Medical Examinations

Medical Examinations

You are required to get two medical examinations done:

  • The Medical Examination (free of charge).  Please find the list of the facilities attached at the bottom of this website.
  • The Sanitary and Epidemiological Examination.

Please get your referral letters from the Dean's Office. 


The Occupational Health Assessment may be completed free of charge at the medical centres provided by the local occupational health centre in Wroclaw: Dolnośląski Wojewódzki Ośrodek Medycyny Pracy in Wrocław. The original certificate from your medical test should be submitted to the Dean's Office, English Division by 31st October 2024.

Please note that it is not the same certificate which was required at the recruitment process. The above mentioned examinations must also be performed in Poland.

The Sanitary and Epidemiological Examination should be performed at the microbiological laboratory: Laboratorium Mikrobiologii i Parazytologii Wojewódzkiej Stacji Sanitarno-Epidemiologicznej in Wrocław at Składowa 1/3.
The stool (faeces) sample should be submitted from Monday to Wednesday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (Punkt Przyjmowania Próbek Oddziału Mikrobiologii WSSE in Wrocław, ul. Składowa 1/3).

Instructions: The three stool samples must be collected on three consecutive days by using the stool containers, which should be bought at a chemist's or collected from the Punkt Przyjmowania Próbek, Wrocław, ul. Składowa 1/3. Please note that it is important to get the 3 swabs with the StuartCary-Blair or Amies transport medium. Otherwise, your samples will not be accepted by the lab.

All collected stool samples must be delivered togetherno later than 72 hours after taking the first sample, to the Punkt Przyjmowania Próbek Oddziału Mikrobiologii WSSE in Wrocław (ul. Składowa 1/3).

The hard copy of the test result can be collected 5 days after the delivery of your samples at the Punkt Przyjmowania Próbek Oddziału Mikrobiologii WSSE in Wrocław (ul. Składowa 1/3) from: Monday to Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. or via the website after logging in with the login details received when ordering the test on the platform

Finally, the test results should be presented to the occupational physician and a paid medical certificate of the sanitary and epidemiological test should be obtained. The certificate should be submitted to the Dean's Office, English Division by 31st October 2024.

In addition to the above certificates, please also submit your hepatitis vaccination certificate by 31st October 2024.