Division of Population Studies and Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases

ul. Bujwida 44

e-mail: WZ-26-3@umw.edu.pl

Katarzyna Zatońska, PhD, university professor


Katarzyna Zatońska, PhD, university professor


Agnieszka Cieślak
tel.: 71 328 21 45

Assistant Professor for Didactics

Deputy Chair of the Education Quality Team at the
Faculty of Medicine at Wroclaw Medical University
 Member of the Programme Council at the Faculty of Medicine
Disciplinary Ombudsman for Doctoral Students
Katarzyna Połtyn-Zaradna, PhD
tel.: 71 328 21 37


English Division Coordinator on behalf of the Crisis Management Team of Wroclaw Medical University

Alicja Basiak-Rasała, PhD
tel.: 71 328 21 37


dr n. med. Dagmara Gaweł-Dąbrowska

pokój 1.05

e-mail: dagmara.gawel-dabrowska@umw.edu.pl

Senior scientific and technical specialist
Maria Wołyniec, PhD
tel.: 71 784 17 77


Adiunkt dydaktyczny

dr n. med. Katarzyna Połtyn-Zaradna
tel.: 71 328 21 37
e-mail: katarzyna.poltyn-zaradna@umw.edu.pl

Katedra prowadzi zajęcia dydaktyczne z przedmiotów obowiązkowych oraz fakultatywnych dla studentów Wydziału Lekarskiego oraz ED Faculty of Medicine, Lekarsko-Stomatologicznego oraz ED Faculty of Dentistry, uczestników Szkoły doktorskiej, studentów interdyscyplinarnych studiów realizowanych przez Uniwersytet Wrocławski oraz Uniwersytet Medyczny kierunku Chemia i toksykologia sądowa.


Wydział Lekarski

Przedmioty obowiązkowe

Zdrowie publiczne dla studentów V roku

Przedmioty fakultatywne dla studentów I-IV roku Wydziału Lekarskiego

Jakość usług medycznych – teoria i praktyka
Kodeks Etyki Lekarskiej
Promocja zdrowia
Prawa pacjenta
Organizacje pozarządowe na rzecz zdrowia
Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi
Konflikty-metody ich rozpoznawania i rozwiązywania
Negocjacje – techniki negocjacyjne
Systemy ochrony zdrowia na świecie
Rynek usług zdrowotnych
Kontraktowanie świadczeń zdrowotnych z NFZ
Relacja lekarz - pacjent w teorii i praktyce
Żywienie a choroby cywilizacyjne
Dodatki do żywności oraz żywność genetycznie modyfikowana - fakty i mity
Od niedożywienia do otyłości - geneza, konsekwencje zdrowotne, profilaktyka
Diety alternatywne
Podstawy utworzenia i zarządzania komercyjną firmą medyczną
Sytuacje kryzysowe w ochronie zdrowia
E-lekarz - lekarz we współczesnym systemie opieki zdrowotnej
Leczenie jako praca zespołowa
Jak skutecznie planować swój czas?

Tutoring - wprowadzenie

Przedmioty fakultatywne dla studentów IV roku Wydziału Lekarskiego

Diagnostyka i leczenie zespołu uzależnienia od tytoniu

Sylabusy przedmiotów


Plan zajęć jednostki https://wu.umw.edu.pl/wu/extPages/prezentacja_harmonogramu_zajec/index.html

Regulamin zajęć dydaktycznych dla studentów Wydziału Lekarskiego w roku akademickim 2023/2024


Wydział Lekarsko-Stomatologiczny

Przedmiot obowiązkowy

Zdrowie publiczne dla studentów V roku

Sylabus przedmiotu


Plan zajęć jednostki https://wu.umw.edu.pl/wu/extPages/prezentacja_harmonogramu_zajec/index.html


Proszę wcześniej potwierdzić termin spotkania.

