Department of Physical Chemistry and Biophysics

ul. Borowska 211A, 50-556 Wrocław
tel.: 71 784 02 28, 71 784 02 29
fax: 71 784 02 30

Head of the Department

Prof. Witold Musiał, PhD

tel. 71- 784 02 31



Beata Nankowska
tel.: 71 784 02 28, 71 784 02 29

Assistant Professor

Monika Gasztych, PhD
tel.: 71 784 06 39

Assistant Professor

Agnieszka Gola, PhD
tel.: 71 784 06 38

Assistant Professor

Iwona Golonka, PhD
tel.: 71 784 02 34

Assistant Professor

Tomasz Urbaniak, PhD
tel.: 71 784 06 40

Assistant Professor

Dorota Wójcik-Pastuszka, PhD
tel.: 71 784 02 34


Justyna Kobryń, MA
tel.: 71 784 06 38


Agnieszka Kostrzębska, MA

Senior lecturer

Andrzej Dryś, PhD
tel.: 71 784 02 35

Senior lecturer

Maria Jolanta Szczygieł, PhD
tel.: 71 784 02 35

Engineering and technical specialist

Ryszard Berkowski         
tel.: 71 784 02 33

Engineering and technical specialist

Maria Twarda, MA            
tel.: 71 784 02 33

Mathematics and Statistics Laboratory

Andrzej Dryś, PhD

Computer Laboratory

Maria Jolanta Szczygieł, PhD

Main research areas:
 Influence of excipients on the stability of pharmaceutical preparations such as semi-solid emulsions and solutions
 Stability assessment of selected medicinal substances in multicomponent pharmaceutical systems
 Synthesis and assessment of thermosensitive polymer microspheres for use as carriers of medicinal substances
 Assessment of the kinetics of release of medicinal substances from solid and semi-solid drug forms
 Mathematical modelling of selected processes for the preparation and analytical evaluation of medicinal preparations
 Experimental and theoretical studies of the kinetics and mechanisms of elementary radical reactions in the gas phase

Scientific cooperation - international:
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
 University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom
 The University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary
 University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia
 University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Scientific cooperation - national:
 University of Wrocław, Faculty of Biotechnology, Division of Lipids and Liposomes
Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Faculty of Food Sciences, Department of Chemistry
 Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Division of Organic Technology
 Novasome Research and Development Centre, Wrocław

Scientific laboratories:
Laboratory of Polymeric Drug Carriers

The purpose of the laboratory, established in 2014, is to synthesise and obtain new alternative carriers of medicinal substances with which the location and duration of action of medicinal substances in target tissues and organs can be controlled. The two main directions of research include new methods of synthesis of epsilon-aminocaproic acid derivatives and the preparation of thermosensitive polymer microspheres. Preparative techniques include surfactant-free precipitation polymerisation (SFPP) and microwave energy-induced polymerisation. Among the analytical methods, there are nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and dynamic light scattering (DLS). To date, we have filed three patent applications in that area, two others are being prepared. The head of the laboratory is Agnieszka Gola, PhD.

Zestaw do syntezy SFEP wraz z rejestratorami
Zestaw do syntezy SFEP wraz z rejestratorami
Wpływ temperatury na średnicę hydrodynamiczną uzyskanych mikrosfer
Wpływ temperatury na średnicę hydrodynamiczną uzyskanych mikrosfer


Pharmaceutical Preformulation Research Laboratory

The laboratory deals with the physico-chemical aspects of the manufacture and assessment of new and traditional drug forms. In particular, we study solid drug forms intended for oral administration, as well as semi-solid drug forms with complex compositions based on hydrophilic polymers and multi-phase emulsion and suspension systems. Recently, we have submitted one patent application in that field. The head of the laboratory is Dorota Wójcik-Pastuszka, PhD.

