Division of Environmental Health and Occupational Medicine

ul. J. Mikulicza-Radeckiego 7, 50-345 Wrocław
tel.: 71 784 15 02

acting Head of the Division

Dagmara Banach
tel.: 71 784 15 02
Office opening hours: Monday and Tuesday: 8:00-12:00 and Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 11:30-15:30


Research and didactic employee group:

University professor


Paweł Gać, PhD, professor at Wroclaw Medical University
tel. 71 784 15 01
Consultations: Thursday: 9:00-9:30 and Friday 12:30-14:00


Prof. Krystyna Pawlas, PhD
tel.: 71 784 15 08
e-mail: krystyna.pawlas@umw.edu.pl
Consultations: wednesday at 10.00-12.00

Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor


Iwona Markiewicz-Górka, PhD (Assistant Professor for Didactics at the Division)
tel.: 71 784 15 05
Consultations: Tuesday at 10:00-12:00


Coordinator of student affairs English Division- Faculty of Medicine
Marek Tradecki, PhD
tel.: 71 784 15 04
e-mail: marek.tradecki@umw.edu.pl


dr Joanna Lachowicz ( grupa badawczo-dydaktyczna)
e-mail: joanna.lachowicz@umw.edu.pl
Polska Platforma Medyczna

Didactic employee group:


Dr. Wojciech Hajdusianek
tel.: 71 784 15 07


Coordinator for student affairs English Division- Faculty of Dentistry
Dr. Martyna Hajac
tel.: 71 784 15 04

Group of students from the Doctoral School:

Scientific, engineering and technical employees

Agnieszka Kusnerż
tel.: 71 784 15 06, 71 784 15 09
e-mail: tel.:

  • Please be infomed that the article “Radiological Cardiothoracic Ratio in Evidence-Based Medicine" by Krystian Truszkiewicz, Rafał Poręba and Paweł Gać, published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine (JCM 2021, 10(9), 2016; https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm10092016, https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0383/10/9/2016), was among the 20 most often cited articles published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine, in the years 2021-2022, in the Cardiology section.
    More information is available online:
    Journal of Clinical Medicine | Highly Cited Papers in 2021 and 2022 from the Section “Cardiology” (mdpi.com).
  • Please be informed that the employees of our Division received the following Rector's Awards for important and creative achievements in scientific work in 2021:
  • Prof. Krystyna Pawlas, PhD: 2 1st-degree team awards
     Paweł Gać, PhD, university professor: 8 1st-degree team awards and 2nd-degree team awards
     Dr. Karolina Czerwińska: 2 1st-degree team awards and one 2nd-degree team award
     Lidia Januszewska, MA, one 1st-degree team award
     Dr. Adam Prokopowicz: 2 1st-degree team awards
     Dr. Aleksandra Jaremków one 1st-degree team award
     Dr. Martyna Hajac one 1st-degree team award
     Dr. Adrian Martuszewski one 1st-degree team award
     Dr. Patrycja Paluszkiewicz one 1st-degree team award
  • On 15 - 17 June 2023, the 43rd Congress of Congress of the Polish Medical Society of Radiology was held in Wrocław. During the Radiologist's Run, which was organised as an accompanying event, the Wrocław team "Krnąbrni Radiolodzy" consisting of Dr. Bartłomiej Kędzierski (T. Marciniak Lower Silesian Specialist Hospital / 4th Military Clinical Hospital), Dr. Jarosław Bitt (Provincial Specialist Hospital in Wroclaw / Jan Mikulicz-Radecki University Clinical Hospital), Paweł Gać, PhD, professor at Wroclaw Medical University (4th Military Clinical Hospital / Jan Mikulicz-Radecki University Clinical Hospital) and Krystian Truszkiewicz, MD, PhD (T. Marciniak Lower Silesian Specialist Hospital) won 1st place in the team classification at a distance of over 5 km.
    The summary from the event is available at the link:
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSTiorRydiw .
    We encourage you to engage in physical activity as a behavioural health-protective factor.
  • On 31 May 2023, during the "World No Tobacco Day 2023" conference organised by the Polish Society of Public Health and the Department of Population Health of Wroclaw Medical University, Pawel Gać, PhD, professor at Wroclaw Medical University gave a lecture: "Risky habits - we know, but we risk it? Reflections on the example of smoking addiction".
  • On 26 April 2023, a seminar for students from the University of the Third Age was organised by the Polish Academy of Sciences - Wrocław branch. The theme of the seminar was an INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH TO THE PROBLEMS OF AN AGEING SOCIETY. Pawel Gać, PhD, professor at Wroclaw Medical University gave a lecture: "Non-invasive imaging methods in the diagnosis of ischemic heart disease".
  • Please be informed that on 17 March 2023, the public defence of a doctoral thesis of an employee of the Division of Environmental Health and Occupational Medicine, Dr. Marek Tradecki, took place. Dr. Tradecki presented and defended the thesis entitled: "Analiza orzeczeń wydanych przez oddział ZUS we Wrocławiu w sprawie przyznania dodatku pielęgnacyjnego u osób z rozpoznaniem chorób nowotworowych" (Analysis of decisions issued by the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) branch in Wrocław on granting the carer’s allowance to persons diagnosed with neoplastic diseases) prepared under the supervision of Prof. Aleksandra Butrym, PhD. Congratulations to the Doctor on his success!
  • On 17 March 2023, a conference "Wroclaw Medical University - Green University in a green city" was held. The team from the Division of Environmental Health and Occupational Medicine at Wroclaw Medical University was also actively involved in the organisation and management of the conference. Pawel Gać, PhD, professor at Wroclaw Medical University, was a member of the scientific and organisational committee of the conference and co-moderated the session "Health, transport and air" in the "Park Szczytnicki" room. Dr. Wojciech Hajdusianek gave a lecture prepared together with Dr. Aleksandra Żórawik and Pawel Gać, PhD, professor at Wroclaw Medical University, entitled: "Why should we be concerned about water pollution". Dr. Adrian Martuszewski presented the results of the research carried out together with Paweł Gać, PhD, professor at Wroclaw Medical University, entitled "Tobacco smoke as an environmental pollutant". Dr. Krystian Truszkiewicz, during a speech: "Natural and anthropogenic radiation threats - is the threat real?", introduced the conference participants to the problem of radiation threats.
  • The employees of the Division of Environmental Health and Occupational Medicine, Prof. Krystyna Pawlas, PhD, and Paweł Gać, PhD, professor at Wroclaw Medical University, by the decision of the Presidium of the Wrocław branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences, on 10 March 2023, were appointed members of the Committee on Ergonomics of the Elderly Population of the Wrocław branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the 2023-2026 term.
  • Paweł Gać, PhD, professor at Wroclaw Medical University, was granted the European certificate: "ESC EACVI Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Exam".
    As emphasised by EACVI, certification in a given diagnostic technique is a guarantee that the doctor has a high level of narrowly-specialised skills, in line with a common European standard. EACVI certification ensures professional European credibility to the cardiac MRI physician.
    Paweł Gać, PhD, professor at Wroclaw Medical University, is also an owner of a corresponding certificate: "ESC EACVI Cardiac Computed Tomography Exam"

