Department of Forensic Medicine
Department of Forensic Medicine
ul. Jana Mikulicza-Radeckiego 4, 50-345 Wrocław
tel.: 71 784 14 58, 71 784 14 60
fax: 71 784 00 95
Head of the Department:
Tomasz Jurek, MD, PhD, Master of Law, Wroclaw Medical University professor
tel. 71 784 14 74
The Department of Forensic Medicine includes:
Division of Forensic Medicine
ul. Jana Mikulicza-Radeckiego 4, 50-345 Wrocław
tel.: 71 784 14 58, 71 784 14 60
fax: 71 784 00 95
Division of Medical Law
ul. Jana Mikulicza-Radeckiego 4, 50-345 Wrocław
tel.: 71 784 14 77
fax: 71 784 00 95
Division of Molecular Techniques
ul. M.Curie-Skłodowskiej 52, 50-369 Wrocław
tel.: 71 784 15 88
fax: 71 784 01 15
Laboratory at the Division of Molecular Techniques
The laboratory is part of the team of accredited testing laboratories of Wrocław Medical University (certificate validity date 15-10-2023; accreditation from 16-10-2015, current scope of accreditation 08 of 15.09.2022).
General office
Marta Żakiewicz, MA
tel.: 71 784 14 59
Emilia Rąk
tel.: 71 784 14 60
Dr. Magdalena Czuba
tel.: 71 784 14 63
Dr. Vanda Kashtan
tel.: 71 784 14 62
Krzysztof Maksymowicz, PhD
tel.: 71 784 17 34
Marta Siczek, PhD
tel.: 71 784 14 78
Łukasz Szleszkowski, PhD
tel.: 71 784 14 71
Paweł Szpot, PhD
tel.: 71 784 14 78
Jędrzej Siuta, PhD
tel.: 71 784 14 61
Assistant Professor for Didactic
Agata Thannhäuser, PhD
tel.: 71 784 14 72
Laboratory of Forensic Toxicology
Joanna Biernacka-Żak, MA
tel.: 71 784 14 78
Histopathology Laboratory
Dr. Magdalena Czuba
tel.: 71 784 14 63
Dr. Vanda Kashtan
tel.: 71 784 14 62
Autopsy Department
Bogusław Bojko
tel.: 71 784 00 96
Hubert Bojko
tel.: 71 784 00 96
Sergiusz Strachanowski, MA
tel.: 71 784 00 96
Dr. Adriana Kawa
tel.: 71 784 14 65
Dr. Agnieszka Nowak
tel.: 71 784 14 75
Dr. Ksenia Pawlas
tel.: 71 784 14 62
Dr. Przemysław Piech
tel.: 71 784 17 33
Dr. Adrianna Solińska
tel.: 71 784 14 75
Artur Tarasiewicz, PhD
tel.: 71 784 17 36
Acting Head of the Division
Dr. Radosław Drozd
tel.: 71 784 17 35
Magdalena Bartkiewicz
tel.: 71 784 14 77
Assistant Professor for Didactic
Dr. Radosław Drozd
tel.: 71 784 17 35
Dominika Kocowska-Dzik, MA
tel.: 71 784 17 36
Agata Thannhäuser, PhD
tel. 71 784 14 72
Małgorzata Małodobra-Mazur, PhD
tel.: 71 784 15 87
Anna Karpiewska, PhD
tel.: 71 784 15 88
Monika Ołdakowska, PhD
tel.: 71 784 15 95
Beata Bartnik, PhD
tel.: 71 784 14 68
Anna Jonkisz, MA
tel.: 71 784 15 95
Elżbieta Kowalczyk, MA
tel.: 71 784 15 89
Arleta Lebioda, MA
tel.: 71 784 15 96
Engineering and Technical Specialist
Mariola Turkiewicz, technician
tel./fax: 71 784 14 70
* Assistant Professor for Didactics at the Division of Forensic Medicine and Medical Law
Agata Thannhäuser, PhD
tel. 71 784 14 72
room 33 (3rd floor, the old building)
office hours: Wednesday, at 14.00 -15.00
* Assistant Professor for Didactics at the Division of Molecular Techniques
Małgorzata Małodobra-Mazur, PhD
tel. 71 784 15 87
office hours: Friday, at. 10.00 -11.00
*Office for Didactics
Agnieszka Szafrańska, MA
tel. 071 784 14 58
room 13 (1st floor, the old building)
office hours: 8:00-14:00
Enrol for our elective courses for the 2024/2025 academic year:
Recommended coursebooks:
- "Medycyna sądowa.Simpson" (original title: Simpson's Forensic Medicine) Jason Payne-James, Richard Jones; Edra Urban&Partner 2021; Polish edition edited by: T.Jurek, Z.Jankowski - "Medycyna sądowa" Vol. 1 and 2, ed. Grzegorz Teresiński, helpful for exam preparation - available online. The coursebook is available at:
To access the book, log in with your university e-mail login and password..
