Department of Psychiatry

wyb. L. Pasteura 10
50-367 Wrocław

phone: 71 784 16 00
phone: 71 784 16 01

The Department of Psychiatry consists of:

  • Clinical Department of Psychiatry
  • Division of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Diseases
  • Division of Consultation Psychiatry and Neuroscience

51.112450519689, 17.0692885

Head of the Department of Psychiatry

Prof.  Błażej Misiak, PhD


Agnieszka Leczykiewicz, MA
+48 71 784 16 00

Engineering and technical employees

Józef Zając, MA
+48 71 784 16 30

Lidia Chomicka, MA

+48 71 784 16 01


Prof. .  . . Joanna Rymaszewska, MD, PhD


Prof. .  . . Jerzy Leszek, MD, PhD


Prof. .  . . Dorota Frydecka, MD, PhD
+48 71 784 16 16

Assistant Professors

. . Jan Aleksander Beszłej, MD, PhD


. . Tomasz Hadryś, MD, PhD
tel.: +48 71 784 16 11


. . Monika Kantorska-Janiec, MD, PhD
+48 71 784 16 34


.  . . Monika Szewczuk-Bogusławska, MD, PhD
+48 71 350 17 80


. . Elżbieta Trypka, MD, PhD
+48 71 784 16 11


. Renata Wallner, MD, PhD, M.Psych
+48 71 784 16 29


Karolina Fila-Witecka, MA


Agata Kołodziejczyk, PhD


Marta Lenart-Bugla, MA


Dr. Julian Maciaszek


Piotr Musiał, MA


. . Anna Pałęga, PhD


Division of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Diseases

Head of the Division

Krzysztof Małyszczak, MD, PhD, Prof. of the Wroclaw Medical University
+48 71 784 16 43



Prof. .  . . Tomasz Pawłowski, MD, PhD

Assistant Professors

. . Sylwia Chładzińska-Kiejna, MD, PhD
+48 71 784 16 35

Professor at Wroclaw Medical University

. . Dorota Szcześniak, MD, PhD, Prof. of the Wroclaw Medical University
tel.: +48 71 784 16 12

Division of Consultation Psychiatry and Neuroscience

Head of the Division

Prof. .  . . Błażej Misiak, MD, PhD


Dr. Agnieszka Cyran

Assistant Professors

.  . . Patryk Piotrowski, MD, PhD
phone: + 48 71 784 16 52

Professor at Wroclaw Medical University

. . Bartłomiej Stańczykiewicz, Professor of the Wroclaw Medical University
+ 48 71 784 18 39

Dr. Marta Ciułkowicz

Bogna Bogudzińska, MSc                                  

Maria Maćkowiak, MSc

Dr. Agnieszka Kobyłko

Dr. Krzysztof Kowalski

Dr. Mateusz Łuc

Dr. Monika Małecka

Dr. Marcin Pawłowski

Adrianna Senczyszyn, MA

Agata Mikołajków, MSc

Mateusz Nowak, MA

Completed doctoral dissertations in the Department of Psychiatry


Agata Kołodziejczyk: Zmiany w obrazie ciała oraz wzrost potraumatyczny u pacjentek leczonych z powodu nowotworu piersi (Changes to body image among patients treated for breast cancer)
 Supervisor: Prof. . Tomasz Pawłowski, MD, PhD



Joanna Halicka-Masłowska: Związek między agresją i autoagresją a inteligencją emocjonalną oraz polimorfizmem genów związanych z neurotransmisją dopaminergiczną u młodzieży z zaburzeniami zachowania (Relationship between aggression and self-aggression and emotional intelligence and polymorphisms of genes related to dopaminergic neurotransmission in adolescents with conduct disorder)
 Supervisor: Prof. . Błażej Misiak, PhD


Kamila Kotowicz: Wpływ interakcji między zmiennością genetyczną neurotransmisji dopaminergicznej a traumatycznymi wydarzeniami życiowymi na rozwój zniekształceń poznawczych (Effects of interactions between genetic variation in dopaminergic neurotransmission and traumatic life events on the development of cognitive distortions)
Supervisor: Prof.
. Dorota Frydecka, PhD


Maja Krefft: Zespół Pradera – Williego neurorozwojowa koncepcja immunologiczno-zapalnych zaburzeń psychotycznych (Prader-Willi syndrome a neurodevelopmental concept of immune-inflammatory psychotic disorders)
Supervisor: Prof. . Dorota Frydecka, PhD


Katarzyna Lion: Ocena zjawiska stygmatyzacji wśród osób z otępieniem w Polsce, Wielkiej Brytanii i we Włoszech (Assessment of experienced stigmatisation among people living with dementia in Poland, Italy and the United Kingdom)
 Supervisor: Prof. . Joanna Rymaszewska, MD, PhD


Irena Wojciechowska: Analiza cech osobowości u pacjentek z rakiem piersi (Analysis of personality traits in breast cancer patients)
Supervisor: Prof.
. Tomasz Pawłowski, MD, PhD


Tomasz Gondek: Ocena wpływu piętna i dyskryminacji społecznej na jakość życia i poziom niesprawności społecznej osób z rozpoznanym zaburzeniem psychicznym (Assessment of the impact of stigma and discrimination on the quality of life and social disability in persons with a diagnosis of mental disorder)
Prof. . Andrzej Kiejna, PhD


Marta Jakubczyk: Czynniki ryzyka stosowania środków przymusu wśród osób z zaburzeniami psychicznymi na przykładzie szpitala psychiatrycznego we Wrocławiu (Risk factors for the use of coercive measures among persons with mental disorders on the example of a psychiatric hospital in Wrocław)
Prof. . Andrzej Kiejna, PhD

Anna Królicka-Deręgowska: Ocena częstości i form przymusu bezpośredniego w oddziale stacjonarnym Psychiatrii dla Dzieci i Młodzieży oraz określenie czynników ryzyka zastosowania przymusu (Assessment of the frequency and forms of direct coercion in the inpatient ward of Psychiatry for Children and Adolescents and identification of risk factors for coercion)
Prof. . Andrzej Kiejna, PhD


Anna Jeleń: Polska adaptacja i zbadanie psychometrycznych właściwości polskiej wersji skali do badania potrzeb pacjentów psychiatrii sądowej – Camberwell Assessment of Need-Forensic Version (CANFOR) (Polish adaptation and examination of the psychometric properties of the Polish version of the scale for assessing the needs of forensic psychiatric patients – Camberwell Assessment of Need-Forensic Version (CANFOR)
Supervisor: Tomasz Adamowski, PhD Associate Professor 

Nasze publikacje:

Biblioteka Główna

Ranking jednostek

Wyszukiwarka afiliacji pracowników

Główne kierunki badań:

  1. Mechanizmy psychologiczne i biologiczne kształtowania ryzyka psychozy.
  2. Znaczenie osi jelito-mózg w rozwoju i terapii zaburzeń psychicznych.
  3. Zastosowanie teorii sieci w rozumieniu psychopatologii.
  4. Rola stresu i doświadczeń traumatycznych w rozwoju zaburzeń psychicznych.
  5. Niesamobójcze samouszkodzenia w populacji adolescentów i młodych dorosłych.
  6. Nowe kierunki rozumienia i terapii zaburzeń osobowości.
  7. Neurostymulacja w leczeniu zaburzeń psychicznych.
  8. Uwarunkowania społeczne, biologiczne i kliniczne zaburzeń psychicznych wieku podeszłego.