  • Please be informed that the employees of the Division of Environmental Health and Occupational Medicine: Prof. Krystyna Pawlas, PhD, Paweł Gać, PhD, professor at Wroclaw Medical University, and Dr. Iwona Markiewicz-Górka received the Award of the Rector of Wroclaw Medical University for significant and creative achievements in didactic work in 2021. The award was granted for the co-creation of the outstanding and innovative academic textbook "Stomatologia społeczna" (Social Dentistry) edited by Prof. Krystyna Pawlas, PhD and Prof. Tomasz Konopka, PhD.
  • On 30-12 November 2022, during the International Conference "Population Health in the Face of Crisis" organised by the Department of Population Health of Wroclaw Medical University and the Polish Society of Public Health, employees of the Division of Environmental Health and Occupational Medicine prepared and conducted a session entitled: "Current problems of occupational medicine and environmental health".
    Link to the video from the session:
    Prof. Jolanta Walusiak-Skorupa, MD, PhD, the director of the Institute of Occupational Medicine in Łódź, in the lecture: "Employee's health in the face of crisis", presented a view on the current health and geopolitical crises from the point of view of an occupational physician.
    Dr. Karolina Czerwińska, PhD student at the Division of Environmental Health and Occupational Medicine at the Department of Population Health of Wroclaw Medical University, gave a lecture entitled: "Environment (not) friendly to children", in which she presented, on the example of case reports, the toxicity of nicotine preparations for the health of children in the home environment.
    Dr. Bartłomiej Kędzierski, Vice-President of the Lower Silesian Branch of the Polish Medical Society of Radiology, in his lecture: "Lung cancer screening programme under the National Oncology Strategy as an example of screening tests for employees exposed to potentially carcinogenic substances" drew attention to occupational exposures modifying the criteria for inclusion in the above-mentioned programme.
    Paweł Gać, MD, PhD, professor at Wroclaw Medical University, Head of the Division of Environmental Health and Occupational Medicine at the Department of Population Health of Wrocław Medical University gave a lecture entitled: "The importance of imaging methods in the diagnosis of occupational diseases", in which he pointed out the need for for an interdisciplinary approach to the issues of environmental health and occupational medicine.
  • On 22 November 2022, during the session of the assembly of members of the Wrocław branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Paweł Gać, MD, PhD, professor at Wroclaw Medical University, received the medal of the Wrocław branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the scientific achievement: "Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging as advanced diagnostic methods of cardiovascular diseases, the main cause of death in the elderly - optimisation of clinical application and relevance of scientific research".
  • Experts from Wroclaw Medical University: "Polacy bywają na bakier z higieną, choć zaczęli dbać o czystość rąk" (Poles tend to be bad at hygiene, but have started to keep their hands clean) - article published on the website: naukawpolsce.pl
  • Acting Head of the Division of Environmental Health and Occupational Medicine at the Department of Population Health, Paweł Gać, MD, PhD, professor at Wroclaw Medical University, expressed his opinion on the shortening of the weekly working time in an article published on the website: medonet.pl.
    Link to the article:
  • Acting Head of the Division of Environmental Health and Occupational Medicine at the Department of Population Health, Paweł Gać, MD, PhD, professor at Wroclaw Medical University, received the award for 1st place for the plenary session speech, in the category of oral presentations, during the 3rd Scientific and Training Conference "Problems of hygiene and epidemiology in the 21st century". The work by Pawel Gać, PhD professor at Wroclaw Medical University, Małgorzata Poręba, PhD and Prof. Rafał Poręba, PhD: "Markers of the effect of environmental tobacco smoke on the heart assessed by computed tomography angiography - own experience" was also awarded.
  • We would like to inform you that an academic textbook edited by Prof. Tomasz Konopka, PhD and Prof. Krystyna Pawlas: "Stomatologia społeczna. PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie 2021” has been published. The issues covered in the publication have been adapted to the educational standards for students of the Dentistry major. The material is divided into five main topics: environmental medicine, the working environment of the dentist, epidemiology of oral diseases, prevention and health promotion in dentistry, organisation of dental care in Poland.

The Division of Environmental Health and Occupational Medicine of the Department of Population Health, the Faculty of Health Sciences, was established on 1 October 2021 based on Order no. 196/XVI R/2021 of the Rector of Wroclaw Medical University of 23 August 2021.
The Division of Environmental Health and Occupational Medicine of the Department of Population Health, the Faculty of Health Sciences, continues and develops the directions of scientific and didactic activities previously managed by the Department of Hygiene of the Faculty of Medicine, which, over the years, were headed by:
 Prof. Zdzisław Steusing (1946-1952)
Doc. Klaudiusz Ciubra, PhD (1952-1956)
 Ludmiła Marciniakowa, PhD (1956-1957)
Stanisław Przyłęcki, PhD (acting, 1957-1968)
Doc. Adam Pacyński, PhD (1968-1982)
Prof. Izydor Jużwiak, PhD (1982-1991)
Dr. Barbara Borzemska (acting, 1991-1992)
Prof. Zbigniew Jethon, PhD (1992-1999)
Prof. Krystyna Pawlas, PhD (1999-2020)
 Paweł Gać, PhD, professor at Wroclaw Medical University (2020-2021)

Profil Jednostki
Strona Zakładu na Polskiej Platformie Medycznej- link

Main research areas: environmental health, preventive medicine, occupational medicine, risk factors for non-communicable diseases
    1. Lifestyle and environmental impact as determinants of health.
         - Environmental determinants of cardiovascular health.
         - Health consequence of active and passive smoking.
         - Health-promoting importance of physical activity.
         - Molecular mechanisms of environmental impact on human health.
    2. Environmental pollution as a pathogenetic factor of human diseases.
         - Smog and water pollution as environmental risk factors of human diseases.
         - Pathological significance of environmental exposure to heavy metals and semi-metals.
    3. The impact of the working environment on the health of employees.
         - Occupational exposure to heavy metals and semi-metals and the pathology of human diseases.
         - The impact of noise on health.
    4. Risk factors of environmental diseases.
         - The importance of the oxidation-reduction balance of the body - active oxygen species as a disease risk factor, antioxidants as a health protection factor.
         - Micronutrient deficiencies as a predictor of non-communicable diseases and their complications.
         - Predictive value of osteoprotegerin, cystatin C, renalase, galectin-3 concentrations.

Research projects

SUBZ.E264.23.039 - The importance of selected methods of laboratory, imaging and electrophysiological diagnostics in the assessment of cardiovascular health (leader: Paweł Gać, PhD, professor at Wroclaw Medical University)
SUBZ.E264.22.082 - Health and cardiovascular risk markers assessed by diagnostic imaging methods in patients with hypertension and obstructive sleep apnea (leader: Paweł Gać, PhD, professor at Wroclaw Medical University)
SUB.A100.21.044 - Physical activity and selected other lifestyle components versus body composition measured using the bioelectrical impedance method and the concentration of selected adipose tissue hormones in the blood (leader: Paweł Gać, PhD, professor at Wroclaw Medical University)

Publications by the Division employees in 2023:

  1. Czerwińska Karolina, Januszewska Lidia, Markiewicz-Górka Iwona, Jaremków Aleksandra, Martynowicz Helena, Pawlas Krystyna, Mazur Grzegorz, Poręba Rafał, Gać Paweł: Selenoprotein P, peroxiredoxin-5, renalase and selected cardiovascular consequences tested in ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and echocardiography, Antioxidants, 2023, vol. 12, no 6, art.1187 [15 p.], DOI:10.3390/antiox12061187, 100 points, IF(7,675)
  2. Frosztega Weronika, Więckiewicz Mieszko, Gać Paweł, Lachowicz Gabriella, Poręba Rafał, Mazur Grzegorz, Martynowicz Helena: The effect of cadmium on sleep parameters assessed in polysomnographic studies: a case–control study, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2023, vol. 12, no 12, art.3899 [12 p.], DOI:10.3390/jcm12123899, 140 points, IF(4,964)
  3. Gać Paweł, Trejtowicz-Sutor Agnieszka, Poręba Rafał: Single coronary artery as a rare developmental variant in cardiac computed tomography angiography, Diagnostics, 2023, vol. 13, no 8, art.1369 [7 p.], DOI:10.3390/diagnostics13081369, 70 points, IF(3,992)
  4. Gać Paweł, Hajdusianek Wojciech, Żórawik Aleksandra, Macek Piotr, Poręba Małgorzata , Poręba Rafał: Thickness and volume of epicardial adipose tissue in relation to stiffness and elasticity of aorta assessed by computed tomography angiography, Biomedicines, 2023, vol. 11, no 6, art.1617 [16 p.], DOI:10.3390/biomedicines11061617, 100 points, IF(4,757)
  5. Grzęda-Hałon Magda, Poręba Małgorzata, Gut Gabriela, Czerwińska Karolina, Gać Paweł, Martynowicz Helena, Mazur Grzegorz, Poręba Rafał: The effect of CPAP therapy on heart rate variability in patients with obstructive sleep apnea, Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 2023, vol. 21, no 2, pp. 143-154, DOI:10.1007/s41105-022-00424-2, 20 points, IF(1,39)
  6. Kędzierski Bartłomiej, Macek Piotr, Dziadkowiec-Macek Barbara, Truszkiewicz Krystian, Poręba Rafał, Gać Paweł: Radiation doses in cardiovascular computed tomography, Life, 2023, vol. 13, no 4, art.990 [29 p.], DOI:10.3390/life13040990, 70 points, IF(3,253)
  7. Macek Piotr, Michałek-Zrąbkowska Monika, Dziadkowiec-Macek Barbara, Poręba Małgorzata, Martynowicz Helena, Mazur Grzegorz, Gać Paweł, Poręba Rafał: Obstructive sleep apnea as a predictor of a higher risk of significant coronary artery disease assessed non-invasively using the calcium score, Life, 2023, vol. 13, no 3, art.671 [13 p.], DOI:10.3390/life13030671, 70 points, IF(3,253)
  8. Sawczuk Diana, Gać Paweł, Poręba Rafał, Poręba Małgorzata: The prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in paralympic athletes, Healthcare, 2023, vol. 11, no 7, art.1027 [11 p.], DOI:10.3390/healthcare11071027, 40 points, IF(3,16)
  9. Adamczyk Michał, Adamski Jakub, Antosiewicz Stefan, Apel Anna, Balsam Paweł, Bandosz Piotr, Barczak Anna, Barej Anna, Basiaga-Pasternak Joanna, Bielak-Jomaa Edyta, Błażewicz Grzegorz, Bogdański Paweł, Bogusz Renata, Bohosiewicz Janusz, Bojarun Waldemar, Borkowski Leszek, Borowiec Agnieszka, Borowik Krzysztof, Bossowski Artur, Bromber Piotr, Bryłka Martyna, Bugdol Monika, Bułaś Lucyna, Bużańska Leonora, Chmielowiec Bartłomiej, Chudek Jerzy, Cieślak Roman, Cygan Hanna, Cywka Katarzyna B., Czajkowski Krzysztof, Czech Marcin, Czejarek Roman, Czernicka-Siwecka Jolanta, Członkowska Anna, Czuczwar Mirosław, Czuczwar Stanisław J., Czupryniak Leszek, Czyżewski Andrzej, Demeshkant Natalia, Deptała Andrzej, Dębińska Małgorzata, Donath-Kasiura Zuzanna, Doroniewicz Iwona, Drobek Piotr, Drozd Mariola, Duda Andrzej, Duda Władysław, Durlik Magdalena, Dymek Justyna, Dziekiewicz Mirosław, Dziekoński Stanisław, Dzierżanowska-Fangrat Katarzyna, Dzięcioł Janusz, Dziuk Barbara, Fal Andrzej, Fedorowski Jarosław J., Filipiak Krzysztof J., Fiszer Urszula, Flisiak Robert, Fraś Anna, Furmanek Mariusz, Gaciong Zbigniew, Gać Paweł, Gellert Ryszard, Gierczyński Jakub, Gill-Piątek Hanna, Giza Adam, Głowacka Mariola, Gniadkowski Marek, Golusiński Wojciech, Gołda Anna, Gołębiowski Marek, Gorzelak Ewa, Gos Elżbieta, Górski Jarosław, Grodzicki Tomasz, Grodzki Tomasz, Gruchała Marcin, Haczyński Józef, Hanke Wojciech, Heitzman Janusz, Helwich Ewa, Imiela Tomasz, Iwańczak Stanisław, Jagiełło Kacper, Jakubiak Marta, Jankowski Łukasz, Januszewska Katarzyna, Jasińska Anna, Jaworski Michał, Jeziorski Krzysztof, Jędrzejczak W. Wiktor, Jędrzejek Michał, Kantanista Adam, Kapała-Sokalska Agnieszka, Karaszewski Bartosz, Mastalerz-Migas Agnieszka, Ponikowski Piotr, Sutkowska Edyta, Synowiec-Piłat Małgorzata: Congress "Health of Poles 2022": report, Warsaw 2023, the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, 319 p., ISBN 978-83-89087-64-5, [the 4th Congress "Health of Poles 2023" 17-18 October 2023]
  10. Czerwińska Karolina, Januszewska Lidia, Markiewicz-Górka Iwona, Jaremków Aleksandra, Martynowicz Helena, Pawlas Krystyna, Mazur Grzegorz, Poręba Rafał, Gać Paweł: In search of new biomarkers: the possible application of selenoprotein-P, renalase, and peroxiredoxin-5 in cardiovascular risk stratification. A one-center study, in: 1st International Conference for Young Scientists "Biomarkers of civilization diseases". Białystok, 21 April 2023 Book of abstracts, (ed.) Mateusz Maciejczyk, Małgorzata Żendzian-Piotrowska 2023, Białystok, p. 30, ISBN 978-83-67454-34-6
  11. Gać Paweł: Częstość występowania wariantów ujść żył płucnych oraz powtarzalność ich wymiarowania w badaniach tomografii komputerowej serca (Incidence of pulmonary venous ostia variants and reproducibility of their sizing in cardiac computed tomography) in: 43rd Congress of the Polish Medical Society of Radiology. Wrocław, 15-17 June 2023 Book of Abstracts - oral sessions [online] 2023 pp. 57-58
  12. Gać Paweł, Zdebik Natalia, Poręba Małgorzata, Poręba Rafał: Funkcja skurczowa lewej komory i lewego przedsionka oceniana metodą odkształceń (strain) w rezonansie magnetycznym u chorych po przebytym COVID-19 (Left ventricular systolic function and left atrial systolic function assessed by the strain method in cardiac magnetic resonance in patients with a history of COVID-19), in: 43rd Congress of the Polish Medical Society of Radiology. Wrocław, 15-17 June 2023 Book of Abstracts - oral sessions [online] 2023 pp. 53-54
  13. Gać Paweł, Poręba Rafał: Hiperkineza lewej komory jako predyktor istotności hemodynamicznej zwężeń tętnic wieńcowych ocenianych w badaniu angiografii tomografii komputerowej jako granicznie istotne (Left ventricular hyperkinesis as a predictor of hemodynamic significance of coronary artery stenoses assessed in computed tomography angiography as moderate) in: 43rd Congress of the Polish Medical Society of Radiology. Wrocław, 15-17 June 2023 Book of Abstracts - oral sessions [online] 2023 pp. 49-50
  14. Gać Paweł, Waliszewska-Prosół Marta, Poręba Małgorzata, Poręba Rafał: Separacja pierścienia mitralnego w badaniu rezonansu magnetycznego serca jako predyktor zaburzeń rytmu serca w 24-godzinnym monitorowaniu EKG metodą Holtera u chorych z migrenami (Mitral annulus separation in cardiac magnetic resonance as a predictor of arrhythmias in 24-hour Holter ECG monitoring in patients with migraines) in: 43rd Congress of the Polish Medical Society of Radiology. Wrocław, 15-17 June 2023 Book of Abstracts - oral sessions [online] 2023 pp. 51-52
  15. Gać Paweł, Hajdusianek Wojciech, Poręba Małgorzata, Poręba Rafał: Sztywność i elastyczność aorty mierzona przy pomocy tomografii komputerowej jako wskaźnik predykcji ryzyka istotnej choroby wieńcowej (Aortic stiffness and elasticity measured by computed tomography as a risk predictor of significant coronary artery disease) in: 43rd Congress of the Polish Medical Society of Radiology. Wrocław, 15-17 June 2023 Book of Abstracts - oral sessions [online] 2023 pp. 55-56
  16. Gać Paweł, Hajdusianek Wojciech, Żórawik Aleksandra, Macek Piotr, Poręba Małgorzata, Poręba Rafał: Thickness and volume of epicardial adipose tissue in relation to stiffness and elasticity of aorta assessed by computed tomography angiography, W: 1st International Conference for Young Scientists "Biomarkers of civilization diseases". Białystok, 21 April 2023 Book of abstracts, (ed.) Mateusz Maciejczyk, Małgorzata Żendzian-Piotrowska 2023, Białystok, p. 16, ISBN 978-83-67454-34-6
  17. Gać Paweł, Macek Piotr, Michałek-Zrąbkowska Monika, Poręba Małgorzata, Martynowicz Helena, Mazur Grzegorz, Poręba Rafał: Wskaźnik zdrowia sercowo-naczyniowego oceniany przy pomocy klasyfikacji AHA Life 7 a nasilenie choroby wieńcowej w badaniach angiografii tomografii komputerowej u chorych z obturacyjnym bezdechem sennym (Cardiovascular health score assessed using the AHA Life 7 classification and the severity of coronary artery disease in computed tomography angiography in patients with obstructive sleep apnea) in: 43rd Congress of the Polish Medical Society of Radiology. Wrocław, 15-17 June 2023 Book of Abstracts - posters [online] 2023 pp. 89-90
  18. Hajdusianek Wojciech, Żórawik Aleksandra, Macek Piotr, Poręba Małgorzata, Poręba Rafał, Gać Paweł: Parametry sztywności i elastyczności aorty oceniane metodą angiografii tomografii komputerowej jako markery zdrowia sercowo-naczyniowego (Parameters of aortic stiffness and elasticity assessed by computed tomography angiography as markers of cardiovascular health), in: VI National Scientific Conference "Civilisation diseases as an epidemic of the 21st century". Abstracts, (ed.) Iwona Domina, Joanna Jędrzejewska, Lublin 2023, Foundation for the promotion of science and development “TYGIEL”, pp. 29-30, ISBN 978-83-67670-23-4
  19. Żórawik Aleksandra, Hajdusianek Wojciech, Kusnerż Agnieszka, Markiewicz-Górka Iwona, Jaremków Aleksandra, Martynowicz Helena, Pawlas Krystyna, Mazur Grzegorz, Poręba Rafał, Gać Paweł: Relationship between exposure to tobacco smoke and renalase blood concentration in patients with arterial hypertension, in: 1st International Conference for Young Scientists "Biomarkers of civilization diseases". Białystok, 21 April 2023 Book of abstracts, (ed.) Mateusz Maciejczyk, Małgorzata Żendzian-Piotrowska 2023, Białystok, p. 27, ISBN 978-83-67454-34-6

Publications by the Division employees in 2022:

  1. Cheładze Przemysław, Martuszewski Adrian, Poręba Rafał, Gać Paweł: The importance of the assessment of epicardial adipose tissue in scientific research, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2022, vol. 11, nr 19, art.5621 [16 p.], DOI:10.3390/jcm11195621, 140 points, IF(4,964)
  2. Czerwińska Karolina, Poręba Małgorzata, Prokopowicz Adam, Januszewska Lidia, Jaremków Aleksandra, Markiewicz-Górka Iwona, Martynowicz Helena, Mazur Grzegorz, Poręba Rafał, Pawlas Krystyna, Gać Paweł: Association between serum selenium concentration and OPG/RANKL/RANK axis in patients with arterial hypertension, Cardiovascular Toxicology, 2022, vol. 22, no 7, pp. 620-630, DOI:10.1007/s12012-022-09741-x, 70 points, IF(2,755)
  3. Czerwińska Karolina, Poręba Rafał, Gać Paweł: Renalase - a new understanding of its enzymatic and non-enzymatic activity and its implications for future research, Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 2022, vol. 49, no 1, p. 3-9, DOI:10.1111/1440-1681.13594, 100 points, IF(2,963)
  4. Gać Paweł, Żórawik Aleksandra, Poręba Rafał: A single coronary artery originating from the right coronary sinus with a typical course of the right coronary artery and the interarterial course of the left main, left anterior descending, and left circumflex as an example of a rare case of high-risk coronary anomaly, Diagnostics, 2022, vol. 12, no 1, art.167 [8 p.], DOI:10.3390/diagnostics12010167, 70 points, IF(3,992)
  5. Gać Paweł, Urbanik Dominika, Macek Piotr, Martynowicz Helena, Mazur Grzegorz, Poręba Rafał: Coexistence of cardiovascular risk factors and obstructive sleep apnoea in polysomnography, Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, 2022, vol. 295, art.103782 [15 p.], DOI:10.1016/j.resp.2021.103782, 70 points, IF(2,821)
  6. Gać Paweł, Martuszewski Adrian, Paluszkiewicz Patrycja, Poręba Rafał: Coexistence of cor triatriatum sinister, fibroelastoma and pulmonary veins ostial anatomy variant as incidental findings in coronary computed tomography angiography, Diagnostics, 2022, vol. 12, no 6, art.1449 [5 p.], DOI:10.3390/diagnostics12061449, 70 points, IF(3,992)
  7. Gać Paweł, Martuszewski Adrian, Paluszkiewicz Patrycja, Poręba Małgorzata, Mazur Grzegorz, Poręba Rafał: Environmental tobacco smoke exposure estimated using the SHSES Scale, and feature tracking computed tomography-derived left ventricular global longitudinal strain in hypertensive patients, Cardiovascular Toxicology, 2022, vol. 22, no 12, pp. 940-950, DOI:10.1007/s12012-022-09770-6, 70 points, IF(2,755)
  8. Gać Paweł, Grochulska Aleksandra, Poręba Rafał: Incidental vascular findings in computed tomography performed in the qualification for the TAVI procedure, Diagnostics, 2022, vol. 12, no 11, art.2773 [11 p.], DOI:10.3390/diagnostics12112773, 70 points, IF(3,992)
  9. Gać Paweł, Waszczuk Łukasz, Kurcz Jacek, Poręba Rafał: Optimization of the method of measuring left ventricular end-diastolic diameter in cardiac magnetic resonance as a predictor of left ventricular enlargement, Scientific Reports, 2022, vol. 12, art.8425 [11 p.], DOI:10.1038/s41598-022-12359-2, 140 points, IF(4,997)
  10. Gać Paweł, Poręba Rafał: Significant stenosis of the brachiocephalic trunk and moderate stenosis of the left circumflex artery in computed tomography angiography images, Diagnostics, 2022, vol. 12, no 1, art.200 [5 p.], DOI:10.3390/diagnostics12010200, 70 points, IF(3,992)
  11. Gać Paweł, Cheładze Przemysław, Poręba Rafał: The importance of cardiac computed tomography in the diagnosis of caseous calcification of the mitral annulus - case reports, Diagnostics, 2022, vol. 12, no 3, art.667 [7 p.], DOI:10.3390/diagnostics12030667, 70 points, IF(3,992)
  12. Hajdusianek Wojciech, Żórawik Aleksandra, Poręba Rafał, Gać Paweł: Assessment of aortic stiffness in computed tomography - methodology of radiological examination from 2000 to 2020, Polish Journal of Radiology, 2022, vol. 87, no 1, e635-e640, DOI:10.5114/pjr.2022.121556, 70 points
  13. Jaremków Aleksandra, Markiewicz-Górka Iwona, Hajdusianek Wojciech, Gać Paweł: Relationships between body composition parameters and phase angle as related to lifestyle among young people, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2022, vol. 11, no 1, art.80 [11 p.], DOI:10.3390/jcm11010080, 140 points, IF(4,964)
  14.   Jaźwiec Przemysław, Pawłowska Maria, Czerwińska Karolina, Poręba Małgorzata, Gać Paweł, Poręba Rafał: Madelung's disease as an example of a metabolic disease associated with alcohol abuse - diagnostic importance of computed tomography, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, vol. 19, no 9, art.5168 [6 p.], DOI:10.3390/ijerph19095168, 140 points, IF(4,614)
  15. 15     Kanclerska Justyna, Więckiewicz Mieszko, Poręba Rafał, Szymańska-Chabowska Anna, Gać Paweł, Wojakowska Anna, Frosztega Weronika, Michałek-Zrąbkowska Monika, Mazur Grzegorz, Martynowicz Helena: Polysomnographic evaluation of sleep bruxism intensity and sleep architecture in nonapneic hypertensives: a prospective, observational study, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2022, vol. 11, no 11, art.3113 [10 p.], DOI:10.3390/jcm11113113, 140 points, IF(4,964)
  16. Kanclerska Justyna, Więckiewicz Mieszko, Szymańska-Chabowska Anna, Poręba Rafał, Gać Paweł, Wojakowska Anna, Mazur Grzegorz, Martynowicz Helena: The relationship between the plasma concentration of electrolytes and intensity of sleep bruxism and blood pressure variability among sleep bruxers, Biomedicines, 2022, vol. 10, no 11, art.2804 [10 p.], DOI:10.3390/biomedicines10112804, 100 points, IF(4,757)
  17. Kawalec Agata, Pawlas Krystyna: Socioeconomic characteristic of burned children families, Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, 2022, vol. 29, no 3, pp. 417-423, DOI:10.26444/aaem/151018, 100 points, IF(1,603)
  18. Kazubowska-Machnowska Klaudia, Jodkowska Anna, Michałek-Zrąbkowska Monika, Więckiewicz Mieszko, Poręba Rafał, Dominiak Marzena, Gać Paweł, Mazur Grzegorz, Kanclerska Justyna, Martynowicz Helena: The effect of severity of obstructive sleep apnea on sleep bruxism in respiratory polygraphy study, Brain Sciences, 2022, vol. 12, no 7, art.828 [11 p.], DOI:10.3390/brainsci12070828, 100 points, IF(3,333)
  19. Kruczkowska Adrianna, Tomczyk Bartosz, Janeczko Zuzanna, Hajdusianek Wojciech, Jaremków Aleksandra: Number and type of medical errors caused by medical university students during their mandatory internships - survey research, Medycyna Środowiskowa -Environmental Medicine, 2022, vol. 25, no 1-2, pp. 2-7, DOI:10.26444/ms/150589, 20 points
  20. Macek Piotr, Więckiewicz Mieszko, Poręba Rafał, Gać Paweł, Bogunia-Kubik Katarzyna, Dratwa Marta, Wojakowska Anna, Mazur Grzegorz, Martynowicz Helena: Assessment of telomerase reverse transcriptase single nucleotide polymorphism in sleep bruxism, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2022, vol. 11, no 3, art.525 [11 p.], DOI:10.3390/jcm11030525, 140 points, IF(4,964)
  21. Macek Piotr, Poręba Rafał, Gać Paweł, Bogunia-Kubik Katarzyna, Dratwa Marta, Więckiewicz Mieszko, Wojakowska Anna, Michałek-Zrąbkowska Monika, Mazur Grzegorz, Martynowicz Helena: Genetic variants of the TERT gene and telomere length in obstructive sleep apnea, Biomedicines, 2022, vol. 10, no 11, art.2755 [10 p.], DOI:10.3390/biomedicines10112755, 100 points, IF(4,757)
