Sprawy kadrowe
Sprawy płacowe
Umowy cywilnoprawne
Sprawy socjalne
Pracownicze Plany Kapitałowe (PPK)
Instrukcja obsługi strony
Struktura organizacyjna
Wyjazdy zagraniczne
Przyjmowanie gości zagranicznych
Wyjazdy pracowników
Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej
Umowy międzynarodowe
Ochrona danych osobowych
Procedure - After Trip
The business or training trip should be settled within 14 days from the end of the trip as also stated in the Regulations for foreign trips at the Wroclaw Medical University. As a result, International Relations Department should be provided the documents upon return from the trip :
- Certificate of participation in the conference/course/research or other document confirming the completion of the business trip task,
- conference/seminar/training program,
- completed and signed Foreign Trip Cost Settlement form (available in the tab Formularze),
- invoice for airline tickets issued by the authorized Travel Agency (info on Contractor in Current News) or train/bus tickets (if applicable),
- original hotel bill (if applicable), regardless of its form of payment (bank transfer/card/cash)****. The bill will be implemented up to the limit specified in the Regulation of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy on the amount and conditions for determining the amounts due to an employee working in a state or local government budget unit for business travel outside the country, original bill for registration fee or other form of confirmation of the amount of this payment (if applicable)****,
- bank transfer confirmations - in case of payment of invoices from your own bank account.
****after submitting before the trip Payment Order to the International Relations Office: the Travelling Employee is obliged to provide the original invoice upon their return
WMU Data for Invoices
Wroclaw Medical University
Wyb. L. Pasteura 1
50-367 Wroclaw
NIP 896-000-57-79