Pre- recruitment postgraduate studies "European Master Degree in Oral Laser Applications".
European Master Degree in Oral Laser Applications
Due to the rapid development of laser applications in the treatment of oral diseases, medical universities should play an active role in teaching laser therapy. European dental students currently receive a limited number of hours of laser therapy instruction, supported by numerous scientific data. Recognizing the need for academic centers to provide reliable and evidence-based knowledge to current and future users of dental lasers, an integrated laser therapy curriculum was developed at the university level. This initiative led to the establishment of a postgraduate program focused on learning laser applications in dentistry, known as the European Master Degree in Oral Laser Applications (EMDOLA).
Presently, the same postgraduate laser therapy program is being implemented at six medical universities: Barcelona (Spain), Liege (Belgium), Timisoara (Romania), Parma (Italy), Rome (Italy), and Wroclaw (Poland). The program is standardized across these universities, with lecturers invited to deliver parts of their lectures at cooperating universities under the EMDOLA program. This collaborative approach ensures a consistent level of teaching at each university. Additionally, upon defending their final thesis, each student has the opportunity to join the International Academy of EMDOLA, fostering further cooperation among scientific staff and lecturers from each university. This collaboration aims to contribute to the ongoing scientific development of the EMDOLA postgraduate program.
A dental diploma and an active license to practice in Poland or Europe are required for the candidate. The dental practitioner should possess a minimum of 3 years of professional experience post-graduation, including fundamental clinical experience in clinical stomatology. This experience should encompass the use of laser therapy in conservative dentistry, endodontics, pedodontics, periodontics, surgery, prosthodontics, and other related areas, confirmed by relevant certificates. Student candidates should have a proficiency in English at a level of at least B2.
interviews will be conducted for candidates who fulfill the specified requirements.
2 years (4 semesters)
46 000,00 zł (payment in 4 installments)
If you are interested in taking part, please fill out and send the following application form to:
For more information, please email: podyplomowe-ckp@umw.edu.pl