 Wykaz projektów badawczych:











„Koncepcja obciążenia allostatycznego jako próba zrozumienia biologicznych i psychopatologicznych konsekwencji kryzysu uchodźczego”




Dr Julian Maciaszek




209 972 zł




Narodowe Centrum Nauki










OPUS - 21

„Rola epigenetycznej regulacji genu FKBP5 w moderacji związku pomiędzy stresem psychospołecznym a doświadczeniami podobnymi do psychotycznych – badanie z wykorzystaniem metodologii próbkowania doświadczeń”






Prof. dr hab. Błażej Misiak






3 199 457 zł






Narodowe Centrum Nauki











„Etiologia doświadczeń podobnych do psychotycznych w ujęciu hipotezy wykluczenia społecznego: podłużne badanie populacyjne z zastosowaniem analizy sieci”




Dr Tomasz Bielawski




44 000 zł




Narodowe Centrum Nauki






„Czy temperament stanowi moderator związku pomiędzy znaczącymi wydarzeniami życiowymi a doświadczeniami podobnymi do psychotycznych? Populacyjne badanie podłużne z zastosowaniem analizy sieci”

Lek. Mateusz Nowak






209 995 zł

Narodowe Centrum Nauki










 „Ocena uwarunkowań biopsychospołecznych i nowych możliwości terapii wybranych zaburzeń psychicznych”



Prof. dr hab. Błażej Misiak



207 267 zł

Subwencja Uniwersytetu Medycznego we Wrocławiu na działalność naukową









„Czy TMS wpływa na neuroplastyczność? Rola białka neurotroficznego czynnika pochodzenia mózgowego oraz neuronalnych cząsteczek adhezji komórkowej – randomizowane badanie kliniczne pacjentów z depresją i z zaburzeniami obsesyjno – kompulsyjnymi”





Dr Julian Maciaszek





72 200 zł

Subwencja Uniwersytetu Medycznego we Wrocławiu na działalność naukową








„Moderujący wpływ zaburzeń w funkcjonowaniu osi przysadka-podwzgórze-nadnercza na zaawansowanie doświadczeń podobnych do psychotycznych w grupie pacjentów z zaburzeniami osobowości”

Lek. Bogna Bogudzińska

50 000 zł

Subwencja Uniwersytetu Medycznego we Wrocławiu na działalność naukową



Department of Psychiatry

As part of its scientific activity, there are seven scientific laboratories in the Department:

I Psychiatric and Social Epidemiology Laboratory

Head:  . . Patryk Piotrowski, MD, PhD

Area of activity:

  • Epidemiology of mental disorders of the population;
  • Epidemiology of suicide;
  • Analysis of the opinions of patients and their carers on the effectiveness and conditions of psychiatric treatment;
  • Issues of burdening carers of the mentally ill;
  • Issues of psychiatric treatment in prison psychiatric care;
  • Comparison of the effectiveness of psychiatric treatment in day and inpatient units;
  • Issues of forensic psychiatry in Poland;
  • Issues of direct coercion in psychiatric treatment;
  • Quality of life and social disorders;
  • Analysis of the adequacy of existing mental health care structures to meet social needs and expectations;
  • The National Mental Health Programme and the reality of mental health care.

II Clinical Psychology Laboratory

Head: Renata Wallner, MD, PhD, M.Psych.

The Laboratory carries out research and clinical tasks in the diagnosis and rehabilitation of cognitive function in adults with cognitive deficits in the course of depression, schizophrenia and those resulting from brain damage or dysfunction.

III Clinical Psychopharmacology Laboratory

Head:  . . Tomasz Pawłowski, MD, PhD
Phone: 71 784 16 08
The Laboratory coordinates and supervises clinical research of psychotropic drugs conducted in the Department of Psychiatry. On the basis of the Regulation of the Minister of Health of 16 January 2003 on the documentation of the results of tests of a medicinal product, including a veterinary medicinal product, and expert reports, the Laboratory issues expert opinions for the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products. As part of these expert opinions, the Head of the Laboratory prepares clinical reports of psychotropic drugs present on the market, which are required for their re-registration.

IV Forensic Psychiatry Laboratory

Head: . Monika Kantorska-Janiec, MD, PhD
Phone: 71 784 16 34

 The Laboratory provides forensic psychiatric and psychological opinions for all units referring cases to the Wroclaw Medical University for opinions in the field of psychiatry. The Laboratory specialises primarily in issuing opinions in the field of civil jurisprudence, with particular emphasis on testamentary cases, as well as those falling within the competence of the labour and social insurance courts.

V Psychiatric Genetics Laboratory

Head: . Jan Aleksander Beszłej, MD, PhD


  • conducting studies to assess the contribution of genetic factors to the pathogenesis of mental disorders and the interaction between genetic and environmental (epigenetic) factors
  • assessing genetic factors that may be the cause of a different response to psychotropic drugs – hereditary differences responsible for the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of drugs, assessment of polymorphism of genes encoding enzyme proteins involved in drug metabolism (cytochrome P450, glucuronyltransferase, acetyltransferase, methyltransferases) and neurotransmitter receptor and transport proteins

The Laboratory cooperates with the Division of Molecular Techniques of the Department of Forensic Medicine of the Wroclaw Medical University, the Division of Psychiatric Genetics of the Clinical Department of Adult Psychiatry of the Poznan University of Medical Sciences and the Clinical Department of Psychiatry of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin.

VI Psychogeriatrics and Alzheimer Disease Laboratory

Head: Prof. .  . . Jerzy Leszek, MD, PhD

VII Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Laboratory In addition to its didactic and promotional activities in the field of psychogeriatrics, the scientific focus of the Laboratory is on the problems of neurodegenerative mechanisms in Alzheimer's disease, as well as the possibilities of prevention (rehabilitation interventions, physical activity, diet, etc.) and therapy in the light of new technologies: nanotechnology, proteomics, metabolomics, gene medicine, personalised therapy. It conducts joint research in this field with partners both in Poland (Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Wrocław, Nencki Institute and International Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases in Warsaw) and abroad: in the USA (University of San Francisco, Stanford University) and Japan (University of Tokyo). The Laboratory organises international psychogeriatric conferences every year.

Head:  . . Monika Szewczuk-Bogusławska, MD, PhD

For several years, the laboratory team has been implementing a curriculum for students of the Faculty of Medicine in child and adolescent psychiatry ( classes, lectures). Moreover, as part of postgraduate education, it is involved in the education of doctors specialising in various fields of medicine (courses in child and adolescent psychiatry as part of European Union programmes for doctors specialising in paediatrics and emergency medicine, lectures as part of courses for family doctors). Within the scope of didactic activity, the scientific and didactic employees cooperate with the Board of Education and schools in the Lower Silesian Voivodship, teaching the subject to employees of Psychological and Pedagogical Outpatient Clinics, teachers and students.

The scientific and didactic employees and doctoral students are carrying out several scientific projects in the area of child and adolescent psychiatry, including:

- Study of the relationship between aggression and self-aggression and emotional intelligence and COMT Val158Met and DRD2 rs6277 gene polymorphisms in adolescents diagnosed with conduct disorder.

- Assessment of the relationship between the pattern of family relationships and self-injury and suicide attempts in adolescents with conduct disorders.

As part of its scientific activity, they participate in Polish and international conferences and conduct research in cooperation with the Department of Genetics of the Wroclaw Medical University.