Ocena zdolności flotacyjnych tabletek uzyskanych na bazie polimeru jonowego oraz specyficznego wypełniacza
Ocena zdolności flotacyjnych tabletek uzyskanych na bazie polimeru jonowego oraz specyficznego wypełniacza
Przykładowa tabletka szkieletowa otrzymana we współpracy z Uniwersytetem w Hamburgu
Przykładowa tabletka szkieletowa otrzymana we współpracy z Uniwersytetem w Hamburgu

UV-VIS Spectrophotometry of Medicinal Products Laboratory

The laboratory conducts research on the durability of selected low-molecular medicinal substances. In particular, the kinetics of the decomposition of medicinal substances in solid drug forms and the kinetics of the decomposition of active substances are examined. Methods of mathematical modelling of the observed processes are used. Measurements are carried out using UV-VIS spectrophotometry under set temperature and humidity conditions. Currently, the apparatus is being developed towards measurements at different temperatures. The head of the laboratory is Iwona Golonka, PhD.

Spektrofotometr stosowany w badaniach kinetyki rozkładu wybranych substancji leczniczych
Spektrofotometr stosowany w badaniach kinetyki rozkładu wybranych substancji leczniczych
 Wpływ temperatury na odczyt absorbancji w badaniach trwałości kwasu askorbowego
Wpływ temperatury na odczyt absorbancji w badaniach trwałości kwasu askorbowego

Laboratory of Statistics and Theoretical Computational Methods

Many kinetic processes observed in the course of testing pharmaceutical preparations, e.g. medicinal products, dietary supplements, etc., can be interpreted using various mathematical models. Currently, the work is focused on the interpretation of the results of studies on the release of active substances from solid and semi-solid drug forms, and on determining the correlations observed in the course of powder mass compression under controlled process conditions. The laboratory was established in 2014. The head of the laboratory is Andrzej Dryś, PhD.

Przebieg krzywych zgniatania interpretowanych metodami statystycznymi
Przebieg krzywych zgniatania
interpretowanych metodami statystycznymi

Laboratory of Information Technology in Pharmacy

The laboratory, established in 2014, deals with issues of applying elements of computer science and scientific information in the development and editing of experimental data. Additionally, social pharmacy studies are conducted in specific groups of patients on the impact of selected medicinal products and dietary supplements on the occurrence of certain adverse effects. The head of the laboratory is Maria Szczygieł, PhD.

Single-component formulations

Multi-component formulations


cetirizine + pseudoephedrine


codeine + sulfogaiacol

acetylsalicylic acid

paracetamol + codeine phosphate + caffeine


paracetamol + pheniramine maleate


paracetamol + chlorpheniramine maleate + pseudoephedrine


paracetamol + pseudoephedrine + dextromethorphan

Technical Team

The task of the Team is to assist in the research and development activities of the Division. Scientific and technical as well as engineering and technical employees cooperate in the creation of scientific works and are invaluable help to our Team.

Zespół techniczny

Examples of publications:
1 Witold Musiał, Jiři Michálek, Janusz Pluta, Anna Jaromin, Magdalena Piętka-Ottlik, Martin Prádny: Biphasic equilibrium dialysis of
poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide) nanogels synthesized at decreased temperatures for targeted delivery of thermosensitive bioactives
Int.J.Polym.Sci. 2013 Vol.2013; art.ID 925235 [9 p.]; doi:.10.1155/2013/925235

2. Stanisław Han, Katarzyna Karłowicz-Bodalska, Dorota Szura, Łukasz Ozimek, Witold Musiał.: Application of HPLC with ELSD
detection for the assessment of azelaic acid impurities in liposomal formulation, Sci.World J.(online) 2013 Vol.2013; art.ID 564962 [7 p.]