* TEST EXAMINATION in Forensic Medicine for year IV students of the Faculty of Medicine:
- the examination may be taken by students who have passed the course in the winter and summer semesters,
- the test examination consists of 40 single-choice questions and students have 45 minutes to complete it.
1) Payne James J., Jones R.: Simpson's Forensic Medicine, Edra Urban&Partner 2021; Polish edition edited by: T.Jurek, Z.Jankowski
2) Teresiński G. (ed.): Medycyna Sądowa Vol. 1 and 2, PZWL 2019 2020.
3) S. Raszeja, W. Nasiłowski, J. Markiewicz: Podręcznik Medycyny Sądowej dla Studentów, PZWL 1993
4) V.D. Di Maio: Medycyna Sądowa (original title: Forensic Pathology), Wyd. Med. 2003
5) A. Jakliński, J.S. Kobiela, K. Jaegermann, Z.Marek, Z.Tomaszewska, B. Turowska: Medycyna sądowa podręcznik dla studentów medycyny, PZWL 1978
6) Z. Marek, M. Kłys: Opiniowanie sądowo-lekarskie i toksykologiczne, Zakamycze 1998
7) W. Branicki, T. Kupiec, P. Wolańska-Nowak: Badania DNA dla celów sądowych, IES 2008
8) R. Pawłowski: Medyczno-sądowe badania śladów biologicznych, IES 1997
9) Cz. Żaba: Wybrane zagadnienia z medycyny sądowej, UM Poznań 2014
10) A. Jacek, E. Sarnacka: Prawo medyczne i orzecznictwo lekarskie. Repetytorium do LEK i LDEK, PZWL 2015
Forensic medicine - Criminal qualification of injuries
Forensic medicine - Principles of providing forensic medical opinions in civil-law cases
Forensic medicine - Offences against sexual freedom and morality
Forensic medicine - Incapacity for work. Failure to appear.
Forensic medicine - Injuries caused by explosives
Forensic medicine - Characteristics of gunshot injuries
Forensic toxicology
Teaching materials:
Department of Forensic Medicine Health and Safety Regulations
Forensic Thanatology Laboratory Safety Regulations
Link to the lecture Medical Law - 10.12.2024:
Link to the lecture Forensic Medicine:
Forensic Medicine - 2024/2025 | Ogólny | Microsoft Teams
Lecture 24.01.2025:…
ED - Forensic Medicine and Medical Law
Important information:
Jedrzej Siuta PhD is available for students on:
Thursdays at 2 - 3 pm - room 22 (in emergency cases time can be changed)
or on other days - please email first -
Head of the Scientific Club: Małgorzata Małodobra-Mazur, PhD
Supervisor of the Scientific Club: Ignacy Tarski
Characteristics of the Scientific Club:
the Molecular and Cellular Medicine Student Scientific Club of at the Division of Molecular Techniques (ZTM) is a student organisation associating students from different faculties. The objective of the Molecular and Cellular Medicine Student Scientific Club is to promote knowledge in the field of: broadly understood molecular medicine, diagnosis of infectious diseases using molecular biology techniques, diagnosis of cancer diseases using molecular biology techniques (liquid biopsy), cell biology, analysis of metabolic signals, gene therapy, forensic and population genetics.
The assumption of the Molecular and Cellular Medicine Student Scientific Club is to share knowledge, skills, news and breakthrough discoveries in the field of molecular medicine.