As part of its service activity, they provide consultations at the Clinical Departments of Paediatrics of the University Clinical Hospital in Wrocław, and cooperate with the Neuromed Neuropsychiatry Centre (Mental Health Outpatient Clinic for children and adolescents, Outpatient Clinic for people with child autism, Psychiatric Day Care Unit for children and adolescents)."

At the "NEUROMED" Neuropsychiatry Centre, the employees of the Department of Psychiatry carry out didactic and service tasks in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry:

  . . Monika Szewczuk-Bogusławska, MD, PhD
 Dr. Agnieszka Adamska

ul. Białowieska 74a
54-235 Wrocław

Division of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Diseases  

Division's tasks:

  • Conducting scientific activity in the field of psychotherapy and psychogenically conditioned somatic diseases;
  • Conducting undergraduate and postgraduate didactic activity in the field of psychological treatment and diseases and disorders with psychogenic causes;
  • The Division is the scientific and organisational base of the Neurosis Day Treatment Unit of the Clinical Department of Psychiatry of the Wroclaw Medical University.

Division of Consultation Psychiatry and Neuroscience

Division's tasks:

  • Conducting scientific activity combining psychiatry and other medical disciplines, including medical biology;
  • Conducting pre- and postgraduate didactic activity, mainly in the field of consultation psychiatry;
  • Conducting service activity for patients of the Clinical Hospitals and the Lower Silesian Oncology Centre in the field of mental disorders in other medical disciplines.


Currently, the Division of Consultation Psychiatry and Neuroscience is carrying out research in the field of neuroscience based on the behaviour and neuroscience of the central nervous system in collaboration, in particular with:

  • Department of Histology and Embryology of the Wroclaw Medical University,
  • Department of Pathology of the Wroclaw Medical University,
  • Department of Pharmacology of the Wroclaw Medical University,
  • Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, including with:
  • Department of Animal Raw Materials Technology and Quality Management (Prof. Tadeusz Trziszka, Prof. Wiesław Kopeć)
  • Department of Environmental Hygiene and Animal Welfare at the Faculty of Biology and Animal Science (Prof. Roman Kołacz)
  • Wrocław University of Science and Technology (Prof. Antoni Polanowski).

For a number of years, the Laboratory of Consultation Psychiatry was the only unit in Lower Silesia accredited by the Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education to conduct specialisation internships in consultation psychiatry. There are elective courses on consultation psychiatry for medical students, an elective course on the neurobiological foundations of mental disorders and lectures on consultation psychiatry for those specialising in psychiatry.

Koordynator dydaktyczny


Prof. dr hab. n. med. Tomasz Pawłowski
+48 71 784 16 00

Konsultacje dla studentów:
Poniedziałek 13:30 - 14:30

Koordynator dydaktyczny ED


dr n. med Monika Kantorska - Janiec
+48 784 16 34

Konsultacje dla studentów:
Poniedziałek 10:00 - 11:00

Szanowni Studenci,

Prosimy o zapoznanie się z regulaminem, sylabusem oraz zaleceniami dotyczącymi prowadzenia zajęć dydaktycznych zamieszczonymi w poniższych linkach: 

Below you will find the current schedules for the summer semester 2022/2023 of the subjects taught by the Department of Psychiatry along with the location of the classes.

Groups attending psychiatry classes stationary at wyb. Pasteura 10, they are waiting for the teacher on the ground floor of the building.
Classes are taught by the team of the Department of Psychiatry (specialist psychiatrists or doctors specialising in psychiatry and clinical psychologists and psychologists) in the following units:

1.    Clinical Department of Psychiatry, wybrzeże Ludwika Pasteura 10:

  • Prof. . . Joanna Rymaszewska, MD, PhD, psychiatry, university teacher, lectures
  • Prof. . . Jerzy Leszek, MD, PhD, psychiatry, university teacher, classes
  • Prof. . . Tomasz Pawłowski, MD, PhD, psychiatry, university teacher, classes
  • . . Krzysztof Małyszczak, MD, PhD, Prof. of the Wroclaw Medical University, psychiatry, university teacher, classes
  • . . Dorota Szcześniak, MD, PhD, Prof. of the Wroclaw Medical University, psychology, university teacher, classes
  • . . Jan Aleksander Beszłej, MD, PhD, psychiatry, university teacher, classes
  • . . Monika Kantorska-Janiec, MD, PhD, psychiatry, university teacher, classes
  • . . Elżbieta Trypka, MD, PhD, psychiatry, university teacher, classes
  • . . Tomasz Hadryś, MD, PhD, psychiatry, university teacher, classes
  • .  . . Patryk Piotrowski, MD, PhD, psychiatry, university teacher, classes
  • . .  Julian Maciaszek, MD, PhD, psychiatry, university teacher, classes
  • . . Sylwia Chładzińska-Kiejna, MD, PhD, psychology, university teacher, classes
  • . . Renata Wallner, MD, PhD, psychology, university teacher, classes
  • Anna Pałega, PhD,  psychology, university teacher, classes
  • Dr. Agnieszka Cyran, psychiatry, university teacher, classes
  • Karolina Fila-Witecka, MA, psychology, doctoral student, classes
  • Dr. Anna Gładka, psychiatry, doctoral student, classes
  • Dr. Agata Mikołajków, psychiatry, doctoral student,
  • Dr. Tomasz Wieczorek, psychiatry, doctoral student, classes
  • Marta Lenart, MA, psychology, university teacher, classes
  • Dr. Mateusz Łuc, psychiatry, doctoral student, classes
  • Dr. Marta Ciułkowicz, psychiatry, doctoral student, classes
  • Dr. Anna Wróbel, psychiatry, doctoral student, classes
  • Dr. Marcin Pawłowski, psychiatry, doctoral student, classes
  • Dr. Monika Małecka, psychiatry, doctoral student, classes
  • . . Agata Kołodziejczyk, MD, PhD, psychologist, classes
  • Adrianna Senczyszyn, MA, psychology, doctoral student, classes
  • Maria Maćkowiak, MA, psychologist, doctoral student, classes

2.    "NEUROMED" Neuropsychiatry Centre:

        ul. Białowieska 74 a:

  • . . Monika Szewczuk-Bogusławska, MD, PhD (specialist psychiatrist)
  • Piotr Musiał, MA (psychologist)

3.    Lower Silesian Oncology Centre, pl. Hirszfelda 12 – building A2 (Breast Unit), room no. 1:

  • . . Agata Kołodziejczyk, MD, PhD (psychologist)

Information on the organisation of didactics is provided by:
 Józef Zając, MA, employee for the organisation of didactics
 Clinical Department of Psychiatry, wyb. Ludwika Pasteura 10
e-mail:, phone: 71 784 16 30

For questions about classes – change of group, make up, etc., please contact the assistant professor of didactics, Prof. . . Tomasz Pawłowski, PhD
Coordinator for didactics:
Prof. .  . . Tomasz Pawłowski, MD, PhD
Department of Psychiatry, wybrzeże Ludwika Pasteura 10
Assistant Professor for didactics for ED:
 . Monika Kantorska-Janiec, MD, PhD

Department of Psychiatry, wybrzeże Ludwika Pasteura 10
ED year V supervisor:
 . Elżbieta Trypka, MD, PhD
Department of Psychiatry, wybrzeże Ludwika Pasteura 10
phone: 71 784 16 11
Consultations for students:
Monday 13:30-14:30
Tuesday 8:00-9:00
For an appointment, please contact Józef Zając, MA, in advance.

We would like to invite you to visit our profile on Facebook. You will find up-to-date information there.


We have prepared information to help you prepare for the OSCE. Please read this information.

