Quality Assurance and Management System compliant with the requirements of PN-EN ISO 20387:2021-01 (accreditation no BB 001 as of 26 September 2022, certificate validity date: 25 September 2026, scope of accreditation 1 of 26 September 2022) is implemented at:
Wroclaw Medical University Biobank
Head: Agnieszka Matera-Witkiewicz, PhD, MSc
50-556 Wrocław, ul. Borowska 211-211A,
T: +717840668, F: +717840668
The Polish Center for Accreditation confirmed that biobanking of human biological material, related data and information in the Biobank of Wroclaw Medical University meets the requirements of the PN-EN ISO 20387:2021-01 standard "Biotechnology - Biobanking - General requirements for biobanking". The accreditation proves the high quality of the processes implemented in the Biobank, the competence of the staff and the availability of the necessary, supervised infrastructure.