Zarządzanie jakością w obszarze kształcenia - Masz wpływ na jakość kształcenia! O czym warto wiedzieć?

You have an impact on the quality of education! What do you need to know?


Dear Students

as students, you have the possibility to enhance the quality of education at Wroclaw Medical University and improve the way in which knowledge and skills are imparted. To show that you care, you can  participate in surveys, respond to requests for opinions, and raise awareness of the need to improve processes or introduce improvements by submitting solutions to the Centre for Quality Culture in Education.

Only if you share your insights and offer solutions, will we be able to implement them thus maximizing the overall functioning of Wroclaw Medical University for you and for the entire academic community!

Only cooperation, a sense of shared responsibility, proper exchange of information as well as developing and sharing good practices, will allow us to introduce necessary changes that will increase the satisfaction of being a student or an employee of Wroclaw Medical University.

Together we can do more!