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Aktualności | 24.09.2024

EUGLOH | Opportunity to take part in building EUGLOH's Career Network

Blended Intensive Program (BIP), "Shaping EUGLOH Career Network: Boosting Students' Career Development", hosted by the University of Porto from 11th to 15th of November 2024 (physical component). The online sessions are scheduled for 30th of October and 6th of November.

This BIP, designed by Universidade do Porto, Université Paris-Saclay,Universität Hamburg, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and Universidad of Alcalá aims to start designing some of the activities that were already proposed in the EUGLOH Career Network or new ones. Professionals working in career services, professionals working in the careers of doctoral students/researchers, academics and researchers with projects in areas of the job market, career development, management and development of personal and social skills and employability, from all EUGLOH member institutions are invited to join us. For further details, please consult the enclosed documents, which include a preliminary programme for the onsite sessions.

Please note that the deadline to express interest in participating is quite short. All interested colleagues are kindly requested to complete the application form by the 27th of September at the latest, which can be accessed here:
[1]. Additionally, please note that those who wish to join this BIP in Porto you should contact the relevant International Relations Office at their home institution to inquire about the availability of Erasmus+ Staff Mobility grants for Training.

Autor: Sława Ksenycz Data utworzenia: 24.09.2024 Autor edycji: Sława Ksenycz Data edycji: 24.09.2024