3. Witold Musiał: Leki przeciwbólowe - fizykochemia układów o kontrolowanym uwalnianiu (Painkillers - physicochemistry of controlled release systems), in :14. Summer Interdisciplinary Academic Meetings, 4. Working Conference of the national scientific section for drug information: "Odcienie bólu: między farmakologią a psychoterapią"(Shades of pain: between pharmacology and psychotherapy). Dziwiszów, 24-27 July 2014; pp.4-5

4. Stanisław Han, Katarzyna Karłowicz-Bodalska, Piotr Potaczek, Adam Wójcik, Łukasz Ozimek, Dorota Szura, Witold Musiał.:
Identification of unknown impurity of azelaic acid in liposomal formulation assessed by HPLC-ELSD, GC-FID, and GC-MS
AAPS PharmSciTech 2014 Vol.15 no.1; pp.111-120

5. Piotr Paduszyński, Katarzyna Dubas, Katarzyna Karłowicz-Bodalska, Stanisław Han, Witold Musiał.: Influence of pH conditions and
the type of measurement device on the release rate of clozapine from commercially available 100 mg tablets, Lat.Am.J.Pharm. 2014 Vol.33 no.3; pp.447-452

6. Witold Musiał, Janusz Pluta, Monika Gasztych, Tomasz Byrski, Anna Jaromin, Julija Volmajer Valh.: The use of acidic co-monomer
for the preparation of potential thermosensitive polymeric drug carriers, Lat.Am.J.Pharm. 2014 Vol.33 no.4; pp.651-657

7. Witold Musiał, Andrzej Dryś, Dorota Wójcik-Pastuszka, Iwona Golonka: Matematyczny opis kompresji proszków jako narzędzie oceny procesu tabletkowania (Mathematical description of powder compression as a tool for tabletting process evaluation), in: Optymalizacja postaci leku: nowe rozwiązania technologiczne w dążeniu do bezpiecznej farmakoterapii: Konferencja naukowa (Drug form optimisation: new technological solutions in the pursuit of safe pharmacotherapy: Scientific conference).
 Kraków, 25-26 April 2014. Conference programme, abstracts; pp.177-179

8. Witold Musiał, Agnieszka Gola, Wojciech Kołodziejczyk, Janusz Pluta: Temperatura przemiany fazowej polimerowych termowrażliwych nośników substancji leczniczych (Phase transition temperature of polymer thermosensitive carriers of medicinal substances) in: Drug form optimisation: new technological solutions in the pursuit of safe pharmacotherapy: Scientific conference, Kraków, 25-26 April 2014.
 Conference programme, abstracts; pp.105-107

9. Witold Musiał, Piotr Paduszyński, Stanisław Han, Katarzyna Karłowicz-Bodalska: Wpływ otoczki polimerowej na kinetykę uwalniania kationowej substancji czynnej z tabletek powlekanych w początkowej fazie rozpuszczania (Effect of the polymer coating on the release kinetics of the cationic active substance from coated tablets in the initial dissolution phase), in: Drug form optimisation: new technological solutions in the pursuit of safe pharmacotherapy: Scientific conference.
 Kraków, 25-26 April 2014. Conference programme, abstracts; pp.108-109

10. Witold Musiał, Monika Gasztych, Aleksandra Malamis, Janusz Pluta.: Wpływ temperatury na profil uwalniania Naproxenu sodowego z hydrożeli na bazie nośnika termowrażliwego (Effect of temperature on the release profile of naproxen sodium from hydrogels based on thermosensitive carrier) in: Drug form optimisation: new technological solutions in the pursuit of safe pharmacotherapy: Scientific conference.
 Kraków, 25-26 April 2014. Conference programme, abstracts; p.105

11. Witold Musiał, Iwona Golonka, Dorota Wójcik-Pastuszka, Andrzej Dryś, Andrzej Kawacki.: Wpływ warunków przygotowywania i przechowywania roztworu paracetamolu i kwasu askorbowego "ex tempore" na trwałość substancji czynnych (Influence of conditions of preparation and storage of paracetamol and ascorbic acid solution, "ex tempore", on the stability of active substances) in: Drug form optimisation: new technological solutions in the pursuit of safe pharmacotherapy: Scientific conference.
 Kraków, 25-26 April 2014. Conference programme, abstracts; pp.135-136