Location: Division of Molecular Techniques, Department of Forensic Medicine, ul. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 52, 50-369 Wrocław

SKN Medycyny Sądowej skupia studentów wszystkich kierunków zainteresowanych medycyną sądową oraz dziedzinami pokrewnymi, takimi jak prawo medyczne, toksykologia sądowa, antropologia sądowa czy kryminalistyka lub kryminologia. Dzięki interdyscyplinarnemu podejściu jesteśmy w stanie kompleksowo rozwijać wiedzę i współpracować z ekspertami różnych dziedzin.
Spotkania SKN odbywają się raz w miesiącu. Podczas zebrań przedstawiane są przygotowane wcześniej prezentacje. Członkowie koła omawiają w nich interesujące ich zagadnienia z zakresu medycyny sądowej i nauk pokrewnych.
Na wybranych spotkaniach członkowie SKN Medycyny Sądowej mają też możliwość pracy z wieloma wybitnymi specjalistami takimi jak np. pan Harald Koeck (artysta o międzynarodowej sławie, który w swoich pracach eksploruje powiązania między medycyną a sztuką), czy prof. UAM dr hab. nauk prawnych Michał Urbańczyk, dzielący się z nami swoją wiedzą na temat pisania oraz publikacji prac naukowych. W ostatnich latach SKN gościło także panią Prokurator Prokuratury Krajowej, dr Joannę Pawlik-Czyniewską, doktora Pawła Szpota (toksykologa sądowego), a także pana Krzysztofa Balcera (negocjatora policyjnego). Każdy z gości przekazał słuchaczom ogromną ilość wiedzy. Niektóre ze spotkań miały formę warsztatów - podczas nich członkowie SKN mogli zastosować wszystkie te informacje w praktyce.
SKN zajmuje się także pisaniem prac naukowych. Studenci z sukcesami przedstawiają też swoje osiągnięcia na konferencjach naukowych: w roku kalendarzowym 2023 członkom SKN udało się zdobyć I miejsce na międzynarodowej konferencji odbywającej się we Wrocławiu oraz III na konferencji studenckiej w Szczecinie.
SKN Medycyny Sądowej uczestniczy również w organizowaniu konferencji naukowych, współpracując w tym zakresie między innymi z Studenckim Towarzystwem Naukowym naszego Uniwersytetu, a także SKN Antropologów “Kostka” Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
Nie brakuje też projektów społecznych, których studenci zrzeszeni w SKN Medycyny Sądowej są organizatorami: w maju 2022 roku roku rozpoczął się nagrodzony grantem FAST projekt społeczno-naukowy pt. “Nie tylko <gwałt> - Miesiąc Świadomości Przemocy Seksualnej”, w ramach którego odbyła się mini-konferencja studencka, a także szereg wykładów z ekspertami. Twórcy projektu przygotowali wiele infografik oraz materiałów edukacyjnych, do dziś dostępnych w mediach społecznościowych SKN. Badania przeprowadzone w części badawczej projektu pozwoliły na opublikowanie raport o przemocy seksualnej na wrocławskich uczelniach wyższych, którego wyniki zostały przedstawione na międzynarodowej konferencji: IX International Conference of Young Biomedical Researchers.
Kolejnym niezwykle ważnym elementem działalności SKN Medycyny Sądowej jest uczestnictwo w sekcjach sądowo-lekarskich, na których członkowie SKN mają możliwość zdobyć ogrom wiedzy praktycznej. To także niepowtarzalna okazja do zobaczenia medycyny sądowej w praktyce i zrozumienia kluczowej roli, jaką odgrywa sekcja w postępowaniu sądowym.
SKN Medycyny Sądowej ciągle się rozwija, działa aktywnie w mediach społecznościowych i z dużym entuzjazmem wita nowych członków.
Zapraszamy wszystkich chętnych - rekrutacja odbywa się corocznie w październiku!