  22. Macek Piotr, Poręba Małgorzata, Stachurska Aneta, Martynowicz Helena, Mazur Grzegorz, Gać Paweł, Poręba Rafał: Obstructive sleep apnea and sleep structure assessed in polysomnography and right ventricular strain parameters, Brain Sciences, 2022, vol. 12, no 3, art.331 [11 p.], DOI:10.3390/brainsci12030331, 100 points, IF(3,333)
  23. Markiewicz-Górka Iwona, Chowaniec Małgorzata, Martynowicz Helena, Wojakowska Anna, Jaremków Aleksandra, Mazur Grzegorz, Wiland Piotr, Pawlas Krystyna, Poręba Rafał, Gać Paweł: Cadmium body burden and inflammatory arthritis: a pilot study in patients from Lower Silesia, Poland, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, vol. 19, no 5, art.3099 [19 p.], DOI:10.3390/ijerph19053099, 140 points, IF(4,614)
  24. Martynowicz Helena, Wieczorek Tomasz, Macek Piotr, Wojakowska Anna, Poręba Rafał, Gać Paweł, Mazur Grzegorz, Skomro Robert, Smardz Joanna, Więckiewicz Mieszko: The effect of continuous positive airway pressure and mandibular advancement device on sleep bruxism intensity in obstructive sleep apnea patients, Chronic Respiratory Disease, 2022, vol. 19, art.14799731211052301 [10 p.], DOI:10.1177/14799731211052301, 70 points, IF(3,115)
  25. Michałek-Zrąbkowska Monika, Poręba Rafał, Gać Paweł, Frosztega Weronika, Wojakowska Anna, Więckiewicz Mieszko, Kanclerska Justyna, Macek Piotr, Więckiewicz Włodzimierz, Mazur Grzegorz, Martynowicz Helena: Telemetric assessment of continuous positive airways pressure (CPAP) effectiveness and adherence in obstructive sleep apnea during COVID-19 pandemic, Biomedicines, 2022, vol. 10, no 5, art.1011 [13 p.], DOI:10.3390/biomedicines10051011, 100 points, IF(4,757)
  26. Paluszkiewicz Patrycja, Martuszewski Adrian, Zaręba Natalia, Wala Kamila, Banasik Mirosław, Kepinska Marta: The application of nanoparticles in diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, vol. 23, no 1, art.131 [28 p.], DOI:10.3390/ijms23010131, 140 points, IF(6,208)
  27. Smardz Joanna, Więckiewicz Mieszko, Wojakowska Anna, Michałek-Zrąbkowska Monika, Poręba Rafał, Gać Paweł, Mazur Grzegorz, Martynowicz Helena: Incidence of sleep bruxism in different phenotypes of obstructive sleep apnea, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2022, vol. 11, no 14, art.4091 [12 p.], DOI:10.3390/jcm11144091, 140 points, IF(4,964)
  28. Truszkiewicz Krystian, Macek Piotr, Poręba Małgorzata, Poręba Rafał, Gać Paweł: Radiological cardiothoracic ratio as a potential marker of left ventricular hypertrophy assessed by echocardiography, Radiology Research and Practice, 2022, vol. 2022, art.4931945 [9 p.], DOI:10.1155/2022/4931945, 70 points
  29. Wolińska Irena A., Dykiert Karol, Gać Paweł, Poręba Małgorzata: Impact of air pollution on health, including the role of the COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of Health Inequalities, 2022, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 75-81, DOI:10.5114/jhi.2022.116059, 100 points
  30. Żórawik Aleksandra, Hajdusianek Wojciech, Gać Paweł, Poręba Rafał: Environmental and behavioural determinants of cardiovascular health, Journal of Health Inequalities, 2022, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 17-24, DOI:10.5114/jhi.2022.116483, 100 points
  31. Czerwińska Karolina, Poręba Małgorzata, Markiewicz-Górka Iwona, Martynowicz Helena, Mazur Grzegorz, Poręba Rafał, Gać Paweł: Ocena wybranych parametrów laboratoryjnych u pacjentów z obturacyjnym bezdechem sennym i nadciśnieniem tętniczym (Evaluation of selected laboratory parameters in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea and hypertension), in: 1st National Conference on Ergonomics of the Elderly. Wrocław, 24 September 2022 Conference materials, Wrocław 2022, Polish Academy of Sciences Wrocław branch, pp. 12-14, ISBN 978-83-954493-2-1
  32. Gać Paweł, Poręba Małgorzata, Poręba Rafał: Starzenie się człowieka na przykładzie wybranych obrazów tomografii komputerowej i rezonansu magnetycznego (Human ageing on the example of selected computed tomography and magnetic resonance images), in: 1st National Conference on Ergonomics of the Elderly. Wrocław, 24 September 2022 Conference materials, Wrocław 2022, Polish Academy of Sciences Wrocław branch, pp. 15-17, ISBN 978-83-954493-2-1
  1. Gać Paweł: Środowiskowe i zawodowe narażenia na związki arsenu a zmiany w układzie krążenia (Environmental and occupational exposure to arsenic compounds versus changes in the circulatory system), in: 2nd National Scientific Conference "Threats to human health - causes, current state, solutions for the future". Lublin, 22 October 2022  Abstracts, (ed.) Izabela Mołdoch-Mendoń, Alicja Danielewska, Lublin 2022, Foundation for the promotion of science and development TYGIEL, pp. 14-15, ISBN 978-83-67194-80-8
  2. Pawlas Krystyna, Gać Paweł: Wpływ materialnych czynników środowiska na osoby starsze (The impact of material environmental factors on the elderly), in: 1st National Conference on Ergonomics of the Elderly. Wrocław, 24 September 2022 Conference materials, Wrocław 2022, Polish Academy of Sciences Wrocław branch, pp. 58-60, ISBN 978-83-954493-2-1
  3. Żórawik Aleksandra, Hajdusianek Wojciech, Kusnerż Agnieszka, Markiewicz-Górka Iwona, Jaremków Aleksandra, Martynowicz Helena, Poręba Małgorzata, Pawlas Krystyna, Mazur Grzegorz, Poręba Rafał, Gać Paweł: Związek między narażeniem na dym tytoniowy a stężeniem renalazy we krwi u osób chorujących na nadciśnienie tętnicze (The correlation between tobacco smoke exposure and blood renalase levels in patients with hypertension): XV Preventive Cardiology. Kraków, 18-19 November 2022 Conference programme 2022, 74 item U19
  4. Gać Paweł, Martuszewski Adrian, Paluszkiewicz Patrycja, Poręba Rafał: Coronary-pulmonary artery fistula recanalization on coronary computed tomography angiography images, Diagnostics, 2021, vol. 11, no 10, art.1921 [4 p.], DOI:10.3390/diagnostics11101921, 70 points, IF(3,992)
  5.   Gać Paweł, Czerwińska Karolina, Poręba Małgorzata, Prokopowicz Adam, Martynowicz Helena, Mazur Grzegorz, Poręba Rafał: Serum zinc and selenium concentrations in patients with hypertrophy and remodelling of the left ventricle secondary to arterial hypertension, Antioxidants, 2021, vol. 10, no 11, art.1803 [13 p.], DOI:10.3390/antiox10111803, 100 points, IF(7,675)
  6. Paluszkiewicz Patrycja, Martuszewski Adrian, Majcherek Maciej, Kucharska Marta, Bogucka-Fedorczuk Aleksandra, Wróbel Tomasz, Czyż Anna: Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis secondary to peripheral T cell lymphoma with rapid onset and fatal progression in a young patient: a case report and review of the literature, American Journal of Case Reports, The, 2021, vol. 22, art.e932765 [9 p.], DOI:10.12659/AJCR.932765, 70 points
  7. Truszkiewicz Krystian, Poręba Małgorzata, Poręba Rafał, Gać Paweł: Radiological cardiothoracic ratio as a potential predictor of right ventricular enlargement in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism due to COVID-19, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2021, vol. 10, no 23, art.5703 [15 p.], DOI:10.3390/jcm10235703, 140 points, IF(4,964)