Katarzyna Zatońska  katarzyna.zatonska@umw.edu.pl
Alicja Basiak-Rasała alicja.basiak-rasala@umw.edu.pl
Dagmara Gaweł-Dąbrowska dagmara.gawel-dabrowska@umw.edu.pl
Katarzyna Połtyn-Zaradna katarzyna.poltyn-zaradna@umw.edu.pl

Regulamin zajęć dydaktycznych dla studentów Wydziału Lekarsko-Stomatologicznego w roku akademickim 2023/2024


English Division

The Coordinator of the subject of Public Health for English Division
Katarzyna Zatońska MD PhD
Professor UMW


Phone 713282143


Faculty of Medicine

Public Health - 5th year

Optional courses for the students of the English Division Faculty of Medicine:
Alternative diets
Code of Medical Ethics
Conflicts - methods of recognizing and resolving
Crisis situations in health care
E-doctor - the doctor in the modern healthcare system
Food additives and genetically modified food - facts and myths
From malnutrition to obesity - genesis, health consequences, prevention
How effectively plan your time?
Negotiations - negotiation techniques
Nutrition and noncommunicable diseases
The doctor-patient relationship in theory and practice
Treatment as teamwork





Regulations of didactic activities Division of Population Studies and Prevention of  Noncommunicable  Diseases for Students of the Faculty of Medicine in the academic year 2023/2024


Faculty of Dentistry

Public Health - 5th year





Regulations of didactic activities Division of Population Studies and Prevention of  Noncommunicable  Diseases for Students of the Faculty of Dentistry – patrz poniżej

Consultation hours for students:
Monday-Wednesday - Friday 8:00-8:30. Please confirm the appointment in advance

Katarzyna Zatońska  katarzyna.zatonska@umw.edu.pl
Alicja Basiak-Rasała alicja.basiak-rasala@umw.edu.pl
Dagmara Gaweł-Dąbrowska dagmara.gawel-dabrowska@umw.edu.pl

Regulations of didactic activities Division of Population Studies and Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases for Students of the Faculty of Dentistry in the academic year 2023/2024

The Department conducts didactic classes in compulsory and elective courses for students of the Faculty of Medicine and ED Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry and ED Faculty of Dentistry, students from the Doctoral School, students of interdisciplinary studies conducted by the University of Wrocław and Wroclaw Medical University in the Chemistry and Forensic Toxicology majors.

Mandatory courses

Public Health for the students of year V at the Faculty of Medicine
Public Health for the students of year V at the ED Faculty of Medicine
Public Health in LDEK questions for the students of year V at the Faculty of Dentistry
Public Health for the students of year V at the ED Faculty of Dentistry
Public Health for the students of year II of interdisciplinary studies conducted by the University of Wrocław and Wroclaw Medical University in the Chemistry and Forensic Toxicology majors
Scientific Research Methodology - for the students of year I at the Doctoral School
Elective courses for the students of year I at the Faculty of Medicine

Quality of medical services - theory and practice
Code of Medical Ethics
Elective courses for the students of year II at the Faculty of Medicine

Health promotion
Patient's rights
Non-governmental organisations for health
Human resources management
Conflicts - methods of recognising and resolving
Negotiations - negotiation techniques
Elective courses for the students of year III at the Faculty of Medicine

Healthcare systems worldwide
The market of health services
Contracting health services with the National Health Fund
The doctor-patient relationship in theory and practice
Nutrition and lifestyle diseases
Food additives and genetically modified food - facts and myths
Elective courses for the students of year IV at the Faculty of Medicine

Diagnosis and treatment of tobacco addiction
 From malnutrition to obesity - genesis, health consequences, prevention
Alternative diets
 Basics of establishing and managing a commercial medical company
Crisis situations in health care
E-doctor - the doctor in the modern healthcare system
Treatment as teamwork
 How effectively plan your time?
Elective courses for the students of year II at the Faculty of Medicine

Conflicts – methods of analysing and solving
Elective courses for the students of year III at the ED Faculty of Medicine

Nutrition and noncommunicable diseases
Food additives and genetically modified food
Elective courses for the students of year IV at the ED Faculty of Medicine

Alternative diets
From malnutrition to obesity - genesis, health consequences, prevention
Treatment as teamwork
How effectively plan your time?
Postgraduate education

Several times a year, the Department conducts nationwide courses in the field of public health mandatory for all medical specialisations, as per the specialisation training programme, commissioned by the Medical Centre of Postgraduate Education.
Since 2000, doctoral studies have been conducted at the Department.