Przewodnicząca SKN Medycyny Sądowej: Wiktoria Filipowska
Opiekun SKN Medycyny Sądowej: dr Jędrzej Siuta
Link do Fanpage’a:
Link do Instagrama:…
Museum of the Forensic Medicine, Department of Forensic Medicine, Wroclaw Medical Universityul. Jana Mikulicza Radeckiego 4
50-345 Wrocław
Museum curator: Jędrzej Siuta, PhD
tel.: 71 784 14 61
The museum's collection is presented to students of the Medical University of Wrocław as part of forensic medicine classes.
Visiting by other people is possible by purchasing Museum Lesson in Pathology conducted at the museum - detailed information and registration at the link:
The Museum of Forensic Medicine operates at the Department of Forensic Medicine of the Medical University of Wroclaw. It continues the collections and tradition of the former Museum of Forensic Medicine operating in the same place until the end of World War II of the German Institute of Forensic Medicine (Institut fűr gerichtliche Medizin und Naturwissenschaftliche Kryminalistik). The presented exhibits come from various years, from the mid-19th century to the present. In the post-war period, the museum collection was expanded (and is constantly being expanded) with additional exhibits obtained thanks to the work and commitment of the employees of the polish Department of Forensic Medicine, although a significant number of the exhibits are unique and impossible to create in nowadays. The museum also took over parts of the specimen collections of various institutions from different regions of Poland (including those that no longer exist, such as the former Institute of Pathology in Breslau). The museum's collections - having huge historical and educational value - illustrate the activities of the Department of Forensic Medicine and show the broad profile of the science of forensic medicine. They include, among others: a large collection of wet preparations (i.e. parts of the human body preserved in preservative fluids) and dry preparations (including human bones) presenting various types of bodily injuries resulting from factors: mechanical, thermal, chemical or electrical - resulting from criminal activities, suicide, military, accidents, etc. - presenting how to properly recognize, describe and qualify these types of changes. Other exhibits include body parts showing natural post-mortem processes such as putrefaction, mummification, adipocere formation or peat change, as well as pathological (morbid) changes in the human body. The collection also includes a large number of items related to crimes against life and health, such as murder weapons, hangers' nooses, exhumation items, homespun firearms, ammunition, etc., as well as old autopsy and gynecological tools, laboratory equipment, and related items. with funeral rites or old medico-legal documents. The exhibition is also enriched with an exhibition on Katyn massacre and German concentration camps. The museum also presents art depicting the motif of death and corpses, including: works of famous artists Harald Koeck or prof. Łukasz Huculak. The museum is currently located in a new, significantly enlarged and renovated building, which additionally presents also old autopsy room. The exhibition is also enriched with modern multimedia elements such as autopsy holograms.

Principles of cooperation of the Division of Molecular Techniques with researchers intending to use advanced molecular research techniques
Contact persons:
Małgorzata Małodobra-Mazur, PhD
tel.71 7841587
Main objectives of the Division:
1. Training objective, to help inexperienced researchers
master basic molecular biology techniques (such as
isolation of genetic material, various electrophoresis techniques, digestion by restriction and hybridisation
, PCR and RT-PCR, etc.).
2. Substantive consultations related to grant applications,
including the selection of appropriate research techniques, cost calculation,
schedules, etc.
3. Provision of advanced molecular techniques using research equipment in the laboratory.
We currently have DNA sequencers,
Real-time PCR devices and low-density microarrays (
simultaneous expression testing of up to 384 genes).
4. The unit, apart from specific exceptions, does not offer research financing or access to reagents - this is at the discretion of our esteemed Associates. The unit employees involved in the research expect to become co-authors of the final publications written by grant managers.
5. Main scientific and research methods developed by the Division of Molecular Techniques
- gene expression analysis (Real-Time PCR) along with independent design and optimisation of primers.
- cell culture of cell lines and primary cells.
- isolation of genetic material (DNA/RNA) from various sources using different methods including proprietary methods.
- epigenetic analysis methods: DNA methylation (sequencing, MeDIP, restriction enzymes), histone modifications (ChiP-Real-Time PCR). Epigenetic analyses concern both global and locus-specific changes.
Main research topics:
1. Adipogenesis: regulation and influence of various external factors on the process.
2. Genetic and environmental causes of obesity and insulin resistance.
3. Search for biologically active compounds with potential use to overcome insulin resistance among naturally occurring polyphenolic compounds and their derivatives.
