Division of Health Humanities and Social Science

ul. K. Bartla 5
51-618 Wrocław
tel. 71 348 42 19, 71 348 42 10

acting head
Monika Wójta-Kempa, PhD

acting head
Monika Wójta - Kempa, PhD

Assistant Professor for Didactics
Agnieszka Lintowska, PhD

Assistant Professor
Magdalena Kazimierska-Zając, PhD

Senior Lecturers
Grażyna Szymańska-Pomorska, PhD

Grażyna Solecka, MA

Luba Ślósarz, PhD

Mirosław Chybicki, MA

Doctoral students
Mariusz Czarnecki, MA

Didactic classes:

  1. Bioethics
  2. Demography
  3. Medical didactics
  4. Business Ethics
  5. Philosophy
  6. Philosophy and Bioethics
  7. Social Research Methods
  8. Scientific Research Methodology
  9. Teaching Methodology in Higher Education
  10. Education
  11. Special Needs Education
  12. Fundamentals of Demography
  13. Fundamentals of Ethics and Deontology
  14. Fundamentals of Education
  15. Fundamentals of Social Work
  16. Fundamentals of Health Promotion
  17. Fundamentals of Psychology
  18. Fundamentals of Health Psychology
  19. Fundamentals of Psychopathology
  20. Fundamentals of Sociology
  21. Propedeutics of Medicine
  22. Psychology
  23. Clinical Psychology and Clinical Communication
  24. General Psychology and Psychotherapy
  25. Social Psychology
  26. Psychology of Management
  27. Health Psychology
  28. Psychotherapy
  29. Sociology
  30. Sociology of Medicine
  31. General Sociology and Disabilities
  32. Sociology of Family
  33. Social and Social-Welfare Functions of the State
  34. Elective course: Education in the Prevention of Risky Diseases
  35. Elective course: Psychology of Changes in Health Behaviours
  36. Elective course: Mental Prevention of Occupational Stress

Main research topics

The research area within which the specific directions of the research carried out in the Division of Medical Humanities and Social Science are undertaken includes the problems of hospital and non-hospital medical care as well as the psychosocial determinants of health behaviour and situations of illness. The research carried out in the Division is interdisciplinary, i.e. it takes into account the medical, psychological and sociological aspects of a given problem.
Research projects that employees of the Division are currently working on.

  1. Health as a value in post-modern societies (Monika Wójta-Kempa, PhD)
  2. Psychology of mindfulness – Mindfulness – in health care (Mirosław Chybicki, MA)
  3. Mental health of children and adolescents. Behavioural disorders (Agnieszka Lintowska, PhD)
  4. Quality of life and communication with the patient (Magdalena Kazimierska-Zając, PhD)
  5. Beliefs and knowledge about cancer and participation in oncological preventive examinations (Małgorzata Synowiec-Piłat, PhD).
  6. Selected aspects of medical education and interdisciplinary patient care and health promotion (Grażyna Szymańska-Pomorska, PhD)

The employees of the Division of Medical Humanities and Social Science edit the quarterly Nursing and Public Health (in Polish: Pielęgniarstwo i Zdrowie Publiczne).