  • You must come to the examination in appropriate medical clothing.
  • During the examination, you must simulate a psychiatrist conducting an examination with a patient with whom verbal contact is difficult and limited (there will be an interactive phantom at the station). A full psychiatric examination cannot be performed. Then, a preliminary diagnosis is made, appropriate treatment is proposed and the patient is informed about it.
  • There will be two examiners at the examination, and no questions can be asked to members of the Examination Board during the task. 
  • The entire examination will last 10 minutes.
  • The student will have 2 minutes before entering the station to read the instructions for the examinee. It will be available throughout the examination. It will also include patient information (case description and laboratory results), which will also be available throughout the examination.
  • The scene should be played as if the contact with the phantom was contact with a real patient.

Results of the psychiatry examination.

The final grade for the examination consists of the grade for the test part and the grade for the practical part of the OSCE.

The attached file includes the grades of the test examination held on 9.02.2023.


There is the Student Scientific Club of Psychiatry at the Clinical Department of Psychiatry.
The Scientific Club is supervised by:  . Patryk Piotrowski, MD, PhD.

The monthly meetings of the club include lectures and discussions led by practising doctors and psychologists, as well as students. The topics of the meetings go beyond the material taught as part of the studies in the major in medicine; they are usually the students' initiative resulting from their interests and desire to gain a broader view of psychiatry and human social functioning.
The participation in the club also provides the opportunity for active scientific development through participation in research and grants, the production of scientific papers, and the presentation of results at both national and international conferences.

The members of the club also have the opportunity to develop and practise their clinical skills by participating in duties on both the children and adolescent as well as adult wards.


 . Patryk Piotrowski, MD, PhD:
 Dr. Monika Małecka:

Contact to the board

Arkadiusz Jaworski: 

More information can be found here.

Read on and find out!

International Conference of the European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

 We would like to invite you to participate in the 2022 EAPM Conference in Vienna "New Challenges – New Approaches", which will be held stationary at the Hofburg in Vienna from 8-11 June 2022.

You can submit posters for the conference until 15 May 2022, and registration is still open!

We invite you to find out more about the programme here:

What is the conference about?
The main objective of the European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine is to strengthen cooperation between researchers, practitioners and teachers in the field.
Our mission is to share, exchange and develop psychosomatic research insights and perspectives beyond national borders for the benefit of all patients.

Registration for this conference is open

On behalf of the conference programme committee,
 Prof. .  . . Joanna Rymaszewska, MD, PhD


The date for the visit to Wrocław and participation in the Dialogues is set!

V Dialogi interdyscyplinarne 7-8 października 2022

The date for the visit to Wrocław and participation in the Dialogues is set!

Detailed information can be found on the website.

We very much hope that we will meet in large numbers in Wrocław to continue our common dialogue.

Read on and find out!

Prof. .  . . Joanna Rymaszewska, MD, PhD
Chairperson of the Scientific Committee

Head of the Clinical Department, Doctor in charge of the ward

Prof. .  . . Joanna Rymaszewska, MD, PhD



Mental Health Outpatient Clinic

Prof. .  . . Tomasz Pawłowski, MD, PhD

Psychogeriatric Outpatient Clinic

Community Treatment Unit Coordinator:
  . . Patryk Piotrowski, MD, PhD

Psychiatric Day Clinical Ward

. . Monika Kantorska-Janiec, MD, PhD

Neurotic Treatment Day Clinical Ward

.  . . Krzysztof Małyszczak, MD, PhD, Prof. of the Associate Professor of the Wroclaw Medical University

 and Psychogeriatric Clinical Ward

. . Jan Aleksander Beszłej, MD, PhD

Psychiatric and psychological consultation unit

Aleksandra Woch, MA



 Mental Health
 Outpatient Clinic – Registration

(71) 784-16-10

Admission Room

(71) 784 16 17

Nursing station of the
 24-hour ward

(71) 784 16 15

Psychiatric Day Ward Coordinator

(71) 784-16-34

Neurosis Treatment Day Ward Coordinator

(71) 784-16-43

Nursing station of the day wards

(71) 784-16-41

Resident doctors on-call room

(71) 784-16-41

Doctor on call


The team of the Department and Clinical Department of Psychiatry of the Wroclaw Medical University is recruiting for a scientific study on the use of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in the treatment of the following disorders:

  • Depressive disorder
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Mild cognitive impairment
  • Eating disorder.

Information about the method:

Informacje o metodzie TMS


The qualification process includes the following stages:

  1. Initial application – the above links for the disorder category provide information for the attending psychiatrist regarding the inclusion criteria for the research. Patients who meet the given criteria and receive an appropriate certificate from the attending psychiatrist are asked to send an initial application.

Among the sent applications, selected patients will be invited to the next stage:

  1. Appropriate qualification – at this stage, patients will be invited to the Clinical Department and Department of Psychiatry for a specialised psychiatric examination and interview on the basis of which a decision will be made as to whether or not they qualify for the research.
  2. Patient consent – patients qualified for the research will be made aware in detail of the research, the time schedule for the research and other relevant medical aspects of the proposed treatment. After reading the above information, patients will be asked to make a decision whether to consciously participate or refuse to participate in the research.


In order to recruit for a research using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, please complete one of the following screening questionnaires:

1. Depressive disorder

2. Obsessive-compulsive disorder

After sending the questionnaire, please wait for contact from an employee of the Department of Psychiatry who will inform you about the further stages of recruitment for the clinical research.

TMS in the treatment of depression

We invite patients who meet the following criteria:

  • diagnosis of a depressive episode – also a first-time episode,
  • incomplete improvement or no improvement after treatment with SSRIs or SNRIs at doses considered effective for the appropriate time for the drug,
  • no changes in drug dosage over the last 4 weeks,
  • without active suicidal thoughts or tendencies,
  • with a negative history of other serious psychiatric conditions,
  • in a stable somatic condition,
  • aged 18 to 65.

Applications can be made using the form.

Patients will be notified by phone if their application is successful. If the application is successful, the patient will be invited to a detailed qualification meeting on the basis of which a decision will be made on whether the patient is qualified or not.
Patients qualified in the placebo group, at the end of the research and the 3-month follow-up period, will have the option to continue participating in the research and receive appropriate treatment with transcranial magnetic stimulation.


TMS in the treatment of mild cognitive impairment

Recruitment is addressed to Patients:

  • with a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
  • aged 55-75
  • without current treatment for other psychiatric diagnoses
  • in whom no significant abnormalities were observed in a previous head CT scan (possible non-severe lesions of vascular origin)

The final qualification is decided by the qualifying team on the basis of a psychological assessment, a psychiatric examination and psychometric tools (questionnaires).
We ask patients to prepare:

  • certificates from the attending doctor (diagnosis, current pharmacotherapy, if any),
  • documentation of previous treatment (documentation of psychiatric treatment, discharge summaries from previous psychiatric hospitalisations, if any).

Applications can be made using the form.

Patients will be notified by phone if their application is successful. If the application is successful, the patient will be invited to a detailed qualification meeting on the basis of which a decision will be made on whether the patient is qualified or not.


General information

Recurrent depression (Major Depressive Disorder, MDD according to DSM-V classification criteria) is one of the mental disorders with a chronic course and a high percentage of resistance to standard treatment. It is a mental disorder that ranks first in terms of prevalence in the general population (approx. 17%). The chronicity of the disease process, the significant severity and the high percentage of treatment resistance (10 to 30%) causes great discomfort and inconvenience for the patient and his or her family, often leading to invalidation and social exclusion of the patient.