Main research areas:
Population-based research ("PURE", "PICTURE") is carried out in the Department. The main research directions of the Department focus on the assessment of risk factors for civilisation diseases with particular emphasis on behavioural, socio-economic and environmental factors (environmental pollution, smoking, alcohol consumption, bad eating habits).

Selected publications:

Participation in national and international projects:

PURE - "Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological Study" conducted by the Population Health Research Institute, Mc Master University, Hamilton General Hospital, Ontario, Canada - the project has been continued since 2007. Currently a 12-year follow-up
National Science Centre "Hidden cerebral ischemia as an early marker of dementia development - retrospective and prospective assessment in a cohort study of the Polish population”
National Centre for Research and Development - under the international ERA-HDHL programme "Oxylipin levels in monitoring metabolic status and their response to dietary intervention"
PURE COVID substudy - additional study of the occurrence of Sars-Cov-2 virus infection among the participants of the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological Study (PURE) carried out from 2020
Health assessment of school-aged children and their carers "PICTURE" - planned cohort of 1,250 children aged 10-14 and 1,250 carers, project implemented from November 2019

Publications 2022

  1. Anand Sonia S., Friedrich Matthias G., Lee Douglas S., Awadalla Phillip, Després J. P., Desai Dipika, de Souza Russell J., Dummer Trevor, Szcześniak Dorota, Zatońska Katarzyna: Evaluation of adiposity and cognitive function in adults, JAMA Network Open, 2022, vol. 5, no 2, art.e2146324 [16 p.], DOI:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.46324, total number of authors: 20, 20 points, IF(13,36)
  2. Basiak-Rasała Alicja, Górna Sara, Wojciechowska Joanna, Kolator Mateusz, Pazdro-Zastawny Katarzyna, Basiak Aleksander, Zatoński Tomasz: Nutritional habits according to age and BMI of 6-17-year-old children from the urban municipality in Poland, Journal of Health Population and Nutrition, 2022, vol. 41, art.17 [11 p.], DOI:10.1186/s41043-022-00296-9, 70 points, IF(2,966)
  3. Dalle Céline, Tournayre Jérémy, Mainka Malwina, Basiak-Rasała Alicja, Pétéra Mélanie, Lefèvre-Arbogast Sophie, Dalloux-Chioccioli Jessica, Deschasaux-Tanguy Mélanie, Zatońska Katarzyna, Szuba Andrzej: The plasma oxylipin signature provides a deep phenotyping of metabolic syndrome complementary to the clinical criteria, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, vol. 23, no 19, art.11688 [28 p.], DOI:10.3390/ijms231911688, total number of authors: 25, 140 points, IF(6,208)
  4. Duong MyLinh, Rangarajan Sumathy, Zaman Michele, Nasir Nafiza Mat, Seron Pamela, Yeates Karen, Yusufali Afzalhussein M., Khatib Rasha, Tse Lap Ah, Zatońska Katarzyna: Differences and agreement between two portable hand-held spirometers across diverse community-based populations in the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study, PLOS Global Public Health, 2022, vol. 2, no 2, art.e0000141 [14 p.], [Publication in a journal from outside the Ministry of Science and Higher Education list], DOI:10.1371/journal.pgph.0000141, total number of authors: 25, 5 points