12. Witold Musiał, Ewa Szewczyk, Stanisław Han, Katarzyna Karłowicz-Bodalska.: Wpływ wstępnej hydratacji wazeliny oraz stosunku parafiny płynnej do wazeliny białej na lepkość kremu z glikokortykosteroidem (Effect of pre-hydration of petroleum jelly and the ratio of liquid paraffin to white petroleum jelly on the viscosity of glycocorticosteroid cream) in: Drug form optimisation: new technological solutions in the pursuit of safe pharmacotherapy: Scientific conference)
 Kraków, 25-26 April 2014. Conference programme, abstracts; pp.109-111

13. Witold Musiał, Wojciech Kołodziejczyk, Agnieszka Gola, Janusz Pluta: Zastosowanie metod "in silico" do przewidywania temperatury przemiany fazowej polimerowych nośników substancji leczniczych (Application of "in silico" methods to forecast the phase transition temperature of polymer carriers of medicinal substances) in: Drug form optimisation: new technological solutions in the pursuit of safe pharmacotherapy: Scientific conference
 Kraków, 25-26 April 2014. Conference programme, abstracts; pp.179-181

14. Ewa Szewczyk, Katarzyna Karłowicz-Bodalska, Stanisław Han, Witold Musiał.: Influence of liquid paraffin, white soft paraffin and
initial hydration on viscosity of corticosteroid cream, Trop.J.Pharm.Res. 2014 Vol.13 no.8; pp.1233-1238

Until September 2013:
1. P. Pagsberg , J.T. Jodkowski , E. Ratajczak , A. Sillesen ,"Experimental and theoretical studies of the reaction between CF3 and NO2 at 298K", Chem. Phys. Lett., (1998), 286, 138-144.

2. J.T. Jodkowski, M.T. Rayez, J.C. Rayez, T. Bérces, S. Dóbé, "Theoretical study of the kinetics of the hydrogen abstraction from methanol. 1. Reaction of methanol with fluorine atoms", J. Phys. Chem.,(1998), A 102, 9219-9229.

3. J.T. Jodkowski, M.T. Rayez, J.C. Rayez, T. Bérces, S. Dóbé, "Theoretical study of the kinetics of the hydrogen abstraction from methanol. 2. Reaction of methanol with chlorine and bromine atoms", J. Phys. Chem., (1998), A 102, 9230-9243.

4. J.T. Jodkowski, M.T. Rayez, J.C. Rayez, T. Bérces, S. Dóbé, "Theoretical study of the kinetics of the hydrogen abstraction from methanol. 3. Reaction of methanol with hydrogen atom, methyl and hydroxyl radicals", J. Phys. Chem., (1999), A 103, 3750-3765.

5. K. Brudnik, J.T. Jodkowski , E. Ratajczak, R. Venkatraman, A. Nowek, R.H. Sullivan, "Theoretical study on the kinetics and mechanism of the hydrogen atom abstraction reactions of CF3O + H2O and CF3OH + OH", Chem. Phys. Lett., (2001), 345, 435-444.

6. E. Delbos , P. Devolder ,L. El Maimouni , C. Fittschen , K. Brudnik , J.T. Jodkowski, E. Ratajczak, "Pressure and temperature dependence of the rate constants for the association reactions of vinoxy and 1-methylvinoxy radicals with nitric oxide", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2002), 49, 2941-2945.

7. I. Szilagyi, K. Imrik, D. Sarzyński, S. Dóbé, T. Bérces,"Kinetic Study of the Reaction of CH3O with Br and Br2",React. Kinet. Catal. Lett., (2002), 77, 341-345.

8. D. Sarzyński, B. Sztuba, "Gas-phase reactions of Cl atoms with propane, n-butane, and isobutane.", Int. J. Chem. Kinet., (2002), 34, 651-658.

9. K. Brudnik, J.T. Jodkowski, E. Ratajczak, "Kinetics of the formation reactions of trifluoromethanol and trifluoromethyl hypohalites in the gas phase", J. Mol. Struct., (2003), 656, 333-339.