4. Analysis of epigenetic changes (DNA methylation and histone modification) in fat cells and the effects of epigenome-modifying substances on the insulin pathway and insulin response.
5. Mitochondrial metabolism in health and disease, including genetic diseases.
6. Design, optimisation and verification of gene therapy using plasmid as a gene carrier.
7. Epigenetics in ageing and other human diseases.
Information, registration for forensic medical examination
tel. 71 784 14 60, 71 784 14 58, 71 784 14 59
Information - DNA tests
Paternity establishment - tel. 71 7841469, 71 7841588(89)
Material evidence examination - tel. 71 7841468
Forensic medical examination to determine the severity of bodily injuries
- Guide for the injured persons.
No forensic medical examinations will be performed on 2 May 2023 (Tuesday).
Forensic medical examinations of injured persons are performed on weekdays from 9:00 to 13:00, after prior registration by telephone or in person from 8:00 to 15:00; telephone number: 71 784-14-60 (58).
If you are injured as a result of physical violence, you can, without any referral, undergo a paid forensic medical examination at the Division of Forensic Medicine and obtain a written certificate of forensic medical examination of the body with a detailed description and determination of the degree of severity of the bodily injuries (colloquially: "forensic medical examination and criminal classification of bodily injury"), which you can present to law enforcement authorities.
The cost of the forensic medical examination is PLN 230 (including VAT) - payment in cash only.
It is necessary for the examined person or his/her legal guardian to present a document with a photo confirming the identity of the person to be examined (ID card, passport, driving licence).
In justified but exceptional cases, the doctor on duty may limit the number of people examined on a given day.
Outside the time of forensic medical examination at the Division, injured persons should report to any medical facility currently providing services to patients (general practitioner, ambulance services, hospital emergency room) and ask a doctor to perform a medical examination and issue a medical certificate including the description of the injuries. Such a certificate, as well as other medical documentation concerning the suffered injuries and their treatment, must be presented during the forensic medical examination.
The Division only determines the presence of bodily injuries and assesses their severity based on a medical examination and available medical documents - there is no option of advanced diagnosis or any treatment. Concern for one's own life and health should always take priority over seeking justice, hence one should obtain the necessary medical assistance in health care facilities first and only then apply for a forensic medical assessment of the severity of the bodily injury. In particular, you should not delay reporting to a medical facility if there are any worrying symptoms, raising the suspicion of a life- or health-threatening condition.
Immediate medical attention is also necessary for victims of sexual violence, as each passing hour reduces the possibility of securing the existing evidence effectively.
There is no reason to be concerned about the possibility of a forensic medical assessment of the severity of injuries in the event of a necessary delay in the examination due to the need for urgent medical treatment - the issuing of the certificate in such cases is usually possible based on data from medical records.
Pre-funeral services
- preparation for the funeral of people whose bodies have been subjected to a forensic medical autopsy
Storing corpses in cold rooms of the Division is financed by the prosecutor's office only until the autopsy is performed. After the autopsy, the body of the deceased person is placed back in the cold room for humanitarian reasons, but it is a paid service.
After the autopsy, the body of the deceased is sutured and pre-washed at the expense of the prosecutor's office. In such a condition, it can be collected by persons authorised to bury the body; however, at their request, a paid service of dressing and putting make-up can be provided. To take advantage of that option, the Division's Office should be contacted as soon as possible after receiving information that the body will be or has already been subjected to an autopsy, tel.: 71 784 00 96.
The deceased person's clothing may be handed over to the prosecutor's office for further examination and if the prosecutor's office does not issue any instructions regarding the clothing it can be collected by persons authorised to bury the body. To take advantage of that option, the Division's Office should be contacted as soon as possible after receiving information that the body will be or has already been subjected to an autopsy, tel.: 71 784 00 96.
Death certificates are issued from Monday to Friday between 12:00 and 13:30, only after the person collecting the body submits a permit to collect and bury the body, obtained from the prosecutor's office.
Information for people coming for DNA testing: The outpatient unit for the collection of biological material (DNA) is located at ul. Chałubińskiego 2a (entrance marked with a red arrow) - downloadable file below (source Google Maps). The attached photo shows the two buildings of the Division of Molecular Techniques. The outpatient unit is located in the white building at the back; the entrance is located at ul. Chałubinskiego (marked with a red arrow) - downloadable file below.