  5. Górna Sara, Pazdro-Zastawny Katarzyna, Basiak-Rasała Alicja, Krajewska Joanna, Kolator Mateusz, Łesiuk-Krajewska Agnieszka, Kozłowska-Panek Katarzyna, Cichy Ireneusz, Rokita Andrzej, Zatoński Tomasz: Assessment of the elementary school students’ schoolbag weight in the urban environment in Poland: A cross-sectional study carried out as a part of the "Lightweight Schoolbag" and "Let’s Get the Kids Moving" projects, WORK-A Journal of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation, 2022, vol. 73, no 1, pp. 121-129, DOI:10.3233/wor-210788, 40 points, IF(1,803)
  6. Górna Sara, Pazdro-Zastawny Katarzyna, Basiak-Rasała Alicja, Kolator Mateusz, Krajewska Joanna, Zatoński Tomasz: Characteristics of paediatric foot arches according to body mass among primary school students in Wrocław, Poland, BMC Pediatrics, 2022, vol. 22, art.656 [10 p.], DOI:10.1186/s12887-022-03699-z, 100 points, IF(2,567)
  7. Janik-Koncewicz Kinga, Basiak-Rasała Alicja, Zatońska Katarzyna, Karczewski Maciej, Zatoński Witold A.: Considerations on mortality in 2020 in Poland in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, Journal of Health Inequalities, 2022, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 98-107, DOI:10.5114/jhi.2022.121031, 100 points
  8. Kulińska Janina, Rypicz Łukasz, Zatońska Katarzyna: The impact of effective communication on perceptions of patient safety - a prospective study in selected Polish hospitals, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, vol. 19, no 15, art.9174 [11 p.], DOI:10.3390/ijerph19159174, 140 points, IF(4,614)
  9. Li Sidong, Lear Scott A., Rangarajan Sumathy, Hu Bo, Yin Lu, Bangdiwala Shrikant I., Alhabib Khalid F., Rosengren Annika, Gupta Rajeev, Basiak-Rasała Alicja: Association of sitting time with mortality and cardiovascular events in high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries, JAMA Cardiology, 2022, vol. 7, no 8, pp. 796-807, DOI:10.1001/jamacardio.2022.1581, total number of authors: 31, 200 points, IF(30,157)
  10. Połtyn-Zaradna Katarzyna, Psikus Piotr, Zatońska Katarzyna: Changes in attitudes toward tobacco smoking and factors associated with quitting in 9-year observation of PURE Poland cohort study, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, vol. 19, no 11, art.6564 [22 p.], DOI:10.3390/ijerph19116564, 140 points, IF(4,614)
  11. Regulska-Ilow Bożena, Różańska Dorota, Zatońska Katarzyna, Szuba Andrzej: Estimation of vitamin K content and its sources in the diet of the Polish participants of the PURE study, Nutrients, 2022, vol. 14, no 9, art.1917 [19 p.], DOI:10.3390/nu14091917, 140 points, IF(6,706)
  12. Sathish Thirunavukkarasu, Teo Koon K., Britz-McKibbin Philip, Gill Biban, Islam Shofiqul, Pare Guillaume, Rangarajan Sumathy, Duong MyLinh, Lanas Fernando, Zatońska Katarzyna: Variations in risks from smoking between high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries: an analysis of data from 179 000 participants from 63 countries, Lancet Global Health, 2022, vol. 10, nr 2, e216-e226, DOI:10.1016/S2214-109X(21)00509-X, total number of authors: 37, 200 points, IF(38,927)
  13. Szcześniak Dorota, Lenart-Bugla Marta, Misiak Błażej, Zimny Anna, Sąsiadek Marek, Połtyn-Zaradna Katarzyna, Zatońska Katarzyna, Zatoński Tomasz, Szuba Andrzej, Rymaszewska Joanna: Unraveling the protective effects of cognitive reserve on cognition and brain: a cross-sectional study, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, vol. 19, no 19, art.12228 [12 p.], DOI:10.3390/ijerph191912228, total number of authors: 12, 140 points, IF(4,614)
  14. Święcicka-Klama Agnieszka, Połtyn-Zaradna Katarzyna, Wołyniec Maria, Szuba Andrzej, Zatońska Katarzyna: Anthropometric indices as long-term predictors of diabetes in impaired fasting glucose metabolism: findings in the PURE study in Poland, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 2022, vol. 1375, pp. 79-88, [Published in the Springer series], DOI:10.1007/5584_2021_681, 20 points, IF(3,65)
