Zarządzanie jakością w obszarze kształcenia - Pomoce dydaktyczne - oprogramowanie
Software provided by UM
(under development)
Other free learning tools:
Canva – a tool that allows you to prepare visually appealing graphic designs, presentations, business cards, charts, posters, collages, etc. It has a lot of free of charge functionalities, although you can buy a premium account (it is not required and there is no trial period).
Google books – a service from Google that allows access to an extensive database of scanned materials (articles, books, etc.), which can be viewed, sometimes downloaded, and shared with students.
Project Guttenberg – an online library with over 60,000 e-books.
National Library of Medicine – the world's largest biomedical library, available online
TED – a website where you can watch speeches and presentations by scientists and specialists in various areas. You can find there a lot of interesting recordings of speeches of people who specialise in narrow fields. The recordings can be found not only on the website, but there are also applications for IOS and Android phones.
MEDtube – an e-learning platform dedicated to healthcare professionals exclusively. It offers diverse medical content such as: courses, webinars, tutorials, images and documents that you can view for free.
EdX – an open online course (MOOC) provider. You can enrol in courses and, in some cases, obtain certificates of successful completion. Some of the courses are run by prestigious universities, such as Harvard, Stanford or Berkley.
EdrawMind – free software that is used to create mind maps useful in the self-learning process. The programme must first be downloaded from the website.
Trello – a programme that allows you to effectively manage your time.
BartoszMówi – a portal containing an index of drugs, preparations and active substances. We recommend it especially to students of Pharmacy, Medicine or Nursing.