Zarządzanie jakością w obszarze kształcenia - - UKJKKL – Uniwersytecka Komisja ds. Jakości Kształcenia na Kierunku Lekarskim
The University Commission for the Quality of Medical Education, hereinafter referred to as the UKJKKL, was established by KRAUM Resolution No. 79/2016 of March 18, 2016, on the basis of the Accreditation Committee of Academic Medical Universities established by resolution of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Medical Universities at the meeting in Gdańsk on October 7, 1997.
The UKJKKL's operations are based on the Act of 20 of July 2018 Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws 2022.574, i.e. of 2022.03.11) and relevant regulations issued by the Minister of Health and the Minister of Science and Higher Education, as well as core in-house documents approved by the Conference of Rectors of Academic Medical Universities.
The UKJKKL is an organ of the community of Academic Medical Universities, independent of the state authorities, whose aim is to ensure the highest possible quality of education, taking into account the applicable provisions of Polish law as well as international standards and recommendations. UKJKKL is independent in its activities, but strives to cooperate with other institutions dedicated to the assessment of the quality of education and accreditation.