  15. Święcicka-Klama Agnieszka, Połtyn-Zaradna Katarzyna, Wołyniec Maria, Szuba Andrzej, Zatońska Katarzyna: Cardiovascular risk factors drive impaired fasting glucose to type 2 diabetes: findings after a 9-year follow-up in the PURE study in Poland, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 2022, vol. 1375, pp. 89-99, [Published in the Springer series], DOI:10.1007/5584_2021_701, 20 points, IF(3,65)
  16. Walli-Attaei Marjan, Rosengren Annika, Rangarajan Sumathy, Breet Yolandi, Abdul-Razak Suraya, Sharief Wadeia Al, Alhabib Khalid F, Avezum Alvaro, Chifamba Jephat, Połtyn-Zaradna Katarzyna: Metabolic, behavioural, and psychosocial risk factors and cardiovascular disease in women compared with men in 21 high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries: an analysis of the PURE study, Lancet, 2022, vol. 400, no 10355, pp. 811-821, DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(22)01441-6, total number of authors: 33, 200 points, IF(202,731)
  17. Zatońska Katarzyna, Basiak-Rasała Alicja, Matera-Witkiewicz Agnieszka, Laskowski Michał, Kiliś-Pstrusińska Katarzyna, Połtyn-Zaradna Katarzyna, Nowakowski Jonatan, Pazdro-Zastawny Katarzyna, Zatoński Tomasz: Population Cohort Study of Wroclaw Citizens (PICTURE) - study protocol, Journal of Health Inequalities, 2022, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 37-43, DOI:10.5114/jhi.2022.115930, 100 points
  18. Zatońska Katarzyna, Basiak-Rasała Alicja, Połtyn-Zaradna Katarzyna, Kinastowski Krystian, Szuba Andrzej: Sleep duration and bedtime in the PURE Poland cohort study and the link with noncommunicable diseases, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, vol. 9, no 1, art.403 [11 p.], DOI:10.3390/ijerph19010403, 140 points, IF(4,614)
  19. Zatoński Tomasz, Pazdro-Zastawny Katarzyna, Kolator Mateusz, Krajewska Joanna, Basiak-Rasała Alicja, Górna Sara, Zatoński Michał: A study on health and the association between overweight/obesity and otorhinolaryngological diseases in 6- to 17-year-old children from Wrocław, Poland, Archives of Medical Science, 2022, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 413-421, DOI:10.5114/aoms.2020.97285, 100 points, IF(3,707)
  20. Basiak-Rasała Alicja, Połtyn-Zaradna Katarzyna, Matera-Witkiewicz Agnieszka, Gaweł-Dąbrowska Dagmara, Kiliś-Pstrusińska Katarzyna, Nowakowski Jonatan, Zatońska Katarzyna, Zatoński Tomasz: Subiektywna ocena zmiany stylu życia w trakcie pandemii COVID-19 w populacji dzieci urodzonych w latach 2005-2012 oraz ich opiekunów - doniesienia wstępne (Subjective assessment of lifestyle changes during the COVID-19 pandemic in the population of children born in the year 2005-2012 and their guardians - preliminary report), in: XV Preventive Cardiology. Kraków, 18-19 November 2022 Conference programme 2022, 76 item P02
  21. Połtyn-Zaradna Katarzyna, Basiak-Rasała Alicja, Czapor-Irzabek Hanna, Matera-Witkiewicz Agnieszka, Gaweł-Dąbrowska Dagmara, Kiliś-Pstrusińska Katarzyna, Nowakowski Jonatan, Zatońska Katarzyna, Zatoński Tomasz: Stężenie kotyniny we krwi jako biomarker weryfikacji statusu palenia tytoniu w populacji dzieci i dorosłych mieszkańców Wrocławia - doniesienie wstępne (Blood cotinine concentration as a biomarker of smoking status verification in the population of children and adults in Wrocław - preliminary report), in: XV Preventive Cardiology. Kraków, 18-19 November 2022 Conference programme 2022, 96 item P22