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) provides an opportunity for real help for patients resistant to previous conventional treatments based on pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy. DBS is a modern and rapidly developing therapy based on current neuroscience research. To date, the technique has been used worldwide and in Poland (including at the Neurosurgery Ward of the University Clinical Hospital in Wrocław) primarily to treat neurological disorders, primarily Parkinson's disease, as well as a range of motor dysfunctions (such as spontaneous tremor and dystonia). In addition, in 2017, the Department and Clinical Department of Psychiatry and the Department and Clinical Department of Neurosurgery of the Wroclaw Medical University started a joint scientific project to evaluate the effectiveness of DBS in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Currently, we are constantly monitoring patients participating in this project and we see good treatment effects.

Currently, the Department and Clinical Department of Psychiatry has its own experience in the use of DBS in the treatment of OCD and MDD and is recruiting further participants for the research programme.

Detailed inclusion and exclusion criteria

Inclusion criteria:

1. Resistance to previous treatment (insufficient or no effectiveness): two cycles of SSRI therapy at the maximum dose for at least 12 weeks; one course of treatment with clomipramine at the maximum dose for at least 12 weeks; one potentiation therapy with an atypical antipsychotic for at least 8 weeks; one cycle of CBT – at least 16 therapeutic sessions.
2. Diagnosis of OCD according to DSM-5 criteria; Y-BOCS score of at least 28; GAF score of <45; at least five years of OCD duration.
3. Aged 18 to 65.
4. IQ above 80.

Exclusion criteria:
1. Comorbid: mental disorder (psychotic disorder, bipolar affective disorder, autism, severe personality disorders, addiction to psychoactive substances, dementia), unstable somatic condition, CNS diseases (including epilepsy, PD, multiple sclerosis).
2. Pregnancy.
3. Presence of concomitant symptoms of OCD – "bad predictors": ego-syntonic OCD; OCD without insight; significantly increased, unstable functioning, both social and professional.

Information for the project participant

The Department and Clinical Department of Psychiatry in collaboration with the Department and Clinical Department of Neurosurgery of the Wroclaw Medical University are conducting a research project entitled "Terapia głęboką stymulacją mózgu (Deep Brain Stimulation, DBS) pacjentów z rozpoznaniem zaburzeń depresyjnych opornych na leczenie (Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) therapy for patients diagnosed with treatment-resistant depressive disorders)." Its aim is to check the effectiveness and tolerance of this therapeutic method in patients with this mental disorder. The project team is proposing you to participate in this research, which would involve having a DBS procedure performed on you. It is widely registered in foreign centres for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder – in the USA, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved the DBS method in 2009 for the indications of treatment-resistant OCD. DBS There are now an increasing number of centres around the world researching the use of this treatment method in patients with recurrent depressive disorder. It is characterised by high therapeutic effectiveness with a low risk of perioperative complications and long-term side effects.
A qualification for the procedure is carried out by a team consisting of a psychiatrist, neurosurgeon and anaesthetist. Using strictly defined criteria, the team determines whether there are indications and possible contraindications for implementing treatment with this method. Possible contraindications may include other mental disorders, certain neurological diseases and other serious somatic disorders.
Deep Brain Stimulation is a surgical procedure to place an electrode in a selected area of the brain, which will be connected subcutaneously to a stimulator implanted in the subclavian area. After the procedure, the stimulator is activated and causes the emission of electric charges to an electrode placed in the brain, which stimulates nerve cells only in a small area of ​​the brain responsible for psychopathological symptoms underlying your mental ailments. In the case of a diagnosis of treatment-resistant depressive disorder, it is advisable to place electrodes in both brain hemispheres, which will be done during one surgery.
The target (the specific location where the electrode will be placed) will be determined on the basis of a presurgical magnetic resonance imaging scan of the head. Thanks to the use of presurgical imaging, the entire procedure can be performed with great precision, avoiding many complications. The surgeries will be performed under local or general anaesthesia depending on the specific case – the type of anaesthesia will be decided by the surgeon in consultation with the anaesthetist.
After surgery, the position of the electrode will be checked using CT imaging. The stimulator will be turned on in the second week from the date of its implantation. During the postsurgical period, regular monitoring of general, neurological and mental status is planned to determine the effectiveness of treatment. DBS is a method of fully reversible effects on the brain, with virtually no neurological side effects. Rare complications of DBS surgery include intracranial bleeding (risk approx. 2-3%), stimulator infection or stimulator dysfunction (risk also within 5%).
The team of neurosurgeons from the Clinical Department of Neurosurgery at Wroclaw Medical University has been performing DBS surgeries in Lower Silesia since 2008 and is one of the leading functional neurosurgeons in Poland. The team has performed over 50 DBS surgeries to date. Apart from two cases of minor intracranial bleeding, no other complications were recorded during long-term observations.
The stimulator that will be implanted in you is one of the most modern devices of this type. It contains a built-in rechargeable battery, thanks to which the device has a long service life. At the same time, this type of stimulator requires regular charging at home.
After starting the stimulation, the patient remains under constant care of psychiatrists and neurosurgeons. Follow-up visits take place every two weeks for the first six months of treatment, then once a month, and after the first year of stimulation, every two months.

Qualification for the research

Candidates for participation in the research will be pre-qualified by doctors of the Department and Clinical Department of Psychiatry after sending documentation to the Department and Clinical Department of Psychiatry (to the e-mail address:, containing:

1. Description of previous treatment (at least five years) prepared by a psychiatrist;
2. Declaration completed by a psychiatrist on meeting the inclusion criteria and eliminating the exclusion criteria;
3. Signed patient consent under information about deep brain stimulation therapy.

Doctors from the Department and Clinical Department of Psychiatry, after reviewing the above documents and confirming the indications for DBS therapy, will inform the patient about the date of reporting in person for a consultation examination at the Clinical Department. The decision to qualify for DBS therapy is made by the therapeutic team of the Department and Clinical Department of Psychiatry in consultation with the doctors of the Department and Clinical Department of Neurosurgery of the Wroclaw Medical University.

Oddziały Klinika Psychiatrii


The University Centre of Mental Health and the Clinical Department of Psychiatry of the University Clinical Hospital comprise:

  1. Psychiatric and psychogeriatric clinical ward
  2. Psychiatric day clinical ward
  3. Neurotic treatment day clinical ward
  4. Psychogeriatric day clinical ward
  5. Mental health outpatient clinic
  6. Psychogeriatric outpatient clinic
  7. Psychiatric and psychological consultation unit.

The psychiatric and psychogeriatric clinical ward of the University Clinical Hospital operates within the University Clinical Hospital in Wrocław on the first floor of the Clinical Department of Psychiatry at Wybrzeże L. Pasteura 10.
It is a 24-hour, diagnostic and therapeutic ward, with 28 beds, mixed-gender (with places for men and women). The ward provides diagnosis and treatment of patients with mental disorders, especially those with diagnostic or therapeutic difficulties in previous previous medical treatment, including those resistant to previous treatment.


