Student Practical Training

Practical Training 2024/2025

The Practical Training for students of Wrocław Medical University is organised by the University in accordance with the Regulation No. 28/XV R/2020 of the Rector of the Medical University in Wrocław of January 29, 2020, as amended, in the summer, July - September.  Please note that it is not possible to complete your Practical Training in the academic year when your classes normally take place.

Prior to the beginning of your training, please download from our website the relevant programme for your year and the questionnaires - unit assessments and internship assessments. Ensure that the programmes (attached below) are printed on both sides (1 sheet) and the questionnaires (attached below along with the programmes) on one side.

There are 2 ways to complete your Practical Training:

1. Your individual arrangements either in Poland or abroad.

2. Registration through the Dean's Office.


1. Individual arrangements in Poland or abroad

Please submit your formal applications (attached below) to the Dean’s Office by 12th May 2025 at the latest.  Please ensure that the practical training programme in English/Polish is presented to the Hospital Director/Manager of the clinic before the application gets accepted.


  • If you are to complete your Practical Training at a hospital, the stamp and the signature are required from both the Hospital Director and the Department Manager.
  • If you are to complete your Practical Training in a clinic, the stamp and the signature are required from either the Director/Manager or the Owner of the Clinic.

Once the training programme has been accepted, make sure the following are clearly provided on the form: full address of the practice, the date, the stamp and full name of the Director/Manager/Owner of the hospital/clinic.

If the hospital/clinic does not have a stamp in Polish/English, please ensure that the stamp gets translated into Polish/English by a sworn translator.

The application should then be submitted in person to the Dean's Office or emailed to your supervisor at the Dean’s Office so that it can be verified by the Vice- Dean before you start your Practical Training in the summer. 

2. Registration through the Dean's Office

The Practical Training then takes place in hospitals and the General Treatment Facilities (POZ in Polish) in Wrocław that our University has agreements with.

The list of available institutions and hospitals in Poland will be available in May / June 2025 and the registration will take place through the representatives of your year. 

No application forms are required in this case. Just ensure you purchase an accident insurance individually (NNW in Polish) and the civil liability insurance (OC in Polish) will be provided to you by the University. Also, please ensure that your medical examinations are up- to- date as these will be required at a hospital/clinic. These are:

- your health certificate (issued by a doctor from Poland),

- your sanitary and epidemiological certificate,

- Hepatitis B vaccination (all 3 doses).

Should you require further details regarding the medical examinations, please contact your supervisor at the Dean’s Office as you will not be allowed to do an internship in Poland if the above mentioned requirements are not met.

Finally, once you have completed your training programmes and have all your documents signed and stamped (according to our rules and regulations), please submit it all to the Dean’s Office by 30th September 2025 at the latest.