Publications by the Division employees in 2021:

  1.   The importance of selenium and zinc deficiency in cardiovascular disorders. [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] PAWEŁ GAĆ, [AUT.] KAROLINA CZERWIŃSKA, PIOTR MACEK, ALEKSANDRA JAREMKÓW, GRZEGORZ MAZUR, KRYSTYNA PAWLAS, RAFAŁ PORĘBA. Environ.Toxicol.Pharmacol. 2021 Vol.82 art.103553 [8 p.], fig., tab., bibliogr., summ. DOI: 10.1016/j.etap.2020.103553
  2.     Coexistence of common pathologies of the cardiovascular system in a patient with pain in the right lower limb. [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] PAWEŁ GAĆ, [AUT.] MARTYNA HAJAC, PIOTR MACEK, RAFAŁ PORĘBA. Diagnostics 2021 Vol.11 no.1 art.56 [5 p.], fig., bibliogr. item 6, summ. DOI: 10.3390/diagnostics11010056
  3.     The total antioxidant status, serum selenium concentrations and the ultrasound assessment carotid intima media thickness in patients with arterial hypertension. [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] PAWEŁ GAĆ, [AUT.] MAŁGORZATA PORĘBA, LIDIA JANUSZEWSKA, ADAM PROKOPOWICZ, HELENA MARTYNOWICZ, GRZEGORZ MAZUR, RAFAŁ PORĘBA. Antioxidants 2021 Vol.10 no.1 art.63 [13 p.], fig., tab., bibliogr. item 39, summ. DOI: 10.3390/antiox10010063
  4.     Environmental tobacco smoke exposure estimated using the SHSES scale and epicardial adipose tissue thickness in hypertensive patients. [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] Environmental tobacco smoke exposure estimated using the SHSES scale and epicardial adipose tissue thickness in hypertensive patients. Cardiovasc.Toxicol. 2021 Vol.21 no.1 pp.79-87, fig., tab., bibliogr. item 41, summ. DOI: 10.1007/s12012-020-09598-y
  5.     Left ventricular myocardial strain assessed by cardiac magnetic resonance feature tracking in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. [AUT.] WOJCIECH TAŃSKI, [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] PAWEŁ GAĆ, [AUT.] ANGELIKA CHACHAJ, GRZEGORZ MAZUR, RAFAŁ PORĘBA, ANDRZEJ SZUBA. Insights Imaging 2021 Vol.12 art.5 [11 p.], fig., tab., bibliogr. item 25, summ. DOI: 10.1186/s13244-020-00948-6
  6.     Obstructive sleep apnea as a risk factor of insulin resistance in nondiabetic adults. [AUT.] MONIKA MICHAŁEK-ZRĄBKOWSKA, PIOTR MACEK, HELENA MARTYNOWICZ, PAWEŁ GAĆ, GRZEGORZ MAZUR, [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] MAGDA GRZĘDA, [AUT.] RAFAŁ PORĘBA. Life (Basel) 2021 Vol.11 no.1 art.50 [9 p.], tab., bibliogr. item 31, summ. DOI: 10.3390/life11010050
  7.     Consecutive controlled case series on effectiveness of opipramol in severe sleep bruxism management - preliminary study on new therapeutic path. [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] MIESZKO WIĘCKIEWICZ, [AUT.] HELENA MARTYNOWICZ, TOMASZ WIECZOREK, ANNA WOJAKOWSKA, KATARZYNA SŁUŻALEC-WIĘCKIEWICZ, PAWEŁ GAĆ, RAFAŁ PORĘBA, GRZEGORZ MAZUR, EFRAIM WINOCUR, JOANNA SMARDZ. Brain Sci. 2021 Vol.11 no.2 art.146 [15 p.], tab., bibliogr. item 61, summ. DOI: 10.3390/brainsci11020146
  8.     Determinants of survival in patients with bladder cancer undergoing radical cystectomy: the impact of serum creatinine level. [AUT.] PAWEŁ HACKEMER, [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] BARTOSZ MAŁKIEWICZ, [AUT.] FRYDERYK MENZEL, ALEKSANDRA DRABIK, KRZYSZTOF TUPIKOWSKI, ROMUALD ZDROJOWY. Adv.Clin.Exp.Med. 2021 Vol.30 no.1 pp.77-82, fig., tab., bibliogr. item 14, summ. DOI: 10.17219/acem/130597
  9.     The relationship between occupationally exposed arsenic, cadmium and lead and brain bioelectrical activity - a visual and brainstem auditory evoked potentials study. [AUT.] MARTA WALISZEWSKA-PROSÓŁ, MARIA EJMA, [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] PAWEŁ GAĆ, [AUT.] ANNA SZYMAŃSKA-CHABOWSKA, MAGDALENA KOSZEWICZ, SŁAWOMIR BUDREWICZ, GRZEGORZ MAZUR, MAŁGORZATA BILIŃSKA, RAFAŁ PORĘBA. Brain Sci. 2021 Vol.11 no.3 art.350 [10 p.], tab., bibliogr. item 38, summ. DOI: 10.3390/brainsci11030350
  10.     Left ventricular rupture as a complication of anterior wall myocardial infarction on computed tomography angiography and ventriculography. [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] PAWEŁ GAĆ, [AUT.] PIOTR MACEK, ANDRZEJ SZCZEPAŃSKI, RAFAŁ PORĘBA. Diagnostics 2021 Vol.11 no.3 art.525 [5 p.], fig., bibliogr. item 7, summ. DOI: 10.3390/diagnostics11030525
  11.     Effect of sleep bruxism intensity on blood pressure in normotensives. [AUT.] MONIKA MICHAŁEK-ZRĄBKOWSKA, MIESZKO WIĘCKIEWICZ, PAWEŁ GAĆ, JOANNA SMARDZ, RAFAŁ PORĘBA, ANNA WOJAKOWSKA, KATARZYNA GOSŁAWSKA, GRZEGORZ MAZUR, [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] HELENA MARTYNOWICZ. J.Clin.Med. 2021 Vol.10 no.6 art.1304 [14 p.], tab., bibliogr. item 50, summ. DOI: 10.3390/jcm10061304
  12.     Familial correlates of leisure time activities among Polish early school-age children: a cross-sectional study. [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] ANNA KAWALEC, [AUT.] KRYSTYNA PAWLAS. Int.J.Environ.Res.Public Health 2021 Vol.18 no.7 art.3704 [13 p.], fig., tab., bibliogr. item 46, summ. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18073704
  13.     The impact of temporary stay at high altitude on the circulatory system. [AUT.] KAROLINA MIKOŁAJCZAK, KAROLINA CZERWIŃSKA, WITOLD PILECKI, RAFAŁ PORĘBA, [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] PAWEŁ GAĆ, [AUT.] MAŁGORZATA PORĘBA. J.Clin.Med. 2021 Vol.10 no.8 art.1622 [15 p.], fig., tab., bibliogr. item 87, summ. DOI: 10.3390/jcm10081622
  14.     Obstructive sleep apnea as a predictor of arrhythmias in 24-h ECG Holter monitoring. [AUT.] DOMINIKA URBANIK, [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] PAWEŁ GAĆ, [AUT.] HELENA MARTYNOWICZ, MACIEJ PODGÓRSKI, MAŁGORZATA PORĘBA, GRZEGORZ MAZUR, RAFAŁ PORĘBA. Brain Sci. 2021 Vol.11 no.4 art.486 [9 p.], tab., bibliogr. item 22, summ. DOI: 10.3390/brainsci11040486
  15.     Thickness of epicardial and pericoronary adipose tissue measured using 128-slice MSCT as predictors for risk of significant coronary artery diseases. [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] PAWEŁ GAĆ, [AUT.] PIOTR MACEK, MAŁGORZATA PORĘBA, OLGA KORNAFEL-FLAK, GRZEGORZ MAZUR, RAFAŁ PORĘBA. Irish J.Med.Sci. 2021 Vol.190 no.2 pp.555-566, fig., tab., bibliogr. item 27, summ. DOI: 10.1007/s11845-020-02339-8
  16.     The impact of chronic co-exposure to different heavy metals on small fibers of peripheral nerves. A study of metal industry workers. [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] MAGDALENA KOSZEWICZ, [AUT.] KATARZYNA MARKOWSKA, MARTA WALISZEWSKA-PROSÓŁ, RAFAŁ PORĘBA, PAWEŁ GAĆ, ANNA SZYMAŃSKA-CHABOWSKA, GRZEGORZ MAZUR, MAŁGORZATA WIECZOREK, MARIA EJMA, KRZYSZTOF SŁOTWIŃSKI, SŁAWOMIR BUDREWICZ. J.Occup.Med.Toxicol. 2021 Vol.16 art.12 [8 p.], fig., tab., bibliogr. item 54, summ. DOI: 10.1186/s12995-021-00302-6
  17.     Radiological cardiothoracic ratio in evidence-based medicine. [AUT.] KRYSTIAN TRUSZKIEWICZ, RAFAŁ PORĘBA, [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] PAWEŁ GAĆ. J.Clin.Med. 2021 Vol.10 no.9 art.2016 [9 p.], fig., bibliogr. item 30, summ. DOI: 10.3390/jcm10092016
  18.     Influence of age and gender on sleep bruxism and snoring in non-apneic snoring patients: a polysomnographic study. [AUT.] JOANNA SMARDZ, [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] MIESZKO WIĘCKIEWICZ, [AUT.] PAWEŁ GAĆ, RAFAŁ PORĘBA, ANNA WOJAKOWSKA, GRZEGORZ MAZUR, HELENA MARTYNOWICZ. J.Sleep Res. 2021 Vol.30 no.3 art.e13178 [10 p.], tab., bibliogr., summ. DOI: 10.1111/jsr.13178
  19.     Renalase and hypertension - demographic and clinical correlates in obstructive sleep apnea. [AUT.] HELENA MARTYNOWICZ, KAROLINA CZERWIŃSKA, ANNA WOJAKOWSKA, LIDIA JANUSZEWSKA, IWONA MARKIEWICZ-GÓRKA, MIESZKO WIĘCKIEWICZ, GRZEGORZ MAZUR, KRYSTYNA PAWLAS, RAFAŁ PORĘBA, [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] PAWEŁ GAĆ. Sleep Breath. 2021 Vol.25 no.2 pp.669-675, fig., tab., bibliogr. item 33, summ. DOI: 10.1007/s11325-020-02157-3
  20.     Occupational brachial artery injury by a foreign body with subsequent soft tissue hematoma superinfection. [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] PAWEŁ GAĆ, [AUT.] PIOTR MACEK, BARBARA DZIADKOWIEC, RAFAŁ PORĘBA. Int.J.Environ.Res.Public Health 2021 Vol.18 no.12 art.6400 [5 p.], fig., bibliogr. item 7, summ. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18126400
  21.     Tobacco and nervous system development and function - new findings 2015-2020. [AUT.] WOJCIECH HAJDUSIANEK, ALEKSANDRA ŻÓRAWIK, MARTA WALISZEWSKA-PROSÓŁ, RAFAŁ PORĘBA, [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] PAWEŁ GAĆ. Brain Sci. 2021 Vol.11 no.6 art.797 [15 p.], fig., tab., bibliogr. item 74, summ. DOI: 10.3390/brainsci11060797
  22.     Cardiac and vascular disorders as para-occupational diseases - a Polish perspective. [AUT.] KAROLINA CZERWIŃSKA, [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] PAWEŁ GAĆ, [AUT.] RAFAŁ PORĘBA, GRZEGORZ MAZUR, KRYSTYNA PAWLAS. Ann.Agric.Environ.Med. 2021 Vol.28 no.2 pp.231-236, tab., bibliogr. item 50, summ. DOI: 10.26444/aaem/122259
  23.     Estimation of aortic valve calcium score based on angiographic phase versus reduction of ionizing radiation dose in computed tomography. [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] PAWEŁ GAĆ, [AUT.] BARTŁOMIEJ KĘDZIERSKI, PIOTR MACEK, KRYSTYNA PAWLAS, RAFAŁ PORĘBA. Life (Basel) 2021 Vol.11 no.7 art.604 [16 p.], fig., tab., bibliogr. item 33, summ. DOI: 10.3390/life11070604
  24.     The COVID-19 pandemic, heart and cardiovascular diseases: what we have learned. [AUT.] ZUZANNA PIĄTEK, [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] PAWEŁ GAĆ, [AUT.] MAŁGORZATA PORĘBA. Dent.Med.Probl. 2021 Vol.58 no.2 pp.219-227, tab., bibliogr. item 77, summ. DOI: 10.17219/dmp/133153
  25.     Breakfast frequency and composition in a group of Polish children aged 7-10 years. [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] ANNA KAWALEC, [AUT.] KRYSTYNA PAWLAS. Nutrients 2021 Vol.13 no.7 art.2241 [13 p.], fig., tab., bibliogr. item 36, summ. DOI: 10.3390/nu13072241
