr. Marek Urbaniak
tel.: 71/ 734-30-20


PhD students

 Dr. Dominika Pupka

 Dr. Jakub Migoń

Our publications:
updated on 22 May 2023…

Main research areas:
1. Research into the use of neuromonitoring in thyroid surgery and an infrared camera to identify intraoperative parathyroid localisation
2. Morphotic assessment with assessment of the vascular system in patients with critical ischaemia. Study in collaboration with the Clinical Department of Angiology, Hypertension and Diabetology and the Division of Anatomy of the Department of Human Morphology and Embryology.
3. Research on the use of intraoperative ultrasound in laparoscopic and classical surgeries
4. The use of stem cells in the treatment of rectal fistulas and chronic wounds.
5. Studies on the effect of transdermal electroacupuncture on postoperative pain.
6. Scientific research on the usefulness and development of endoscopic techniques in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases in collaboration with Wroclaw Medical University Clinics and Theoretical Divisions.
7. Collaboration with leading surgical, endoscopic and endocrinology centres as part of scientific programmes.


1. Risk factors for postoperative complications in thyroid surgery, 2023.                                           Author of the doctoral dissertation: Monika Sępek. Supervisor: Beata Wojtczak, PhD, Wroclaw Medical University professor.
2. Assessment of a diagnostic and treatment algorithm in mechanically induced cholestasis based on own study, 2020.
Author of the doctoral dissertation: Maciej Sroczyński. Supervisor: Prof. Jerzy Rudnicki.
3. Calcium and phosphate metabolism after thyroid resection surgery, 2011.
Author of the doctoral dissertation: Maciej Sebastian. Supervisor: Prof. Jerzy Rudnicki.

Paweł Domosławski, PhD
Academic advisor and supervisor of the following PhD students
1. Michał Zrąbkowski
Supervisor of the following doctoral theses:
1. MCM proteins in the differential diagnosis of adrenal tumours, 2020.
Author of the doctoral dissertation: Michał Aporowicz

Prof. Krzysztof Kaliszewski
Academic advisor and supervisor of the following PhD students:
1. Dr. Dominika Pupka
2. Dr. Jakub Migoń
Supervisor of the following doctoral theses:
1. Treatment of rectal fistulas with platelet-rich plasma compared to traditional treatment, 2021.
Author of the doctoral dissertation: Agata Kasprzyk

Beata Wojtczak, PhD, Wroclaw Medical University professor
Supervisor of the following doctoral theses:
1. Analysis of risk factors for phonatory disorders after thyroid surgery, 2021
Author of the doctoral dissertation: Mateusz Głód


Profil jednostki:

Cały zespół Katedry Chirurgii Ogólnej i Małoinwazyjnej i Endokrynologicznej to specjaliści z zakresu Chirurgii Ogólnej. 3 lekarzy ma drugą specjalizację z Chirurgii Onkologicznej, 1 lekarka ma drugą specjalizację z Endokrynologii i 1 lekarz z zakresu Gastroenterologii. 2 lekarzy oczekuje na egzaminy specjalizacyjne z Gastroenterologii i Chirurgii Onkologicznej.

Klinika Chirurgii Ogólnej, Małoinwazyjnej i Endokrynologicznej zajmuje się kompleksową diagnostyką i leczeniem w zakresie chorób przewodu pokarmowego (ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem chorób koloproktologicznych i dróg żółciowych) i chorób endokrynologicznych (ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem chorób tarczycy, przytarczyc i nadnerczy).

W ramach działalności usługowej wykonywane są zabiegi z zakresu Chirurgii Onkologicznej układu wewnątrzwydzielniczego- guzy nowotworowe- tarczycy (w tym zabiegi z użyciem neuromonitoringu) i nadnerczy.Wykonywane są zabiegi klasyczne jak i małoinwazyjne (laparoskopowo i endoskopowo)z powodu nowotworów  jelita grubego, odbytnicy i odbytu. W Klinice przeprowadzane są także zabiegi onkologiczne z zakresu górnego odcinka przewodu pokarmowego: nowotwory żołądka, jelita cienkiego.
W Zakładzie Endoskopii wykonywane jest pełen zakres zabiegów leczniczych jak i paliatywnych z zakresu dróg żółciowych (w tym RFA guzów nowotworowych, protezowania), górnego odcinka przewodu pokarmowego ( przełyku, zakładanie PEGa, PEJa, endoskopowa dysekcja podśluzówkowy-ESD) oraz dolnego odcinka przewodu pokarmowego (paliatywna ablacja guzów plazmą argonową, tamowanie krwawień argonem w chorobie popromiennej).
W zakresie Chirurgii Ogólnej są wykonywane zabiegi usunięcia zmian łagodnych w zakresie tarczycy (tym jako jeden z nielicznych ośrodków wykonujemy zabiegi metodą laparoskopową- TOETVA), przytarczyc. W Klinice wykonywane są zabiegi z zakresu górnego piętra przewodu pokarmowego oraz koloproktologii, operowane są także przepukliny metodami beznapięciowymi, oraz klasycznie żylaki kończyn dolnych.
W ramach procedur endoskopowych prowadzona jest diagnostyka i leczenia chorób łagodnych dróg żółciowych i trzustki- wykonywane jest ECPW i protezowanie dróg żółciowych i trzustkowych. Wykonywane są także zabiegi endoskopowe diagnostyczne i lecznicze w zakresie przełyku, żołądka, dwunastnicy, jelita cienkiego i grubego.
Klinika pełni ostre dyżury z zakresu Chirurgii Ogólnej w tym dyżury endoskopowe w ramach Centrum Urazowego.