Admissions to the Psychiatric and Psychogeriatric Clinical Ward:

  1. Admissions to the ward are only on a planned basis with a valid referral to a psychiatric hospital issued by a doctor irrespective of specialisation with justification of the need for hospitalisation.
  2. Before admission to the Ward, the patient will be assessed and examined for indications of hospitalisation by the Clinical Department's doctor. Qualifications take place from Tuesday to Thursday between 9:00 and 12:00 after prior registration in person or by telephone (Admissions Room of the Clinical Department of Psychiatry, ground floor, phone 71 784 16 17).
  3. During the qualification examination, a presumed date for planned admission will be set if a decision is made on the advisability of hospitalisation in the Clinical Ward.
  4. A day or a few days before admission, the Clinical Department's medical secretary will inform the patient (family, guardians) by phone about the scheduled start date of hospitalisation.
  5. The Clinical Department of Psychiatry does not have an Admission Room within its structure, so patients cannot be consulted on an emergency basis with or without a referral. The nearest 24-hour admission room is at the Lower Silesian Centre of Mental Health at Wybrzeże J.C. Korzeniowskiego 18 in Wrocław.
  6. Consultations for patients with mental disorders are also carried out within the Mental Health Outpatient Clinic, registration – phone 71 784 16 10.

Diagnostic examinations carried out in the Clinical Department of Psychiatry of the University Clinical Hospital:

full psychiatric-psychological diagnostics for mental disorders include:

  • psychiatric examination,
  • general health examination,
  • neurological examination,
  • psychological examination,
  • a full range of additional examinations depending on the patient's needs: laboratory diagnosis (including monitoring of serum drug levels), CT scan, MRI, EEG, X-ray, genetic tests.

For health indications, at the request of the attending doctor, it is possible to perform other necessary specialised examinations based on cooperation with various specialised medical units.

Forms of therapy used in the Clinical Department of Psychiatry of the University Clinical Hospital:

The therapeutic programme is individualised, taking into account the patient's mental and general state, adapted to the patient's needs and abilities, and may include:

  • psychopharmacotherapy, treatment provided taking into account current standards,
  • electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) treatment – the procedures are performed by specialist psychiatrists assisted by a specialist anaesthetist while maintaining safety standards (anaesthesia for the procedure is performed by an anaesthetist, the treatment room is equipped with modern medical apparatus),
  • Non-pharmacological treatment, i.e.:

          - individual and group psychotherapy, family therapy (in behavioural-cognitive, systemic, psychodynamic, open dialogue or eclectic approaches),
          - interpersonal training,
          - communication training,
          - interpersonal skills training,
          - bodywork training (Schultz training, Jacobson training, Mindfulness, Tai chai)
          - psychoeducation for patients and their families,
          - sociotherapy: art therapy, film therapy and others,
          - psychomotor therapy (gymnastics, walking, Nordic walking),
          - community meetings,
          - care of a social worker

Personnel of the Ward:

Head of the Clinical Department of Psychiatry and Head of the Ward: Prof. .  . . Joanna Rymaszewska, MD, PhD, specialist psychiatrist

Specialist psychiatrists:

  • . . Jan Aleksander Beszłej, MD, PhD, Ward Coordinator, psychotherapist and supervisor of psychotherapy of the Polish Psychiatric Association and of psychodynamic psychotherapy of the Polish Association for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, specialist in environmental psychiatry, specialist psychiatrist
  • Dr. Agnieszka Cyran, specialist psychiatrist, specialist in family medicine
  • . . Tomasz Hadryś, MD, PhD, psychotherapist, specialist psychiatrist
  • . . Patryk Piotrowski, MD, PhD, specialist in environmental psychiatry, specialist in public health, specialist psychiatrist

Doctors undergoing residency training:

  • Dr. Anna Gładka
  • Dr. Julia Alejnikowa
  • Dr. Katarzyna Bielak
  • Dr. Aleksandra Maryszczak
  • Dr. Marta Ciułkowicz
  • Dr. Karolina Roczek
  • Dr. Marta Błoch
  • Dr. Julian Maciaszek
  • Dr. Mateusz Łuc
  • Dr. Adam Makszewski
  • Dr. Maksymilian Rejek
  • Dr. Kamila Rudy
  • Dr. Agnieszka Dybek
  • Dr. Wojciech Stępień

Resident doctors on-call room, phone: 71 784 16 41


  • . . Renata Wallner, MD, PhD, specialist clinical psychologist; system therapist, environmental therapist, open dialogue therapist
  • . . Dorota Szcześniak, MD, PhD, Prof. of the Wroclaw Medical University, psychodynamic psychotherapist
  • Anna Pałęga, PhD
  • Maria Maćkowiak, MA
  • Marta Lenart-Bugla, MA

Occupational therapists:

  • Anna Przeklasa, MA, occupational therapist – Occupational Therapists Coordinator, phone: 71 784 16 37, e-mail:
  • Sara Czaicka
  • Kamila Kozioł
  • Anita Nestorowicz

Ward Nurse Manager: Danuta Wilkosz-Szuszkiewicz, MN

Nursing station, phone: 71 784 16 14

Medical registrar
 Dominika Stępnik phone: 71 784 16 17

List of things to take to hospital:

General Psychiatric Day Clinical Ward

General Psychiatric Day Clinical Ward at the Clinical Department of the Wroclaw Medical University operates within the organisational structure of the University Clinical Hospital in Wrocław and is located in the building of the Department of Psychiatry of the Wroclaw Medical University at Wybrzeże Pasteura 10.
The Ward provides medical services in the field of diagnosis, therapy and rehabilitation addressed to adults with the following mental problems:
- psychotic disorders (schizophrenia),
- mood disorders (depression, bipolar affective disorders),
- neurotic disorders,
- adjustment and personality problems,
- cognitive impairments of various aetiologies.
Rules of admission to the Ward
Patients are admitted to the Ward on the basis of a referral issued by a psychiatrist or a doctor of another speciality. Consultation with Dr. Monika Kantorska-Janiec, Deputy Head of Ward, is required to assess indications for admission to the ward.
The appointment qualifying for admission to the ward takes place at the Mental Health Outpatient Clinic. The appointment should be arranged by contacting the registration at phone no.: 71 784 16 10.
Rules and course of therapy
 Therapy at the Ward is reimbursed by the NFZ (National Health Fund) and lasts, depending on the therapeutic indications, up to 2 months. It is based on the cooperation of specialist psychiatrists, psychologists, occupational therapists and certified nurses. It includes psychiatric and general medical diagnostics, as well as pharmacological treatment and psycho- and socio-therapy, individual and group, treatments.
Each patient remains under the care of a psychiatrist who determines the course of pharmacological treatment. There is a doctor's appointment once a week, during which the patient is consulted by the entire therapeutic team.
The condition for staying in the Ward is that the patient accepts and follows the therapeutic contract, i.e. taking medication as prescribed, attending therapeutic activities and being prepared to talk about themselves and listen to others, as well as being involved in the organisational affairs of the Ward according to the accepted regulations, with which the patient becomes familiar on the day of admission.
There is no need to prepare for activities. Their basic assumption is the spontaneity of expression within the framework defined by the rules of therapy. The activities are held every day on working days from 8:00 to 13:00.
Methods of treatment
 Pharmacological treatment is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of a psychiatrist, according to the individual needs of the patient, taking into account current medical standards.
Psychotherapy and sociotherapy constitute an important part of therapeutic treatments in the Ward and include:

- group psychotherapy,
- individual therapy,
- family therapy,
- rehabilitation activities aimed at improving cognitive functions for people with cognitive disorders,
- psychoeducation for patients and their families,
- music therapy, choreotherapy, art therapy, garden therapy, relaxation and others.