Quality policy
A Quality Management System compliant with the requirements of the revised PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018-02 standard has been implemented at the research Laboratories of Wroclaw Medical University, one of which is the Molecular Techniques Laboratory.
Accreditation no. AB 1582 in Molecular Techniques Laboratory applies to:
tests for the identification of the nature of biological traces with the use of the immunochromatographic and biochemical methods and for the individualisation of biological traces of human origin by DNA analysis in the field of polymorphic STRs by multiplex PCR with capillary electrophoresis according to PB-ZTM-01, version 12 of 20 April 2022.
tests for kinship analysis in the field of DNA polymorphism using STR-type systems by multiplex PCR with capillary electrophoresis according to PB-ZTM-02, version 10 of 20 April 2022.
The research laboratories of Wroclaw Medical University, operating within the structure of the parent university, carry out their own scientific and research work and, at the same time, provide a wide range of services to external and internal customers. Given the complexity and the dependence of each research process on many factors, both technical and organisational, the University Laboratories have adopted the principle that all elements must be of high quality, in particular the proper organisation of work, the applied research methods, the measurement and research equipment, the level of obtained results, the way in which they are processed and the preparation of research reports.
The management of the University Laboratories and the employees declare their knowledge of and application of the Quality Policy in all areas of the Quality Management System described in the quality book of Wroclaw Medical University. The Quality Management System documents are available to employees, and the employees know their content and use the knowledge in practice.
If in doubt whether the child is yours, you can have a DNA paternity or maternity test done for a fee. Please consult us before your arrival, tel.: 71 784 14 69, as not every private matter can be accepted due to applicable law.
The Molecular Techniques Laboratory offers a service consisting of genetic testing of biological material. The tests are performed in accordance with the rules established by the Commission of the Polish Society of Forensic Medicine and Criminology (PTMSiK) with the use of validated tests. The Laboratory is accredited by the PCA, thanks to the implementation of a management system in accordance with the PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018-02 standard.
A client wishing to have the test done must submit a written order.
Depending on the arrangements, various forms of communication with the client are possible: in person, over the telephone or in writing. The test results are delivered in writing directly to the client or a person authorised by the client or sent by registered mail.
The client or interested party has the right to submit a complaint in writing. Complaints submitted over the telephone are not considered. Any complaints related to the work of the Laboratory submitted to the Division of Molecular Techniques of Wroclaw Medical University are forwarded to the Head of the Molecular Techniques Laboratory.
To improve the quality of the provided services and customer satisfaction, the Laboratory collects and analyses feedback obtained from the clients.
The Laboratory operates according to the principles of confidentiality and medical secrecy.
Confidentiality applies to all information obtained orally and to documents containing information the unauthorised disclosure of which could jeopardise the client's legally protected interest.
The Laboratory is located on the premises of Wroclaw Medical University. The keys to the Laboratory are held by authorised Laboratory employees. Each employee is obliged to secure documents and not to make them available to unauthorised persons.
The main test used in the Laboratory to investigate paternity and establish parentage is the GlobalFiler kit (Applied Biosystems). In justified cases, the test can be performed using the NGM SElect kit (Applied Biosystems) or the scope of the test can be extended with the PowerPlex Fusion 6C System (Promega), PowerPlex Y23 System (Promega) and/or Investigator Argus X-12 QS Kit (Qiagen). To verify the maternal line, it is possible to analyse the hypervariable regions of mtDNA.
Amplification reactions are performed in the GeneAmp PCR System thermal cycler (Applied Biosystems), and the obtained DNA fragments are fractionated using a 3130 genetic analyser (Applied Biosystems) with electrophoresis software and a computer analysis program.
Tests commissioned by private individuals are performed in accordance with the law, and their course and issued opinions are the same as in the case of tests commissioned by a court or prosecutor's office.
