
dr Grzegorz Wiera


The most important and fascinating property of the brain is its plasticity. We know well today that the plasticity of the brain, neurons, and synapses is the main mechanism responsible for incorporating transient sensory experiences and modalities into persistent memory traces. Thus, the encoding of memory traces in our brain relies on changes in the strength of synapses.  In this context, the aim of my research is to describe the molecular mechanisms responsible for long-term modification of synaptic strength during learning.

During the PhD studies (2009-2014) carried out in the laboratory of prof. J. Mozrzymas my research was focused on describing the role played by extracellular matrix protease 9 (MMP9) in the plasticity of hippocampal synapses, especially in the projection of moss fibers into the CA3 region (Wiera et al., 2012, 2013, 2015a, 2015b) . This projection is critically important for proper spatial and contextual memory, as well as in the process of so-called pattern separation during formation of memory. In the following years, I participated in describing the function of another extracellular protease - MMP3 - in synaptic plasticity that is dependent on the activity of voltage-gated calcium channels (Wiera et al., 2017 - Journal of Neuroscience).

Currently, my research interests focus on the study of molecular mechanisms of plasticity in inhibitory synapses (SONATA grant funded by the Polish National Science Center). More than 20% of adult brain neurons are responsible for synaptic inhibition and secrete GABA as a neurotransmitter. The plasticity of these inhibitory synapses is relatively poorly understood, and until recently it was even negated. Thus, our knowledge about the plasticity of over 20% synapses in the brain is disturbingly limited. The main aim of my current projects is to unravel the role of the extracellular matrix, adhesive proteins and proteases in the physiology of the inhibitory synapse and its plasticity. Specific aims of my projects are related to key problems of neuroplasticity: the function of perineuronal nets; the mobility of membrane receptors; the synaptic adhesome; the perisynaptic astrocytes - but in the novel context of GABAergic plasticity. In the longer term, I would like to investigate the function of plastic changes within inhibitory synapses in memory and cognitive processes.

  • Matrix metalloproteinase-3 in brain physiology and neurodegeneration. [AUT.] ANNA MARIA LECH, GRZEGORZ WIERA, JERZY MOZRZYMAS.
    Adv.Clin.Exp.Med. 2019 Vol.28 no.12 s.1717-1722, bibliogr. 60 poz. summ. DOI: 10.17219/acem/110319
  • Mechanisms of NMDA receptor- and voltage-gated L-type calcium channel-dependent hippocampal LTP critically rely on proteolysis that is mediated by distinct metalloproteinases. [AUT.] GRZEGORZ WIERA, DARIA NOWAK, INGE VAN HOVE, PIOTR DZIĘGIEL, LIEVE MOONS, JERZY W. MOZRZYMAS.
    J.Neurosci. 2017 Vol.37 no.5 s.1240-1256, ryc. bibliogr. summ. DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2170-16.2016
  • Multifaceted roles of metzincins in CNS physiology and pathology: from synaptic plasticity and cognition to neurodegenerative disorders. [AUT.] PATRYCJA BRZDĄK, DARIA NOWAK, GRZEGORZ WIERA, JERZY W. MOZRZYMAS.
    Front.Cell.Neurosci. 2017 Vol.11 art.178 [22 s.], ryc. bibliogr. summ. DOI: 10.3389/fncel.2017.00178
  • Overexpression of STIM1 in neurons in mouse brain improves contextual learning and impairs long-term depression. [AUT.] ŁUKASZ MAJEWSKI, FILIP MACIĄG, PAWEŁ M. BOGUSZEWSKI, IGA WASILEWSKA, GRZEGORZ WIERA, TOMASZ WÓJTOWICZ, JERZY MOZRZYMAS, JACEK KUŹNICKI.
    Biochim.Biophys.Acta Mol.Cell Res. 2017 Vol.1864 no.6 s.1071-1087, ryc. bibliogr. 121 poz. summ. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbamcr.2016.11.025
  • Extracellular proteolysis in structural and functional plasticity of mossy fiber synapses in hippocampus. [AUT.] GRZEGORZ WIERA, JERZY W. MOZRZYMAS.
    Front.Cell.Neurosci. 2015 Vol.9 art.427 [21 s.], ryc. bibliogr. 277 poz. summ. DOI: 10.3389/fncel.2015.00427
  • Impact of matrix metalloproteinase-9 overexpression on synaptic excitatory transmission and its plasticity in rat CA3-CA1 hippocampal pathway. [AUT.] GRZEGORZ WIERA, MARCIN SZCZOT, TOMASZ WÓJTOWICZ, KATARZYNA LEBIDA, P. KOZA, JERZY W. MOZRZYMAS.
    J.Physiol.Pharmacol. 2015 Vol.66 no.2 s.309-315, ryc. bibliogr. 37 poz. summ.
  • Maintenance of long-term potentiation in hippocampal mossy fiber-CA3 pathway requires fine-tuned MMP-9 proteolytic activity. [AUT.] GRZEGORZ WIERA, GRAŻYNA WOŹNIAK, MAŁGORZATA BAJOR, LESZEK KACZMAREK, JERZY W. MOZRZYMAS.
    Hippocampus 2013 Vol.23 no.6 s.529-543, ryc. bibliogr. 52 poz. summ. DOI: 10.1002/hipo.22112
    Mol.Cell.Neurosci. 2012 Vol.50 no.2 s.147-159, ryc. bibliogr. 49 poz. summ, Erratum: Mol.Cell.Neurosci. 2013 Vol.52 s.181-182.
  • 2017 – team prize awarded by the Rector of the Medical University in Wroclaw
  • 2016/2017 – START Scholarship awarded by the Foundation for Polish Science
  • 2013/2014 – Ludwik Hirszfeld scholarship in the field of biological and medical sciences
  • 2014 – FENS travel grant
  • 2013 - First prize for the best conference report awarded by the Biomedical Engineering Commission of the Wroclaw Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences during the 4th Symposium of the Polish Academy of Sciences (June 2013) for the paper: "The influence of extracellular matrix proteinase activity on synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus - electrophysiological studies"
  • 2012/2013 - EU scholarship from the Wroclaw University program "Development of the potential and educational offer of the University of Wroclaw as a chance to increase the University's competitiveness" combined with an internship at the A. Barberis Laboratory in Genoa
  • 2011/2012; 2012/2013; 2013/2014 - Research scholarship by the Rector of the University of Wroclaw for the best PhD students
  • Grant SONATA funded by Polish National Science Centre „Tetrapertite inhibitory synapse - the role of extracellular matrix, adhesion proteins and astrocytes in the plasticity of GABAergic synapses”
    Budget: 1.163.400 PLN
  • Research subsidy and scholarship ETIUDA funded by Polish National Science Centre; "The impact of extracellular matrix modification on synaptic plasticity of the hippocampal moss fiber - CA3 projection"
    X 2013 – IX 2014
    Budget: 78.000 PLN
  • Research grants from the University of Wroclaw for PhD students 2011, 2012, 2013