Group therapy is conducted in a behavioural-cognitive concept, oriented towards the practical exercise of specific interpersonal skills. The meetings are held in groups of about 20 people and are open, which means that new patients join the group instead of people discharged from the ward.
Individual therapy is focused on discussing the patient's individual problems. 
For the patient, participation in therapy means active work aimed at:

  • building and maintaining interpersonal relationships,
  • strengthening self-esteem,
  • strengthening individual resources for coping with disease and personal problems,
  • learning new strategies for coping with difficult life situations and negative emotions,
  • training psychological skills, such as expressing emotions, coping with stress, learning assertiveness, etc.,
  • broadly understood activation,
  • intellectual and cultural development.

We encourage therapy participants to actively work on their own, making a personal effort to improve their health. 

The entity has a scientific and didactic character. In addition to clinical work for patients, the Ward provides didactic classes in clinical psychiatry and psychology for students of the year V and VI of the Faculty of Medicine and English Division. Postgraduate didactics in psychiatry are also provided in the form of specialisation and clinical internships for resident doctors, doctors specialising in psychiatry and neurology, and psychologists. Therefore, students of medicine and related sciences and people on internships can participate in some therapeutic activities. Patients of the Ward are also invited to talk to students.
Personnel of the Ward
Head of the Ward
 Prof. .  . .  Joanna Rymaszewska, MD, PhD, specialist psychiatrist
 . Monika Kantorska-Janiec, MD, PhD, specialist psychiatrist – Coordinator of the General Psychiatric Day Clinical Ward
 . Elżbieta Trypka, MD, PhD, specialist psychiatrist
 . Sylwia Chładzińska-Kiejna, MD, PhD, specialist in clinical psychology, psychotherapist (certificate of the Polish Psychiatric Association)
 Iga Jaworska-Gruszczyńska, MA, psychologist, psychotherapist in training
 Katarzyna Wiśniewska, MA, psychologist, psychotherapist (certificate of the Polish Psychiatric Association)

Occupational therapists
 Lidia Kurczaba, occupational therapist (maternity leave)
 Antonina Mamet, MA, music therapist, psychotherapist
 Anna Przeklasa, MA, occupational therapist
 Kamila Kozioł, occupational therapist

 Julia Houszka, MSc, specialist in psychiatric nursing

Neurotic Treatment Day Clinical Ward

Neurotic Treatment Day Ward of the Clinical Department of the University Clinical Hospital in Wrocław specialises in the treatment of:
- neurotic disorders,
- personality disorders,
- psychogenic depression,
- somatoform disorders,
- behavioural disorders (bulimia, mild forms of anorexia, secondary sleep disorders).

Methods of treatment

 The basic method of treatment is group psychotherapy conducted in the psychodynamic model. The theoretical foundations of this psychotherapy are derived from attachment theory, object relations theory and psychoanalysis. Its basic assumption is that psychopathological symptoms are derivatives of unconscious mental processes and signal difficulties in the mental structure and relationality.

Therapy takes place in groups of 12–15 people, lasts 12 or 13 weeks and is conducted by qualified psychotherapists. The activities are held every day on working days during working hours. The groups are closed, which means that all patients start and finish therapy at the same time. This allows participants to get to know each other well and achieve the trust necessary to share personal matters.

The groups are attended by people with various disorders, but always within the ward's area of competence. Patients with psychotic disorders, addictions to psychoactive substances and organic mental disorders are not admitted.

Rules of admission to the Ward
Patients are admitted to the Neurotic Treatment Day Ward on the basis of a referral issued by a psychiatrist or a doctor of another speciality. Consultation with an employee of the Ward is required to assess the advisability of admission. An appointment for a consulation can be made by calling 71 784 16 10 (registration), or by sending an application (preferably with a scan of the referral) to the following e-mail address The Ward has a contract with NFZ (National Health Fund) for the treatment of disorders in groups: F4, F5 and F6 according to ICD-10, please check that the diagnosis code falls within this range before sending your diagnosis. The Health Ministry code of the ward (placed on the referral information) is 2706, or 4704. Other codes of the ward mean that the referral is issued to a different ward. In the case of a paper referral, the diagnosis and type of ward should be directly stated. 

The main aim of the consultation is to determine whether treatment in the Ward will benefit the applicant and whether the applicant is willing to participate constructively in the treatment process. Consultations take place in the Mental Health Outpatient Clinic, on the third floor of the building of the Clinical Department of Psychiatry of the Wroclaw Medical University, located at Wybrzeże Pasteura 10. The entrance to the Clinical Department is located behind the building.

Therapeutic groups start in early January, April, July and October. However, please do not apply too late, because the number of places in the therapeutic group is limited and they are allocated to people according to the order of consultations.

Rules and course of therapy

 The basic condition for participating in psychotherapy at the Neurotic Treatment Day Ward is attendance and a willingness to talk about oneself and listen to others. There is no need to prepare for the group psychotherapy session in any way, we do not have discussions on the topics asked. The basic assumption is the spontaneity of expression within the framework defined by the rules of therapy. However, there may be situations where we require "homework" and organisational involvement on the ward as part of therapy.

The rules of therapy are detailed in the regulations. Above all, regular attendance, maintaining confidentiality and openness are required. Sobriety and refraining from making important life decisions during therapy are also required. Based on experience, we can say that the most common reason for being discharged from the ward before the end of therapy is exceeding the absence limit.

There are two periods during therapy. For the first 2-3 weeks, group participants tell their life stories. Then begins a period with more explicit activity of the therapists. There are 2 or 3 psychotherapists in the group at all times, as well as 1-2 trainee therapists observing the therapy and conducting some activities. On the first day, all patients are examined by a doctor. The doctor's advice is available throughout the therapy. During the stay at the Neurotic Treatment Ward, the Ward's doctor takes responsibility for pharmacological therapy and somatic disorders. During this period, it is not possible to participate in any other form of psychotherapy.


 In addition to clinical work for patients, there are didactic classes in clinical psychiatry and psychology for students of the year V and VI of the Faculty of Medicine of the Wroclaw Medical University. Postgraduate didactics in psychiatry are also provided in the form of specialisation and clinical internships for psychologists, resident doctors and doctors specialising in psychiatry. Patients of the Ward may occasionally be invited to talk to students.

Personnel of the Ward:

Head of the Clinical Department of Psychiatry of the University Clinical Hospital
 Prof. .  . . Joanna Rymaszewska, MD, PhD, specialist psychiatrist

Coordinator of the Neurotic Treatment Ward
  . . Krzysztof Małyszczak, MD, PhD, Prof. of the Wroclaw Medical University, specialist psychiatrist, supervisor of the Scientific Section of Psychotherapy of the Polish Psychiatric Association

 Anna Rudkowska-Mytych, MA, certified psychotherapist of the Polish Society of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
 Mikołaj Oleszek, MA, psychotherapist undergoing certification process
 Marzena Kowalska, MA, psychotherapist undergoing certification process
 supervisor – Dominik Gawęda, MA, supervisor of the Scientific Section of Psychotherapy of the Polish Psychiatric Association


Mental Health Outpatient Clinic

Mental Health Outpatient Clinic at the Clinical Department of Psychiatry of the Wroclaw Medical University specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders in adults. Patients of the Outpatient Clinic are offered, depending on indications, assistance in the form of psychiatric treatment and pharmacotherapy, psychological consultations, individual psychotherapy and counselling.

Psychiatric care

 It includes the following mental health procedures:

  • diagnosis of mental disorders in adults,
  • qualification for treatment in psychiatric inpatient wards,
  • treatment of mental disorders of old age (disorders of consciousness, dementia, behavioural disorders),
  • treatment of mood disorders (depression, mania),
  • treatment of psychotic disorders (schizophrenia, delusional disorders, schizoaffective disorders),
  • treatment of stress-related and somatoform neurotic disorders (obsessive-compulsive disorders, adjustment disorders, reactions to severe stress).

