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News | 01.12.2023

Our student - "Talent of Tomorrow"

Magdalena Kloc, a student at the Medical University of Wroclaw, has become the winner of the second edition of the "Talents of Tomorrow" competition, organized by the Empiria and Knowledge Foundation. The award ceremony took place on November 28 during the 3W Congress in Warsaw.

"Talents of Tomorrow" is a grant program aimed at supporting young people (aged 19-25) who carry out projects in the fields of medicine and science. The awards of PLN 25,000, which are given to the winners in each category, enable them to continue/expand their research or improve their inventions, thus launching their scientific and research careers.

The second edition of the competition received nearly 100 entries, which were evaluated by a jury of scientists, representatives of universities and the business world.

One of the winners of the "Talnets of Tomorrow" was Magdalena Kloc, a second-year medical student at the Medical University of Wroclaw and president of the UMW Student Scientific Circle of Cancer Cell Biology. The jury appreciated her project "Hydrogels with nanoparticles of anticancer compounds produced by endophytic fungi as a new form of skin cancer therapy."

- Trees in forests live in association with endophytic fungi, which produce bioactive substances and are an excellent platform for discovering new drugs, says Magdalena Kloc, adding that current anti-cancer therapies are not sufficient or are associated with side effects, so scientists are constantly looking for new solutions. One of the minimally invasive methods of treating skin cancer are hydrogels, found in dressings and drug delivery systems.

- The goal of my project will be to isolate anticancer, anti-inflammatory and regenerative compounds from endophytic fungi found in Wroclaw's forests, the young researcher explains.

Authored by: Monika Szymańska-Antosiak Creation date: 01.12.2023 Update authored by: Monika Szymańska-Antosiak Update date: 01.12.2023