  26.     Aortic valve calcification score in patients with arterial hypertension environmentally exposed to tobacco smoke. [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] PAWEŁ GAĆ, [AUT.] ADRIAN MARTUSZEWSKI, PATRYCJA PALUSZKIEWICZ, MAŁGORZATA PORĘBA, GRZEGORZ MAZUR, RAFAŁ PORĘBA. Cardiovasc.Toxicol. 2021 Vol.21 no.11 pp.869-879, fig., tab., bibliogr. item 74, summ. DOI: 10.1007/s12012-021-09677-8
  27.     Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis secondary to peripheral T cell lymphoma with rapid onset and fatal progression in a young patient: a case report and review of the literature. [AUTHORS] PATRYCJA PALUSZKIEWICZ, ADRIAN MARTUSZEWSKI, [ CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] MACIEJ MAJCHEREK, [AUTHORS] MARTA KUCHARSKA, ALEKSANDRA BOGUCKA-FEDORCZUK, TOMASZ WRÓBEL, ANNA CZYŻ. Am.J.Case Rep. 2021 Vol. 22 art. e932765 [p. 9], fig., tab., bibliogr. item 51, summ. DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.932765
  28.     COVID‑19 pathology imaging: a one-year perspective. [AUT.] MARTYNA HAJAC, CYPRIAN OLCHOWY, RAFAŁ PORĘBA, [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] PAWEŁ GAĆ. Dent.Med.Probl. 2021 Vol.58 no.3 pp.377-384, fig., bibliogr. item 38, summ. DOI: 10.17219/dmp/135814
  29.     Eagle’s syndrome as a cause of discomfort and the subjective presence of a foreign body in the throat. [AUT.] IRENA WOLIŃSKA, PRZEMYSŁAW JAŹWIEC, MARIA PAWŁOWSKA, [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] PAWEŁ GAĆ, [AUT.] RAFAŁ PORĘBA, MAŁGORZATA PORĘBA. Diagnostics 2021 Vol.11 no.10 art.1832 [5 p.], fig., bibliogr. item 20, summ. DOI: 10.3390/diagnostics11101832
  30.     Selected clinical parameters and changes in cardiac morphology and function assessed by magnetic resonance imaging in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis without clinically apparent heart disease. [AUT.] WOJCIECH TAŃSKI, [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] PAWEŁ GAĆ, [AUT.] ANGELIKA CHACHAJ, MAŁGORZATA SOBIESZCZAŃSKA, RAFAŁ PORĘBA, ANDRZEJ SZUBA. Clin.Rheumatol. 2021 Vol.40 no.11 pp.4701-4711, tab., bibliogr. item 34, summ. DOI: 10.1007/s10067-021-05777-6
  31.     Coronary-pulmonary artery fistula recanalization on coronary computed tomography angiography images. [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] PAWEŁ GAĆ, [AUT.] ADRIAN MARTUSZEWSKI, PATRYCJA PALUSZKIEWICZ, RAFAŁ PORĘBA. Diagnostics 2021 Vol. 11 no. 10 art.1921 [p. 4 ], fig., summ. DOI: 10.3390/diagnostics11101921
  32.     Serum zinc and selenium concentrations in patients with hypertrophy and remodelling of the left ventricle secondary to arterial hypertension. [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] PAWEŁ GAĆ, [AUT.] KAROLINA CZERWIŃSKA, MAŁGORZATA PORĘBA, ADAM PROKOPOWICZ, HELENA MARTYNOWICZ, GRZEGORZ MAZUR, RAFAŁ PORĘBA. Antioxidants 2021 Vol.10 no.11 art.1803 [13 p.], fig., tab., bibliogr. item 45, summ. DOI: 10.3390/antiox10111803
  33.     Radiological cardiothoracic ratio as a potential predictor of right ventricular enlargement in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism due to COVID-19. [AUT.] KRYSTIAN TRUSZKIEWICZ, MAŁGORZATA PORĘBA, RAFAŁ PORĘBA, PAWEŁ GAĆ. J.Clin.Med. 2021 Vol.10 no.23 art.5703 [15 p.], fig., tab., bibliogr. item 41, summ. DOI: 10.3390/jcm10235703
  34.     Municipal waste and related health risks. [CORRESPONDING AUTHOR] ALICJA WALOSIK, [AUT.] JAROSŁAW SZAJNER, KRYSTYNA PAWLAS, ILONA ŻEBER DZIKOWSKA. J.Elementol. 2021 Vol.26 no.3 pp.573-582, tab., bibliogr., summ. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2021.26.2.2125
  35.     Stomatologia społeczna (Social Dentistry). [ED.] KRYSTYNA PAWLAS, TOMASZ KONOPKA. Warszawa 2021, PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie, XXI, 486 p, 978-83-200-6132-1.
  36.     Epidemiologia (Epidemiology). [AUT.] KRYSTYNA PAWLAS, IWONA MARKIEWICZ-GÓRKA, PAWEŁ GAĆ. in: Stomatologia społeczna Warszawa 2021, PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie, pp.7-18, fig., bibliogr. 5 poz, 978-83-200-6132-1.
  37.     Biostatystyka (Biostatics) [AUT.] KRYSTYNA PAWLAS, NATALIA PAWLAS. in: Stomatologia społeczna Warszawa 2021, PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie, pp.19-29, tab., bibliogr. item 3, 978-83-200-6132-1.
  38.     Determinanty zdrowia i czynniki ryzyka (Health determinants and risk factors). [AUT.] KRYSTYNA PAWLAS. in: Stomatologia społeczna Warszawa 2021, PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie, pp.31-34, fig., bibliogr. item 4, 978-83-200-6132-1.
  39.     Czynniki demograficzne a stan zdrowia populacji (Demographic factors and population health status). [AUT.] IWONA MARKIEWICZ-GÓRKA, KRYSTYNA PAWLAS. in: Stomatologia społeczna Warszawa 2021, PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie, pp.35-42, fig., bibliogr. item 4, 978-83-200-6132-1.
  1.     Czynniki środowiska pracy i życia (Work and living environment factors). [AUT.] NATALIA PAWLAS, PAWEŁ GAĆ. in: Stomatologia społeczna Warszawa 2021, PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie, pp.43-59, tab., bibliogr. item 19, 978-83-200-6132-1.
  2.     Choroby związane ze środowiskiem pomieszczeń (Diseases associated with the indoor environment). [AUT.] PAWEŁ GAĆ, KRYSTYNA PAWLAS. in: Stomatologia społeczna Warszawa 2021, PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie, pp.61-70, tab., bibliogr. item 20, 978-83-200-6132-1.
  3.     Podstawy epidemiologii chorób nowotworowych (Fundamentals of cancer epidemiology). [AUT.] KAROLINA CZERWIŃSKA, PAWEŁ GAĆ. in: Stomatologia społeczna Warszawa 2021, PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie, pp.71-94, tab., bibliogr. item 19, 978-83-200-6132-1.
  4.     Problemy zdrowotne w wybranych krajach świata. Problemy zdrowotne mieszkańców poszczególnych regionów Polski (Health problems in selected countries of the world. Health problems of residents of particular regions of Poland). [AUT.] AGATA KAWALEC, ANNA KAWALEC, KRYSTYNA PAWLAS. in: Stomatologia społeczna Warszawa 2021, PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie, pp.95-114, fig., tab., bibliogr. item 8, 978-83-200-6132-1.
  5.     Wprowadzenie do medycyny pracy - specyfika środowiska pracy stomatologa (Introduction to occupational medicine - the specificity of the dentist's working environment). [AUT.] PAWEŁ GAĆ, RAFAŁ PORĘBA, KRYSTYNA PAWLAS. in: Stomatologia społeczna Warszawa 2021, PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie, pp.117-127, tab., bibliogr. item 19, 978-83-200-6132-1.
  6.     Choroby zawodowe lekarza dentysty i choroby związane z warunkami wykonywania pracy (Occupational diseases of a dentist and diseases related to working conditions) [AUT.] NATALIA PAWLAS, TOMASZ MATYS, PAWEŁ GAĆ. in: Stomatologia społeczna Warszawa 2021, PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie, pp.129-140, tab., bibliogr. item 21, 978-83-200-6132-1.
  7.     Epidemiologia chorób zakaźnych - zagadnienia wprowadzające (Epidemiology of infectious diseases - introductory issues). [AUT.] PAWEŁ GAĆ, KRYSTYNA PAWLAS. in: Stomatologia społeczna Warszawa 2021, PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie, pp.141-159, fig., tab., bibliogr. item 26, 978-83-200-6132-1.
  8.     Zakażenia wirusowe przenoszone drogą krwi - potencjalne zagrożenie biologiczne w zawodzie stomatologa (Blood-borne viral infections - a potential biological hazard in the profession of a dentist). [AUT.] PAWEŁ GAĆ, KRYSTYNA PAWLAS, RAFAŁ PORĘBA. in: Stomatologia społeczna Warszawa 2021, PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie, pp.161-172, tab., bibliogr. item 26, 978-83-200-6132-1.
  9.     Promieniowanie rentgenowskie - potencjalne zagrożenie fizyczne w zawodzie stomatologa (X-ray radiation - a potential physical hazard in the profession of a dentist). [AUT.] PAWEŁ GAĆ, KRYSTYNA PAWLAS. in: Stomatologia społeczna Warszawa 2021, PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie, pp.189-199, tab., bibliogr. item 24, 978-83-200-6132-1.
  10.     Rtęć, kadm i ołów - potencjalne zagrożenie chemiczne w zawodzie stomatologa (Mercury, cadmium and lead - a potential chemical hazard in the profession of a dentist). [AUT.] HELENA MARTYNOWICZ, PAWEŁ GAĆ, RAFAŁ PORĘBA. in: Stomatologia społeczna Warszawa 2021, PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie, pp.201-209, tab., bibliogr. item 36, 978-83-200-6132-1.
  11.     Epidemiologia chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Próchnica i choroby przyzębia jako potencjalne czynniki ryzyka chorób układu krążenia (Epidemiology of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Caries and periodontal disease as potential risk factors for cardiovascular diseases). [AUT.] MAŁGORZATA PORĘBA, PAWEŁ GAĆ. in: Stomatologia społeczna Warszawa 2021, PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie, pp.301-322, tab., bibliogr. item 49, 978-83-200-6132-1.
  12.     Jama ustna a jakość życia i ogólny stan zdrowia (The oral cavity vs. quality of life and general health condition). [AUT.] IWONA MARKIEWICZ-GÓRKA. in: Stomatologia społeczna Warszawa 2021, PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie, pp.323-337, fig., bibliogr. item 20, 978-83-200-6132-1.
  13.     Fluor jako przykład środowiskowego uwarunkowania zdrowia jamy ustnej (Fluoride as an example of an environmental determinant of oral health). [AUT.] IWONA MARKIEWICZ-GÓRKA, LIDIA JANUSZEWSKA. in: Stomatologia społeczna Warszawa 2021, PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie, pp.353-359, bibliogr. item 11, 978-83-200-6132-1.
  14.     Środowisko i styl życia a stan zdrowia jamy ustnej (Environment and lifestyle vs. oral health). [AUT.] IWONA MARKIEWICZ-GÓRKA. in: Stomatologia społeczna Warszawa 2021, PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie, pp.361-393, fig., tab., bibliogr. item 23, 978-83-200-6132-1.