The Mental Health Outpatient Clinic is not involved in the treatment of addictions or people under the age of 18.

Psychological care

We provide psychological support for a wide range of mental health problems. The support is aimed at people:

  • experiencing excessive sadness, discouragement, lack of energy, suffering, stress,
  • experiencing difficulties in relationships with other people and coping with emotions,
  • experiencing subjective symptoms of deterioration of cognitive abilities (memory).

Psychological diagnosis

The diagnostic methods used include standardised psychological diagnostic tools in the areas of personality, temperament, cognitive functioning (including attention, memory, intelligence). The results of psychological examinations are an important part of the psychiatrist's planning of further treatment, including pharmacotherapy. Psychologists work closely with psychiatrists which ensures that the effectiveness of treatment is high.

Psychological support

The psychological support includes:

  • psychological consultations

The psychological consultation aims to identify the difficulties and problems of the applicant and to determine the most appropriate form of support. It usually involves one to three meetings. Consultations are available to those interested in supporting themselves and their nearest and dearest.

  • psychological counselling

The psychological counselling is a form of support aimed at healthy people experiencing developmental crises or adjustment difficulties. It takes place in the form of several meetings, the main aim of which is to identify the problem and look for ways to solve it.

  • psychotherapy – individual, family, couples

Psychotherapy (Greek: ψυχή psyche = soul and therapein = to treat) is the treatment method of choice for anxiety and personality disorders and is used supportively in other mental disorders. Psychotherapy is in the nature of planned and targeted interventions, and aims to change behavioural patterns or intrapsychic structures and processes. A common feature of all the therapeutic techniques used is interpersonal contact.

Appointments at the Outpatient Clinic – registration

Patients who want to receive psychiatric support at the Outpatient Clinic are admitted without a referral and have valid health insurance. However, in order to receive psychological support, patients must have a referral from an internist, psychiatrist or neurologist and valid health insurance. Psychiatric and psychological consultations, depending on the patient's condition, last 20-45 minutes. An appointment is required by contacting the Outpatient Clinic registration - by phone at: 71 784 16 10 or in person – Clinical Department of Psychiatry (Wybrzeże Pasteura 10, III floor) between 08:00 and 14:00 from Monday to Friday. The entrance to the Outpatient Clinic is behind the building, from the car park.



Prior to the first teleconsultation, patients are asked to print out and complete the following declaration and send it to the e-mail address:

Please cancel appointments no later than two days before your scheduled consultation date.

Personnel of the Mental Health Outpatient Clinic

 Prof. .  . . Joanna Rymaszewska, MD, PhD, specialist psychiatrist – Head of the Clinical Department of Psychiatry
Prof. .  . . Jerzy Leszek, MD, PhD, specialist psychiatrist
 Prof. .  . . Tomasz Pawłowski, MD, PhD, specialist psychiatrist, Coordinator of the  Mental Health Outpatient Clinic
  . . Dorota Frydecka, MD, PhD, specialist psychiatrist

 . Tomasz Hadryś, MD, PhD, specialist psychiatrist
 . Monika Kantorska-Janiec, MD, PhD, specialist psychiatrist
  . Elżbieta Trypka, MD, PhD, specialist psychiatrist


. Sylwia Chładzińska-Kiejna, MD, PhD, M.Psych., specialist in clinical psychology, psychotherapist (certificate of the Polish Psychiatric Association)
 Anna Rudkowska-Mytych, MA, certified psychodynamic psychotherapist undergoing certification process
  . Ewa Pisarska, PhD, psychotherapist, certificate of the Scientific Section of Psychotherapy of the Polish Psychiatric Association – supervision consultations
 Anna Moszczyńska, MA, certified psychodynamic psychotherapist   
Agata Kołodziejczyk, PhD, psychologist
 Karolina Fila-Witecka, MA, psychologist
 Katarzyna Wiśniewska, MA, psychologist, psychotherapist (certificate of the Polish Psychiatric Association)
 Renata Wallner, MD, PhD, M.Psych., Coordinator for psychology internships.
Adrianna Senczyszyn, MA, psychologist


Danuta Jakobsche, medical registrar, phone: 71 784 16 10

Psychiatric and Psychological Consultation Unit


The employees of the Clinical Department of Psychiatry provide consultation services to all units of the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Wrocław (SPSK-1), the University Clinical Hospital in Wrocław (USK) and the Lower Silesian Oncology Centre in Wrocław (DCO):

  • psychiatric diagnostics,
  • therapy of mental disorders,
  • opinions in matters concerning placement in social welfare centres and care and treatment centres,
  • opinions on the appropriateness of undertaking diagnostic and/or therapeutic activities without consent,
  • opinions on other matters requiring psychiatric examination.

The request for a consultation is made by phone directly to the consultant.

Clinical Departments for adults:
 . Monika Kantorska-Janiec, MD, PhD: +48 501 601 855

Clinical Departments for children:
 . Monika Szewczuk-Bogusławska, MD, PhD: +48 601 740 601,


Team of clinical psychologists consulting patients of the SPSK1 (Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Wrocław)

Clinical Departments for adults:
 . Dorota Szcześniak, MD, PhD, Prof. of the Wroclaw Medical University
 – Clinical Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology (two wards for adults)
 – Clinical Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Isotope Therapy
 – Clinical Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (+Pregnancy Pathology and Isolation Ward)
 – Clinical Department of Haematology, Blood Neoplasms and Bone Marrow Transplantation
 – Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Ward
 – Clinical Department of General, Minimally Invasive and Endocrine Surgery
 – Clinical Department of Gastrointestinal and General Surgery

Clinical Department of Paediatrics:
 Elżbieta Szpich, MA
– Clinical Department of Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology

Małgorzata Jackowska-Adamska, MA
– Clinical Department of Paediatrics, Gastroenterology and Nutrition

Joanna Czajkowska, MA
 – Clinical Department of Paediatrics and Infectious Diseases
 – Clinical Department of Paediatrics, Allergology and Cardiology
 – Paediatric Intensive Care and Anaesthesia Ward
 – Clinical Department of Paediatric Surgery and Urology
 – Clinical Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology (paediatric ward)

We would like to kindly inform you that the coordinator of the postgraduate internships in psychiatry is Ms. Dr. Agnieszka Cyran.

The Clinical Department of Psychiatry does not enrol postgraduate interns. For this purpose, please contact the employee of the Human Resources Department of the University Clinical Hospital, Mr. Krzysztof Mętel (phone: 71 733 11 42).

The Coordinator for psychological traineeships at the Department of Psychiatry is Ms. Renata Wallner, MD, PhD, M.Psych.
If you are interested in undergoing a psychological internship or volunteering, please contact us:

phone: +48 71 784 16 29


If you are experiencing adjustment difficulties, feel lonely or alienated, have trouble with expressing or naming the emotions you are feeling or are looking for support in coping with current life difficulties, remember that you have the opportunity to receive free psychological consultation at the University.

Consultations for students and doctoral students in the 2022/2023 academic year are conducted both online and in person. They are conducted by two psychologists – Katarzyna Wiśniewska ( and Marta Kucharska (


For ED Students:

If You feel lonely, isolated, have problems with adapting to student's life or need help coping with current life events or the epidemiological situation, do not hesitate to e-mail our psychologist at and book an appointment.

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