1. Conducting didactics for students of the Faculty of Medicine
and Faculty of Dentistry in full-time and ED studies.
2. Postgraduate training and preparation of medical interns for the Medical Final Examination in the field of Surgery.
3. Specialisation training in General Surgery                                                                                 Introductory course for specialisation in general surgery,                                                                     Scientific Head of the course: Maciej Zdzisław Sroczyński, MD, PhD
4. Specialisation traning in endocrine surgery for doctors specialising in Endocrinology.
5. Summer internships for Polish and international students.
6. Training for the endoscopic skills certificates of the Society of Polish Surgeons and the Polish Society of Gastroenterology in full scope.
7. Specialisation courses for endoscopic and surgical nurses.
8. Organisation of symposia and workshops on general, endocrine endoscopic and laparoscopic surgery in cooperation with equipment manufacturers.

Paweł Domosławski, PhD                                                                                                                           person responsible for teaching the subject: Surgery 4th year, Faculty of Medicine,                      Practical clinical training - selected specialty - 6th year, Faculty of Medicine - Polish and ED studies      tel.: 71/ 734-30-01

Prof. Krzysztof Kaliszewski
Coordinator of the subject Surgery in the Faculty of Medicine
Supervisor of the Student Scientific Club
tel.: 71/ 734-30-05
 Maciej Sebastian, PhD
Assistant Professor for Didactics
tel.: 71/ 734-30-05
 Krzysztof Sutkowski, MD, PhD
Supervisor of 4th year students, Faculty of Medicine
tel.: 71/ 734-30-40



The entire team of the Clinical Department of General and Minimally Invasive and Endocrine Surgery are specialists in General Surgery. 3 doctors have a second speciality in Oncological Surgery, 1 doctor has a second speciality in Endocrinology and 1 doctor in Gastroenterology. 2 doctors are awaiting their speciality examinations in Gastroenterology and Oncological Surgery.

The Clinical Department of General, Minimally Invasive and Endocrine Surgery provides comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (with particular emphasis on coloproctological and bile duct diseases) and endocrine diseases (with particular emphasis on diseases of the thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal glands).

Service activities include Oncological Surgery of the endocrine system - cancerous tumours - thyroid (including neuromonitoring surgery) and adrenal glands. Classical as well as minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopically and endoscopically) for cancers of the colon, rectum and anal cancers are performed. Upper gastrointestinal oncological procedures are also undertaken at the Clinical Department: stomach tumours, small bowel tumours.
The Division of Surgical Endoscopy provides a full range of therapeutic and palliative procedures for the bile ducts (including RFA of cancerous tumours, prosthetics), upper gastrointestinal tract (including oesophageal prosthetics, PEG and PEJ insertion, endoscopic submucosal dissection - ESD) and lower gastrointestinal tract (palliative tumour ablation with argon plasma, argon bleeding control in radiation sickness).
In the field of General Surgery, surgeries are performed to remove benign lesions of the thyroid gland (including as one of the few centres we perform procedures using the laparoscopic method - TOETVA), parathyroid glands. In the Clinical Department, procedures in the upper gastrointestinal tract and coloproctology are performed, hernias are also operated using tension-free methods, as well as traditional procedures for lower limb varicose veins.
Endoscopic procedures include diagnosis and treatment of benign diseases of the bile ducts and pancreas - ERCP and biliary and pancreatic prosthesis are performed. Diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic procedures for the oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, small and large intestines are also performed.
The Clinical Department provides acute General Surgery services, including endoscopic services within the Trauma Centre.