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News | 27.02.2023

Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme in WMU: AI in medicine: preparation by getting familiar with the real medical data

Wroclaw Medical University has an honour to receive the funding for a 3-year training program entitled HeartBIT_4.0: Application of innovative Medical Data Science technologies for heart diseases. After these 3 years, we have a unique experience resulting from direct confrontations between medics and data scientists that took place during the implementation of HeartBIT. 

We have noticed that the most important area where intensive education is necessary is not how to design AI solutions for medicine, but but first: to gain knowledge of the nature and diversity of medical data in the environment of both doctors (perhaps wanting to support the IT industry in developing e-health applications) and data scientists or programmers, who want to operate more effectively in the area of e-health solutions. 

Therefore, this offer is addressed to students of non-medical faculties who have or acquire data science skills: If you are considering using your data science skills in the field of medical data, because you would like to work in the e-health industry (creating applications for patients analyze medical data, improve medical equipment or software for managing medical facilities) - we encourage you to participate in our educational program. We will show you data sets and data sources, you will see the risks associated with the fact that the medical process is not fully digitized by nature, which affects data characteristics (e.g. their quality/readiness to be used in data science). You'll see why medical data tends to be complicated or simply incomplete (or messy!), and you'll understand why. Sometimes they have to be messy because they reflect reality! You will understand wrong and correct ways to ask doctors questions about what kind of applications or solutions are probably the most beneficial in front of the current medical challenges! 

More about our project and our offer for our BIP participants can be found on the project website ( and here, where we will be gradually adding new content. 

We will start right after the holidays 2023! Stay Tuned! 

Authored by: Sława Ksenycz Creation date: 27.02.2023 Update authored by: Anna Szejda Update date: 13.03.2023