Wydarzenia | 25.07.2024

Webinarium Magna Charta Universitatum

Magna Charta Universitatum 2020 zaprasza w piątek, 9 sierpnia o godz. 15.00 na webinarium poświęcone roli uniwersytetów w działaniach na rzecz integracji uchodźców. Będzie je moderował dr Iván F. Pacheco, lider szkolnictwa wyższego, założyciel Qualipliance i Ambasador Magna Charta Observatory.

Integracja uchodźców w krajach przyjmujących wiąże się z licznymi wyzwaniami, w tym barierami językowymi, ksenofobią i ograniczonym dostępem m.in. do edukacji. Magna Charta Universitatum 2020 przywiązuje duża wagę do zaangażowania społeczności akademickich w proces integracji migrantów. Prowadzone przez studentów działania pokazują, w jaki sposób uczelnie mogą współpracować ze społecznościami lokalnymi i społeczeństwem obywatelskim. Podczas spotkania "The Role of Universities for the integration of refugees – the Brazilian experience" omówione zostaną dwa projekty:

  • Pró-Imigrantes – realizowany od 2015 r. na Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Federalny Uniwersytet Minas Gerais-UFMG). Jego celem jest ułatwienie uchodźcom i migrantom dostępu do instytucji szkolnictwa wyższego w Brazylii oraz zajęć z języka portugalskiego.
  • Nossa Casa – zainicjowany w 2017 r. przez grupę studentów studiów licencjackich z Universidade Federal do ABC (Federalny Uniwersytet ABC-UFABC) w stanie São Paulo w Brazylii projekt ma ułatwić uchodźcom i migrantom możliwość nauki języka portugalskiego oraz integrację.

Osoby zainteresowane udziałem w spotkaniu prosimy o wypełnienie formularza zgłoszeniowego >>

The local integration of refugees in host countries poses numerous challenges, including language barriers, xenophobia, and limited access to education, housing, and employment opportunities. In this context, universities play a key role in facilitating the integration of this population into their new homes.

To reflect on these challenges and discuss examples of solutions, the new webinar in the MCU 2020 series invites participants to reflect on the role of universities in the context of the refugee crisis by showcasing experiences from universities contributing to the local integration of refugees in Brazil. In this webinar, two notable projects
will be shared:

  • The Pró-Imigrantes ("Pro-Immigrants" in English) project, created in 2015 at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Federal University of Minas Gerais-UFMG), contributes to the access of refugees and migrants to Higher Education institutions in Brazil and to access Portuguese language classes. The project counts on the volunteer participation of UFMG undergrad and grad students to prepare refugees and migrants in vulnerable situations for the national secondary education exam (ENEM), used as an admission exam for enrollment in all federal universities in Brazil and other public and private institutions. Moreover, the project offers classes of Portuguese as a Welcoming Language (PSL) online and prepares the students for the ENCCEJA (National Youth and Adult Competency Certification Exam). Since 2020, the project has received UFMG funding. The project is coordinated by Prof. Luciane Corrêa Ferreira, together with Lívia Elisa Melo, Barbara Vieira de Oliveira, and Camila Souza, PhD students at the institution.
  • The Nossa Casa ("Our Home" in English) project was created in 2017 by a group of bachelor students from the Universidade Federal do ABC (Federal University of ABC-UFABC) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, to teach Portuguese to refugees and migrants in vulnerable situations, meeting an existing demand around the university. The course is designed to facilitate the student's integration into the country, including the teaching of everyday activities such as banking, work, and health. The project is coordinated by Camila Nascimento and Giovanna Miron under the supervision of Prof. José Blanes Sala.

Both universities are part of the UNHCR-Chair Sergio Vieira de Mello, an initiative established by universities in partnership with the UNHCR to address forced displacement by engaging in research, teaching, and community outreach activities.

These initiatives exemplify the Magna Charta Universitatum (MCU) 2020's emphasis on universities' responsibility to engage with their communities and the recognition of students as key agents of change. These student-led action projects illustrate how universities can effectively collaborate with local communities and civil society to fulfill their societal obligations.

The webinar will be moderated by Dr. Iván F. Pacheco, higher education leader, founder of Qualipliance and MCO Ambassador. The program, additional information about the event, and about the speakers can be found here >>

Tagi #umw
Autor: Anna Szejda
Data utworzenia: 25.07.2024
Autor edycji: Anna Szejda
Data edycji: 25.07.2024