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News | 06.03.2024

University of Cordova. International Staff week “On-Campus Internationalization”

Dear collegues.

The objective of this event is to share best practices on internationalization from a local point of view. The program includes sessions on tools to promote international and intercultural dimensions in the dimentions the administration and service functions of educational institutions, without necessarily involving physical mobility.

Will also aim to emphasize the importance of training to operate in an increasingly interconnected world working on the diverse cultures, global issues and international perspectives within our home institutions and through our formal curriculum.

A tentative schedule for International Staff Week is available the atacched file, and soon here:

Application deadline: March 11, 2024 at 12:00 Spanish time (GMT+1). Submit your application here.

Confirmation of acceptance will be sent by e-mail in mid-March.

The number of participants is limited to 30.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.We look forward to seeing you in Cordoba.
Best regards,


International Office

Rectorate- University of Córdoba

Tlf: 957212584

Avda. Medina Azahara, 5

14071 - Córdoba

Authored by: Sława Ksenycz Creation date: 06.03.2024 Update authored by: Sława Ksenycz Update date: 06.03.2024