Information on the price list and procedures can be obtained at the following telephone numbers: 71-7841589, 71-7851469, 71-7841588
The Molecular Techniques Laboratory offers a service consisting of genetic testing of biological material. The tests are performed in accordance with the rules established by the Commission of the Polish Society of Forensic Medicine and Criminology (PTMSiK) with the use of validated tests. The Laboratory is accredited by the PCA, thanks to the implementation of a management system in accordance with the PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018-02 standard.
A client wishing to have the test done must submit a written order.
Depending on the arrangements, various forms of communication with the client are possible: in person, over the telephone or in writing. The test results are delivered in writing directly to the client or a person authorised by the client or sent by registered mail.
The client or interested party has the right to submit a complaint in writing. Complaints submitted over the telephone are not considered. Any complaints related to the work of the Laboratory submitted to the Division of Molecular Techniques of Wroclaw Medical University are forwarded to the Head of the Molecular Techniques Laboratory.
To improve the quality of the provided services and customer satisfaction, the Laboratory collects and analyses feedback obtained from the clients.
The Laboratory operates according to the principles of confidentiality and medical secrecy.
Confidentiality applies to all information obtained orally and to documents containing information the unauthorised disclosure of which could jeopardise the client's legally protected interest.
The Laboratory is located on the premises of Wroclaw Medical University. The keys to the Laboratory are held by authorised Laboratory employees. Each employee is obliged to secure documents and not to make them available to unauthorised persons.
The main test used in the Laboratory to investigate paternity and establish parentage is the GlobalFiler kit (Applied Biosystems). In justified cases, the test can be performed using the NGM SElect kit (Applied Biosystems) or the scope of the test can be extended with the PowerPlex Fusion 6C System (Promega), PowerPlex Y23 System (Promega) and/or Investigator Argus X-12 QS Kit (Qiagen). To verify the maternal line, it is possible to analyse the hypervariable regions of mtDNA.
Amplification reactions are performed in the GeneAmp PCR System thermal cycler (Applied Biosystems), and the obtained DNA fragments are fractionated using a 3130 genetic analyser (Applied Biosystems) with electrophoresis software and a computer analysis program.
Tests commissioned by private individuals are performed in accordance with the law, and their course and issued opinions are the same as in the case of tests commissioned by a court or prosecutor's office.
Information on the price list and procedures can be obtained at the following telephone numbers: 71-7841589, 71-7851469, 71-7841588
The Molecular Techniques Laboratory offers a service consisting of genetic testing of biological material. The tests are performed in accordance with the rules established by the Commission of the Polish Society of Forensic Medicine and Criminology (PTMSiK) with the use of validated tests.
A client wishing to have the test done must submit a written order.
Depending on the arrangements, various forms of communication with the client are possible: in person, over the telephone or in writing. The test results are delivered in writing directly to the client or a person authorised by the client or sent by registered mail.
The client or interested party has the right to submit a complaint in writing. Complaints submitted over the telephone are not considered. Any complaints related to the work of the Laboratory submitted to the Division of Molecular Techniques of Wroclaw Medical University are forwarded to the Head of the Molecular Techniques Laboratory.
To improve the quality of the provided services and customer satisfaction, the Laboratory collects and analyses feedback obtained from the clients.
The Laboratory operates according to the principles of confidentiality and medical secrecy.
Confidentiality applies to all information obtained orally and to documents containing information the unauthorised disclosure of which could jeopardise the client's legally protected interest.
The Laboratory is located on the premises of Wroclaw Medical University. The keys to the Laboratory are held by authorised Laboratory employees. Each employee is obliged to secure documents and not to make them available to unauthorised persons.
Determination of genetic profiles of biological traces and reference material is done using identification kits such as NGM SElect (Applied Biosystems), GlobalFiler (Applied Biosystems), PowerPlex Fusion 6C System (Promega), PowerPlex Y23 System (Promega) and/or Investigator Argus X-12 QS Kit (Qiagen). To verify the maternal line, it is possible to analyse the hypervariable regions of mtDNA.
Amplification reactions are performed in the GeneAmp PCR System thermal cycler (Applied Biosystems), and the obtained DNA fragments are fractionated using a 3130 genetic analyser (Applied Biosystems) with electrophoresis software and a computer analysis program.
Information on the price list and procedures can be obtained at the following telephone number: 71-7851468