Adiunkt dydaktyczny Zakładu Zdrowia Środowiskowego i Medycyny Pracy
dr Iwona Markiewicz-Górka - adiunkt dydaktyczny Zakładu ( grupa badawczo-dydaktyczna)
tel.: 71 784 15 05
e-mail: iwona.markiewicz-gorka@umw.edu.pl

Coordinator of student affairs English Division- Faculty of Medicine
dr Marek Tradecki 
( grupa badawczo-dydaktyczna)
tel.: 71 784 15 04
e-mail: marek.tradecki@umw.edu.pl

Coordinator of student affairs English Division- Faculty of Dentistry
lek. Martyna Hajac ( grupa dydaktyczna)
tel.: 71 784 15 04
e-mail: martyna.hajac@umw.edu.pl

Spis prowadzonych przedmiotów
  1. Epidemiologia z elementami higieny. / Epidemiology with elements of Hygiene

  2. Stomatologia społeczna z epidemiologią. / Social dentistry with epidemiology.

PRZEDMIOTY FAKULTATYWNE - semestr letni 2023/2024

  1. Dlaczego lekarze powinni być zainteresowani zanieczyszczeniami powietrza?
  2. Środowiskowe i żywieniowe uwarunkowania zdrowia

  3. Wpływ zanieczyszczenia środowiska na rozwój przewlekłych chorób niezakaźnych

  4. Chemia biologiczna a implementacje medyczne substancji biologicznie aktywnych

  5. Elementy higieny i epidemiologii w pytaniach Lekarskiego Egzaminu Końcowego

Sylabusy na rok akademicki 2023/2024 dostępne pod linkiem:


Syllabuses for the academic year 2023/2024 can be found under the following link:


CONSULTATIONS FOR STUDENTS: (after prior e-mail arrangement)

Paweł Gać, PhD, professor at Wroclaw Medical University

 Thursday 9:00-9:30 and Friday 12:30-14:00


Prof. Krystyna Pawlas, PhD

Wednesday 10:00-12:00


Iwona Markiewicz-Górka, PhD

Tuesday 10:00-12:00


Dr. Wojciech Hajdusianek

Friday 17:15-19:15


Dr. Marek Tradecki

Monday 15:00 - 16:00


Dr. Martyna Hajac

Monday 14:00-16:00



Terminy egzaminów / Exam timetables

Kalendarz Egzaminów / Exam timetables

Epidemiologia z elementami higieny. WL

  • I termin 05.02.2024, godz. 12:00
  • II termin 01.03.2024, godz. 10:00

Epidemiology with Elements of hygiene WLED

  • 1 st -08.02.2024, 3:00 PM - Sala wykładowa CNIM (Biblioteka) nr 209/210 Ul. Marcinkowskiego 2-6
  • 2 nd - 27.02.2023, 3:00 PM

Stomatologia społeczna z epidemiologią

  • I termin 06.02.2024, godz.10:00 - Sala wykładowa Katedry i Zakładu Biochemii Lekarskiej, Chałubińskiego 10
  • II termin 28.02.2024, godz. 10:00

Social dentistry with epidemiology

  • 1 st - 05.02.2024, 4:00 PM - Seminar room nr 311 Division of Environmental Health and Occupational Medicine, ul. J. Mikulicza-Radeckiego 7
  • 2 nd - 28.02.2024, 4:00 PM.
Plan zajęć semestr letni 2023/2024

Plany zajęć pod linkiem: https://www.umw.edu.pl/pl/kierunek-lekarski/plany-zajec

Shedules for the academic year 2023/2024 can be found under the following link: https://www.umw.edu.pl/pl/kierunek-lekarski-english-division/schedules