10. B. D'Anna, V. Bakken, J.A. Beukes, C.J. Nielsen, K. Brudnik, J.T. Jodkowski, "Experimental and theoretical study of gas phase NO3 and OH radical reactions with formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and their isotopomers", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., (2003), 5, 1790-1805.

11. K. Imrik, D. Sarzyński, S. Dóbé, T. Bérces, F. Márta, "Competitive bromination kinetics of CH3Br and CH2ClBr", React. Kinet. Catal. Lett., (2003), 78, 309-314.

12. K. Imrik, E. Farkas, G. Vasvari, I. Szilagyi, D. Sarzyński, S. Dóbé, T. Bérces, F. Márta, "Laser spectrometry and kinetics of selected elementary reactions of the acetonyl radical", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., (2004), 6, 3958-3968.

13. A.A. Gola, B. D'Anna, K.L. Feilberg, S.R. Sellevag, L. Bache-Andreassen, C.J. Nielsen, "Kinetic isotope effects in the gas phase reactions of OH and Cl with CH3Cl, CD3Cl, and 13CH3Cl", Atmos. Chem. Phys., (2005), 5, 2395-2402.

14. A.J. Eskola, D. Wójcik-Pastuszka, E. Ratajczak, R.S. Timonen, "Kinetics of the reactions of CH2Br and CH2I radicals with molecular oxygen at atmospheric temperatures", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., (2006), 8, 1416-1424.

15. A.J. Eskola, D. Wójcik-Pastuszka, E. Ratajczak, R.S. Timonen, "Kinetics of the reactions of CH2I, CH2Br and CHBrCl radicals with NO2 in the temperature range 220-360 K" J. Phys. Chem., (2006), A 110, 12177-1283.

16. K. Imrik, G. Kovacs, I. Fejes, I. Szilagyi, D. Sarzyński, S. Dóbé, T. Bérces, F. Márta, J. Espinoza-Garcia, "Absolute and relative-rate kinetics experiments and direct dynamics computations for the reaction of Br atoms with CH2ClBr", J. Phys. Chem., (2006), A 110, 6821-6832.

17. J.T. Jodkowski, "Theoretical description of the kinetics of gas-phase reactions important in atmospheric chemistry", in: Computational Chemistry, Reviews of Current Trends, Ed. J. Leszczynski, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, (2006), 10, 139-227.

The Department of Physical Chemistry and Biophysics invites interested students to apply for the preparation of MA theses

Pharmacy major
 Physical Chemistry - year II
 Information Technology - year I and II
Mathematics - year I
 Statistics - year I
 Biophysics - year I
 Elective courses

Medical Analytics major
Physical Chemistry - year II
Medical Biophysics - year I
 Statistics with Elements of Mathematics - year I
 Medical Statistics - year V
 Elective courses

Materials for students

Pharmacy year I, Biophysics 2023/2024 summer semester
Dietetyka I rok, Biofizyczne podstawy diagnostyki i terapii - 2023/2024 - semestr letni
Student Computer Laboratory 2023/2024 winter semester
Student Laboratory of Mathematics and Statistics 2023/2024 winter semester
Pharmacotherapy and drug information I (year III) - 2023/2024 - summer semester
Pharmacotherapy and drug information I (year IV)- 2023/2024 - winter semester
Pharmacokinetics I - 2023/2024 - documents

13 April 2023 - lecture and seminar classes:

Strategies Focused on Overcoming Bacterial Resistance

in charge - Prof. Josef Jampílek, associate of the Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia) and Palacký University in Olomouc (Czech Republic). Registration over the phone: 71 784 02 28. Place: library of the Department of Physical Chemistry and Biophysics, at 10:00.


12 April 2023 - lecture and seminar classes:

Investigations of Derivatives of Hydroxyarylcarboxylic Acids as Multi-Target Agents

in charge - Prof. Josef Jampílek, associate of the Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia) and Palacký University in Olomouc (Czech Republic). Registration over the phone: 71 784 02 28. Place: library of the Department of Physical Chemistry and Biophysics, at 10:00.